Originally posted by underthecountertenor
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I do encourage you to go again. I have been three times now and it has been well worth while. Last night I heard Angelini in place of Florez. He was very fine. Not so fluent at the top as Florez, but basically a better actor, and a more believable Orphee as a tragic figure. The grief in Act 1 was more palpable, particularly when the music comes to a pause, and he sings: "Euridice is no more, while I still live; Gods, give her renewed life, or give me death!" Unforgettable.
I was particularly struck in this production by the transition from Act 1 to Act 2. A myriad of spotlights shine through holes in the sloping ceiling, creating patches of light on the raised stage. The light beams are visible in the haze in the air, and look like a sort of forest - and from the rear of this forest, initially obscured by the light beams, emerge the blessed spirits, wearing the most beautiful costumes which grade from white at the top to a deep turquoise blue below. The beauty of this scene quite took the breath away.
Not much mention has been made of the costumes in general, which deserve the highest praise.
I was struck again by the excellence of JEG's conducting. Every tempo seemed perfectly judged, likewise every shade of the phrasing and articulation.
And I was again struck by the organic flow of the dance, always ultra-sensitive to the music, which kept up movement and interest in what can be rather a static opera.