Osud/L'Enfant; Grand Theatre, Leeds; 20/10/17

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  • ferneyhoughgeliebte
    Gone fishin'
    • Sep 2011
    • 30163

    Osud/L'Enfant; Grand Theatre, Leeds; 20/10/17

    From Opera North's current "Little Greats" season of pairs of shorter (mostly one-act) operas; both works on this programme were conducted by Martin André.

    Janacek's Osud is an odd-bod; I'd always thought it was an early work of the composer's, coming before Jenufa, but the programme made clear that it was, in fact written after - though before that work had been staged. Musically it is splendid - and the orchestration is astonishing; I last saw the work at the Colosseum when Opera South presented it (along with Weill's Kleine Mahagonny) in the early '80s, and I was surprised at how much of the Music I'd remembered from that time. I thought that last night's performance was a little lacking in the fire that I love from Janacek performances - and I think that this was because of the not-quite-strong-enough voices of the principal singers (John Graham-Hall and Giselle Adam) which led the conductor to rein-in the fantastic ON Orchestra from letting the Music rip. (Personally, I'd've [preferred it if the orchestra had been let free and let the singers look to themselves.

    But it's a daft plot - all the more frustrating for being two inches away from an excellent one - and it defeated director Annabel Arden and set designer Charles Edwards (and emphasized how the ON chorus needs an injection of a dozen or so younger singers if they want to play the roles of students). I f ever an opera cried out for Concert Performance, this is it.

    So - a smidgen disappointing for me, but useful at the very least for making me realize both that there is a great deal of great Music in this work and that I want to need to pay it a lot more attention.

    The production of L'Enfant et les Sortileges was a completely different kettle and cat - pretty damn near perfect, I thought. The same Director and Designer, but here relishing the challenges and opportunities that Collette's and Ravel's texts offered them right from the very start. Superb singing and acting (John Graham-Hall sounding much more confident as Tea-Pot - a hilariously [I]vulgar/I] performance - /Arithmetic/Tree Frog than I would have thought possible from the timid offering he presented in Osud) throughout - Wallis Giunta's Child sounded a little "mature", but her acting and performance was superb - as, indeed, was everyone's.

    Superb, too, of course was the playing of that wonderful orchestra, bringing out the colours of Ravel's impeccable orchestration, blending perfectly with the stage imagery (it's the other way round of course). It was suggested to me that the orchestral sound lacked some of the lushness the score demands - and was a little too "Poulencian" in it's linear approach - I see the point, but disagree with it: the lines of Ravel's writing in his post-War works I feel need this careful texturing - and where the score calls for it, the ON orchestra sounded as rich, warm, and lush (to me) as it needed to be.

    A great night out - for all the imperfections I felt at Osud - and enhanced by meeting and eating with friends old and new before and during the evening. Interesting demographics - Osud was very well attended (one of the largest audiences I've seen in the Grand theatre - and larger than that for the Jenufa a couple of years ago!); that for L'Enfant slightly smaller (as far as I could see), but with new people attending who hadn't been for the Janacek - including the very large chap who plonked himself into the seat immediately in front of mine and nearly broke my shins. (This happens not infrequently at the Grand!) Still - as there were a few seats empty for the Ravel further along my row, I was able move to a better viewpoint, and as soon as the opera started, shin pain was forgotten!
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
  • Pulcinella
    • Feb 2014
    • 11384

    General agreement with ferney's comments from me.

    It was good to meet up for a chat and a meal before the double bill. He has now, in the words of my partner, become a 'real' friend, rather than an 'imaginary' one I simply chat to on the forum!

    Yes, Osud is nonsense (what's so different from many operas there, though?), but it is/was difficult to keep any tension/momentum going in such a short work when there have to be significant scene change breaks. If the design had been slicker, I'm sure it would have helped. Certainly pleased to have seen it, but yes, concert performance (or indeed further listening to the CD at home) preferable.

    My partner and I had the edge on ferney in having seen previous productions of the Ravel, including the marvellous Glyndebourne Hockney one. While this production didn't reach those heights (and for me the playing was not sensuous enough), there were some very clever and humorous touches that will remain in the memory. Yes, the 'enfant', though far too old in both appearance and voice (for me), acted very well, and was involved in the action more than in the other productions. I particularly liked the ending, with 'Mamam' revealed as having been the squirrel, so there on stage, comforting her son, rather than just appearing behind a lighted window in the house at his final cry.

    My first visit to the theatre in Leeds, and I certainly hope not the last.


    • ferneyhoughgeliebte
      Gone fishin'
      • Sep 2011
      • 30163

      Originally posted by Pulcinella View Post
      Yes, Osud is nonsense (what's so different from many operas there, though?)
      Good question. I think that, with a work like The Magic Flute, the plot is so obviously bonkers that you can comfortably file it mentally under "symbolism" and get on with the immeasurable pleasures of listening to the Music (and - if the Hockney sets are used - admiring the scenery). Osud isn't like that - it's almost a verismo plot, but one which seems to have a couple of pages missing. I can imagine that the "cluttered" first Act (where the lovers' sweet nothings keep getting interrupted by various comic incidents) might work very well in a RomCom film - but squashed into this twenty-odd-minute Act, it just seemed congested. Again, in a film, more could be done to explain exactly which opera the heroine heard the composer-hero conducting, and make clear that this wasn't - or even was - the main opera that gets referred to throughout the rest of the Opera. And what happens to the corpse of the mother-in-law after they've thoughtfully scraped that of the heroine from the streets in order to bring back into the house to show to her son. And explained why the mother-in-law was so opposed to her daughter marrying a "penniless" composer (who'd nonetheless had a successful opera produced at the opera house under his own baton) that she went mad when the couple ran off together - even though the heroine had been living with her mother as an unmarried mother. And explained why ... etc etc etc. The plot very nearly made sort-of sense, but repeatedly kept failing the bridge the to-inch gap with credibility.

      Still - the Music makes up for it.

      (And it was a great delight to meet you both - not to mention a huge relief that the restaurant I'd recommended was so successful! )
      [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


      • Pulcinella
        • Feb 2014
        • 11384

        You're right, of course: a different sort of nonsense!

        Music from both still ringing/sounding in my ears (despite having subsequently listened to Il tabarro!), and there's the occasional chuckle from the thought of those preposterous frogs hopping around too.

        Oh, and great Thai noodles too!


        • ferneyhoughgeliebte
          Gone fishin'
          • Sep 2011
          • 30163

          The frogs were wonderful, weren't they!

          Seeing Makrop's Thread on the WNO House of the Dead, I should have mentioned that Osud was sung in English - though a translation that frequently missed where the word emphasis should lie ("I'm no more mad THAN either of you" sort-of thing).

          L'Enfant in French, of course.
          [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


          • kuligin
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 232

            Only just spotted this thread as I have been away.

            I went to the curious double bill of Trial by Jury and L Enfant. For a Friday I thought the audience was smaller than usual, perhaps the fans of Gand S wanted a whole work and those like me who came for the Ravel, would have preffered L Heure Espagnole as the coupling. The audience barely changed between the 2 works so I saw little evidence of people trying just one work, which would have been odd anyway as the Sullivan only lasted 30 minutes.

            I was disapointed by the Sullivan despite a good set as the singing was a bit underwhelming and diction poor.

            Things were much better with the Ravel, even the diction (I heard and understood more of the French than the Gilbert) and I agree with everything Ferney says apart from the production. Perhaps I was spoilt by the magical Glyndebourne production but I felt the producer made the house look a bit down market, the old boiler for the fire, for example ather than the comfortable middle class house I envisage. And why did the child not return to the safety of home at the end as in all other productions I have seen.

            Osud was coupled with Trouble in Tahiti, so I just went to Osud. A good production of a curious piece, too short for a whole evening a bit too long for a double bill, and Janacek seems to have paid little attention to the wife and mother in law who is far from being the fierce charecters seen in Jenufa and Kata. So a lot fell on John Graham Hall as the composer, he was a bit dry in Act 1 hardly the passionate young man but I felt he was much better in Acts 2 and 3 so to that extent I part company with Ferney. Great to hear this obscure piece which is not being staged anywhere else in the world in 2017 and 2018 according to Operabase.

            Looking forward to a normal season next year apart from the perenial Puccini which I really do not like, this one Act business smacks more of a marketting idea than musical planning to my mind.


            • ferneyhoughgeliebte
              Gone fishin'
              • Sep 2011
              • 30163

              Originally posted by kuligin View Post
              Osud was coupled with Trouble in Tahiti, so I just went to Osud. A good production of a curious piece, too short for a whole evening a bit too long for a double bill, and Janacek seems to have paid little attention to the wife and mother in law who is far from being the fierce charecters seen in Jenufa and Kata. So a lot fell on John Graham Hall as the composer, he was a bit dry in Act 1 hardly the passionate young man but I felt he was much better in Acts 2 and 3 so to that extent I part company with Ferney. Great to hear this obscure piece which is not being staged anywhere else in the world in 2017 and 2018 according to Operabase.
              The Osud/Tahiti pairing is to be broadcast on R3 on Sat 30th December, starting at 6:30.

              (Tom Redmond introduces with expert commentary from Nigel Simone.)
              [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


              • teamsaint
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 25302

                Trouble in Tahiti is available to watch until Nov 24, according to my northern spy.

                Opera North won terrific reviews for its production of Leonard Bernstein’s bittersweet one-act satire of suburban angst. To celebrate the great composer’s centenary you can watch the entire opera here, for free

                I'll pop this link onto the Bernstein thread too.
                I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                I am not a number, I am a free man.

