Rheingold from Paris (Thursday 9th June, 2pm)

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  • Bert Coules
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 763

    Rheingold from Paris (Thursday 9th June, 2pm)

    This seems to be nicely underway, with a cast largely unknown to me.

    Surprises both musical and dramatic are promised: I'm eagerly awaiting the entrance of Gunther as billed in the Radio Times, especially as he's played by that notable bass Fafner Groissbock.

  • Bert Coules
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 763

    Well, that was a really splendid performance, full of fire and guts and energy and not a little refinement. I recommend it. Walküre follows next week.

    Last edited by Bert Coules; 09-06-11, 15:45.


    • Flay
      Full Member
      • Mar 2007
      • 5795

      This has fallen nicely for me - my next mental "project" was to listen to and learn about The Ring. My ticket for Opera North's concert performance of Rheingold arrived yesterday, and I was looking at a synopsis before bed last night, unaware of today's performance. It will go on the ipod for leisurely listening later... :o)
      Pacta sunt servanda !!!


      • Bert Coules
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 763

        Flay, I hope you enjoy the performance. I'd also recommend a newcomer to the Ring to listen to the ENO recording: not only is the musical standard very high, the (excellent) English version by Andrew Porter brings the drama vividly and immediately to life. Opera in translation doesn't appeal to everyone, I realise, but if you've a taste for it there's no finer way of getting to know the work. Following a German language performance with a translation, either in a score or on its own, is next best.

        As I said above, today's broadcast also came over, for me at least, as vivid and gripping. I was especially impressed with the vocal dynamics: some lovely soft singing, both for entire phrases and, occasionally, for single words in the middle of a louder moment: very effective. Don't expect absolute recording-studio multi-take perfection, obviously, but let the excitement of the event take you with it.

        Last edited by Bert Coules; 09-06-11, 19:45.


        • Chris Newman
          Late Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 2100

          Hi, Bert and Flay,
          I have just listened to the Paris Opera Ring. It has an impressive cast (the Rheinmaidens at the start were gorgeous sounding). Wotan's Scandinavian sounding voice suits the part: well a lot of the legend stems from Scandinavia. The brass are the glory of the orchestra (strings variable but should improve as the cycle progresses).

          I agree that the Goodall ENO cycle is good for getting into the Ring. It is worth mentioning that the reviewer from the Berliner Zeitung, when hearing Andrew Porter's English translation, declared that the English were fortunate that it was so clear and he hoped that Porter would translate the Ring back into German so that Germans could understand what Wagner really meant when he wrote his archaic German libretto.

          If you are going to buy a Ring in German, on CD (apart from Reggie Goodall) I recommend any conductor whose surname begins with a K. On DVD, the fabulous new Zubin Mehta version from Valencia (C Major label) knocks every version off the shelf. A dream young cast with a fabulous orchestra and staging by the modern circus company La Fura dels Baus take the breath away both musically and visually. Although it is staged live it is straight out of the hi-tech world of modern film: extra-ordinary does not do justice to the achievement.


          • Bert Coules
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 763

            Originally posted by Chris Newman View Post
            On DVD, the fabulous new Zubin Mehta version from Valencia (C Major label) knocks every version off the shelf. A dream young cast with a fabulous orchestra and staging by the modern circus company La Fura dels Baus take the breath away both musically and visually.
            I agree with that: the Rheingold especially is magnificent, with the descent into Nibelheim being one of the most spectacular bits of staging, operatic or otherwise, that I've ever seen.

            I do wish though that the video director hadn't included cutaways during the performance to Mehta and the orchestra. It doesn't happen often but for me at least, rather breaks the spell when it does. Actually, as so often with filmed-live performances I would have preferred a single continuous unbroken shot of the entire stage taken from a premium seat in the centre stalls or front row of the dress circle. There were times (again, as usual) when what I wanted to look at wasn't what the director thought I wanted to look at.

            But warmly recommended, none the less.



            • Pianorak
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 3129

              Originally posted by Bert Coules View Post
              . . . I do wish though that the video director hadn't included cutaways during the performance to Mehta and the orchestra. . .
              Probably even more irritating “cutaways” have ruined (at least for me) the DVD of the Paris “Werther” with Kaufmann and Koch. In fact, the one viewing almost put me off my favourite Massenet.

              Long live sound recordings!
              My life, each morning when I dress, is four and twenty hours less. (J Richardson)


              • Stunsworth
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 1553

                Originally posted by Chris Newman View Post
                On DVD, the fabulous new Zubin Mehta version from Valencia (C Major label) knocks every version off the shelf. A dream young cast with a fabulous orchestra and staging by the modern circus company La Fura dels Baus take the breath away both musically and visually.
                There's also a budget priced 2 hour sampler DVD for anyone wanting to dip their toes into these particular waters before buying the complete set. I watched this at the weekend - though I have the Blu-Ray version rather than the DVD), and am very temped to buy the full set - £70 or so from Amazon. Excellent pictures and sound.


                • DracoM
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 13027

                  Full of characterful singing, genuine drama and edge. Sounds pretty damn good to me.


                  • DracoM
                    • Mar 2007
                    • 13027

                    .......sorry, that's the PARIS Rheingold, not Mehta.


                    • Chris Newman
                      Late Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 2100

                      Don't worry, DracoM, both Rheingolds, Paris and Valencia (Mehta), are pretty stunning sounding.


                      • Chris Newman
                        Late Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 2100

                        I am about to start a new thread to cover the Paris Walkure.

                        Please note that checking the schedules it begins on Wednesday 15th June at 14.00 in the afternoon with Act 1. Act 2 is on Thursday 16th and Act 3on Friday 17th.

                        Happy listening.

