2016 Bayreuth Ring on Sky Arts

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  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    Originally posted by Bert Coules View Post
    Was it Wieland or Wolfgang who directed the notorious "Kiss Me, Eva" Meistersinger where Hans Sachs was played as a crushing old bore whom nobody took any notice of?


    • grandchant
      Full Member
      • Jan 2012
      • 58

      An opinion on the crocs (and much else)

      Established in 2007, The Wagner Journal is the world’s leading periodical devoted exclusively to Wagner studies.


      • Bert Coules
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 763

        It's an entirely personal reaction of course, but I find that kind of intellectual, analytical approach to theatre completely alienating. And I can't help but think that it represents the very antithesis of the unconscious, visceral, purely emotional immersion in the experience that Wagner was aiming for.
        Last edited by Bert Coules; 07-08-16, 02:06.


        • VodkaDilc

          I've only just got around to watching this - who says that you have lots of spare time when you are retired?

          Musically it was wonderful, with very strong singers in most of the major roles. The production, however, became increasingly tedious, culminating in an appalling final act, which seemed to deliberately miss the main points of The Ring. I felt that Janowski got it right when, in interview with Stephen Fry, he said that he just attends to the music and tries to ignore what happens on stage. Wise words! As others have said, it is shocking that directors find it impossble to follow the detailed staging instructions given by Wagner.

          Stephen Fry and his interviewees were much better than I expected. They did little for first timers, but provided interesting thoughts for those who knew the operas well. A brave decision I thought. Full credit too for giving all the curtain calls - and without comment. Other television organisations would have provided gushing voice-overs and would have made drastic cuts, in order to stop channel hopping. Sky presented it as it was - take it or leave it. I hope they do more in the future.


          • Lento
            Full Member
            • Jan 2014
            • 646

            I liked the comments from Fry's interviewees, one of whom said he'd stopped trying to think about the production, plus Janowski's implication that he was basically holding his nose and concentrating on conducting the music. I'm sure they needed their drink!


            • VodkaDilc

              Originally posted by Stanley Stewart View Post
              Content to have vivid memories of the ENO Ring cycle in the 70s- used to be discounted at £15 in the gods for the whole cycle - and was again stirred to view my off-air video/DVD transfer of a fine documentary, The Quest for Reggie Goodall, (1985-62mins), as the best substitute; he concentrated on the score and its meaning in several rehearsal extracts, including his engagement at WNO.
              This was certainly hugely preferable to the version recently televised. I didn't see Goodall's Ring as a complete cycle, but saw most or all of the installments over a period of several years. I think this included at least one of them in Oxford; in those days ENO was a frequent visitor. I well remember seeing the final act of The Valkyrie from the cheap seats in the balcony. Being well up on Brunnhilde's rock, I saw nothing but the characters' feet for the whole act. No worries though; at least we had a rock. Something which directors like Castorf should note.


              • VodkaDilc

                Originally posted by Lento View Post
                I liked the comments from Fry's interviewees, one of whom said he'd stopped trying to think about the production, plus Janowski's implication that he was basically holding his nose and concentrating on conducting the music. I'm sure they needed their drink!
                Though the final two interviewees (I'm afraid I don't recall their names - two youngish German men) were very enthusiastic about the production. Even Stephen Fry had much to say in its credit.

                But I'm sure they were in the minority.


                • Barbirollians
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 11984

                  Is this the same production as has appeared on Sky Arts this year . The first few minutes of Rheingold in a sleazy hotel with a run down swimming pool put me right off .

