Originally posted by Heldenleben
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As for the Nazi thing, yes, you were right, and initially I too thought we'd be getting something along those lines, as the Nazis persecuted masons along with many other groups. But perhaps fortunately we did not go down that particular route with this production!
This was about traditional male societies or the clubs within them, making the point that they get hung up on rules and forget the true purposes for which they were founded.
I suspect Holten chose freemasonry because it is a universal example - where White's or Boodles would not 'travel' so well outside London, let alone to China and Australia where this staging will be seen.
As I said earlier, all of this was a sound and an interesting idea. It was then seriously let down by the stagecraft at certain points, being lumbered with one set throughout, and then Eva's reaction to Walther joining the guild. Though I minded the latter point less, as it made some sort of rational sense if one buys in to Holten's setting, period and approach to the work.
Emotionally of course, it is profoundly unsatisfying, unless one takes the view that one should 'correct' certain works to make them fit the mores of our time. (In which case, erm, you go girl!)