Die Meistersinger at the ROH

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  • Prommer
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 1275

    Originally posted by Heldenleben View Post
    I think the Times review , though harsher than Christiansen , is pretty acute . Initially I thought the opening was set in an organ loft as well- what a nice idea I thought . It was only when the waiters came on that I twigged what was happening . With the somewhat indeterminate Pre war time setting when the Masters entered complete with Masonic regalia I spent quite a lot time worrying that Act three might end with a Nazi round up of the persecuted masons - along the lines of the Austrian infantry 'going - over-the-top ' at the end of the recent ROH Rosenkavalier - I am not making this up.
    Many masonic lodges have organs in them, as music is often played during their ceremonies, so there is actually nothing inconsistent with that. Freemasons' Hall - just a stone's throw from Covent Garden - is one such example. The art deco touches to the set are also typical of such buildings. Whether most people would get that is of course another matter, so it may have confused some. (I add at this point that this is why many talked of it being a hotel - encouraged by sight of the waiters etc...)

    As for the Nazi thing, yes, you were right, and initially I too thought we'd be getting something along those lines, as the Nazis persecuted masons along with many other groups. But perhaps fortunately we did not go down that particular route with this production!

    This was about traditional male societies or the clubs within them, making the point that they get hung up on rules and forget the true purposes for which they were founded.

    I suspect Holten chose freemasonry because it is a universal example - where White's or Boodles would not 'travel' so well outside London, let alone to China and Australia where this staging will be seen.

    As I said earlier, all of this was a sound and an interesting idea. It was then seriously let down by the stagecraft at certain points, being lumbered with one set throughout, and then Eva's reaction to Walther joining the guild. Though I minded the latter point less, as it made some sort of rational sense if one buys in to Holten's setting, period and approach to the work.

    Emotionally of course, it is profoundly unsatisfying, unless one takes the view that one should 'correct' certain works to make them fit the mores of our time. (In which case, erm, you go girl!)
    Last edited by Prommer; 13-03-17, 11:39.


    • Ein Heldenleben
      Full Member
      • Apr 2014
      • 7258

      It's funny initially I thought this is the organ loft at St Katharine's - clever . I couldn't see the quasi - Masonic banner above the stage as it was hidden by the subtitles . It wasn't till the entrance if the masters that I cottoned on and to be honest my heart sank : pre- war Germany , masons - how is this going to end etc ?
      I think the problem with using quasi- freemasonry as a theme is that it brings so much baggage with it : from the Magic Flute through to images of businessmen puffing on cigars and carving things up between them. All very unfair I know . In fact freemasonry has welcomed quite a few creative artists over the years - might well have given Walther instant membership. Not sure how big it is in Japan though....was Pinkerton a mason?


      • Ein Heldenleben
        Full Member
        • Apr 2014
        • 7258

        Apologies Prommer : I misread Japan for China. Freemasonry is banned in China so that throws up yet another layer of meaning for performance there I guess.


        • Prommer
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 1275

          Originally posted by Heldenleben View Post
          Apologies Prommer : I misread Japan for China. Freemasonry is banned in China so that throws up yet another layer of meaning for performance there I guess.
          I wonder if the ROH team has thought of this?? I assume that may be why in all the pre-briefing they just talked about 'clubs'.


          • Ein Heldenleben
            Full Member
            • Apr 2014
            • 7258

            I think there's enough wriggle room - despite the aprons ( and organ ! ) I couldn't see much else in the way of Masonic symbolism and don't quite a few US male booster 'clubs ' have Masonic style aprons and regalia without being full-on Freemasons ? Though those sorts of clubs are no doubt banned in China as well. Looking at wiki freemasonry seems to be well-established in Taiwan which may or may not help things .
            Just trying to think of all the Chinese who've perhaps never seen the opera before who will soon believe Eva strops off at the end . Oh well.....


            • Darkbloom
              Full Member
              • Feb 2015
              • 710

              Originally posted by Heldenleben View Post
              However I have to say Bryn Terfel was magnificent as Sachs
              It's been a long time since I've been able to feel that way about Terfel. Too often he sounds rough and shouty to me and from the reviews I've read several have commented that his voice sounded rather worn, although that's been true for at least the last ten years.


              • David-G
                Full Member
                • Mar 2012
                • 1216

                I shall be going later in the run, so shall reserve judgement. Having said that, the reviews seem to be in broad agreement - and reading them, my feeling is that I am likely to find myself in agreement with their views. I shall therefore be going with considerable qualms.

                For the record, I thought "Onegin" a disaster, unforgiveable - and "Don Giovanni" an equal disaster. I saw each twice, and the second viewing only confirmed my opinion. The only Holten productions that I have found successful were "King Roger" and the marvellous "L'Ormindo" at the Sam Wanamaker.


                • Nick Armstrong
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 26628

                  A piece about the production coming up on Newsnight...
                  "...the isle is full of noises,
                  Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                  Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                  Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                  • Prommer
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 1275

                    Will take a look...!


                    • Richard Tarleton

                      Interesting....I'm none the wiser as to how it's about Brexit - how is it about Brexit? I get that Eva at the end is rejecting populism....


                      • Ein Heldenleben
                        Full Member
                        • Apr 2014
                        • 7258

                        Thanks Caliban for the tip off -a good film I thought. So rare to see a news piece on opera sadly. The Brexit connection was one of the few I didn't make after seeing the rehearsal last week. I was more going down the Marxist line of Eva's rejection of her capitalistic commodification by the bourgeois forces of the Mastersingers , the dinner -suited claque who made up 'das Volk' and their adopted aristocrat lackey Walther. How wrong I was . Seriously though - isn' t KH a hands-on director ? Really moving them around - like puppets ?


                        • Cockney Sparrow
                          Full Member
                          • Jan 2014
                          • 2303

                          Well, if opinion is divided, there is hope for when we go. (And yes, shutting ones eyes is always an option.....). Looking at the cast list, I see one Simon Biazeck is name checked as one of the apprentices......


                          • Richard Tarleton

                            Originally posted by Heldenleben View Post
                            The Brexit connection was one of the few I didn't make after seeing the rehearsal last week.
                            Something to do with the club coming apart - is that it? KH seems to think these things only exist in London, I suppose we can be grateful he didn't stage it in Muirfield Golf Club


                            • Prommer
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 1275

                              My question too, Richard!

                              I had read the prepub about it being something to do with Brexit, so was expecting provocative 'Take back control' banners or something, but any such anti-populist message was only really conveyed by the idea of the people pumping up Sachs to deliver his final exhortations, and by Eva's interpolated strop-off (i.e. recoiling from such grandstanding).

                              However, I thought she was rejecting the patriarchy of the guild, horrified by Walther's last minute embrace of it, not populism as such. In other words, a feminist message got rather confused with an anti-populist one.

                              They are surely not quite the same thing.


                              • David-G
                                Full Member
                                • Mar 2012
                                • 1216

                                Originally posted by Heldenleben View Post
                                ... along the lines of the Austrian infantry 'going - over-the-top ' at the end of the recent ROH Rosenkavalier ...
                                Oh heavens that was awful! Don't remind me.

