Band excellent, good Wotan, nice pacing, fun Loge, but I'm afraid that plummy voice production and vibrato did for me.
Opera North: Ring
Originally posted by Bert Coules View PostA pity though that the rest of the cycle is only available online.
Originally posted by Flay View PostMy life, each morning when I dress, is four and twenty hours less. (J Richardson)
Originally posted by Pulcinella View PostYes, looks like the rest are available only online; details here:
Recorded last night's TV transmission and transferred it from HD to DVD overnight. Must view it again as I felt rather indifferent to the production and would have preferred a basic platform performance, free from wide screen sectional impositions, which frequently intruded on the action at key points. I understand the intention but its use must be sparingly used for efficacy.
I've always felt that a dramatic intelligence illuminates every crevice of this conversational saga and it seems vital that the audience can grasp the ensemble nuances, each inextricably in the actions of others as are the themes in the score - the orchestral performance was the highlight for me. Initially, I was cross that the rest of the cycle can only been seen online when the BBC clear the schedules for sport with generous time for the usual post-game discussion but I'll now seek mettle more attractive.
And, yes, I'm also aware that I was around at a time when the ENO found a new confidence after the move to The Coliseum in 1968 and Reginald Goodall/Charles Mackerras conducted a Ring cycle, my first, with a high definition performance in the early 70s which I've never seen equalled. Several biographies have discussed the months of preparation with Reggie in his Valhalla and its fruits could be heard in the theatre. Norman Bailey, Alberto Remedios, Rita Hunter, Gregory Dempsey, and Emile Belcourt's, silky Loge matched his wit deliciously with Derek Hammond Stroud's' scary Alberich which seemed leaden at Leeds.
Originally posted by mercia View Postthat page says they are all available to watch until 22 August, but when you go to the iplayer Rheingold is only available for "29 days".
Originally posted by Bryn View PostProbably just an error. However, the less good news is that the audio in the iPlayer files is only 128kbps AAC-LC. That's only 40% of the data rate for Radio 3.
Originally posted by makropulos View PostHow odd. I don't quite understand that - the sound on the HD that I've downloaded comes across superbly on my equipment.
After last week's disspiriting Rheingold, I hastened to find an antidote which restoreth my soul and my eye fell on the 1965 off-air video of the Golden Ring, VPO, 110 players, conducted by Georg Solti at the Vienna Sofiensaal and produced by John Culshaw for Decca with a cast who could meet the demands of the Wagnerian timescale. It remains an enthralling experience and I was fascinated by the articulate rehearsal discussions and the admirable self-control of all concerned and understood the warm smile between Dietrich - F-D and Claire Watson when they both coped with several Solti piano rehearsal reservations and his expression of satisfaction which told them 'they'd got it'! Time always at a premium and Humphrey Burton, presenter, commented on the need to avoid too much minutiae in rehearsals 'or you get into Anna Russell territory!; Gradually, you sensed that the aim was to capture the drama of the situation as well as the music- even on the rigorous close checks in the control room for the best takes for the final tracks. The decision to aim for long takes to avoid the danger of chopping down sequences. The choice of Wagnerian steerhorns, rather than trombones for Hagen's scary summons of the vassals. I could well understand the comment that there is no relaxation in the evening because the performers are still living in an area of unnatural intensity. Made me reflect on the audience reaction, too, when you see your first Ring cycle in close proximity, day-to-day routine almost annexed! The only prank throughout was the final take in Gotterdammerung when Brunnhilde's horse, Grane, was led into the recording studio to much surprise and hilarity.
I hope this magnificent and reassuring documentary is still in circulation.
The 'Golden Ring' is still available. I know it is included in Decca's latest remastering of the Solti Ring. It's great that we have in the Opera North Orchestra, and Richard Farnes, musicians that can equal and, IMO, often surpass what the VPO could achieve in the 1960s. The singers may not be Hotter, Windgassen or Nilsson but I found them all convincing and their performances kept me involved throughout. I've dipped into all the operas at the the big moments and can't wait to get time to listen and watch continuously through each one. The sound is superb as it would be with Mike Hatch and Floating Earth involved. Mind you the BBC sound from Gateshead was equally impressive so it's great that we have two recordings to sample of this fantastic production.
The DVD of The Golden Ring is available here:
... a wonderful document of times past to go alongside the en-spiriting ON Ring Cycle. I am delighted to read jonfan's comments, and am sorry to see that Stanley wasn't impressed with the "televised" (is that still the right word when it isn't on the telly?) version - but I can see that, squeezed onto a TV/computer screen the total effect remembered from the Live experience is lacking.[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Dare I slip in here the intriguing and live Kaspar Holten Copenhagen Ring Cycle on Youtube.
Wotan - Johan ReuterDonner - Hans LawaetzFroh - Johnny van Hal Loge - Michael Kristensen Fasolt - Stephen Milling Fafner - Christian Christiansen Alberich - ...
Good singing, band in very good nick. And almost all the singers are Copenhagen Royal Opera regulars. Impressive.
Originally posted by DracoM View PostDare I slip in here the intriguing and live Kaspar Holten Copenhagen Ring Cycle on Youtube.
Good singing, band in very good nick. And almost all the singers are Copenhagen Royal Opera regulars. Impressive.