got in late thanks to rail disruption so missed any announcements
What happened to prevent txm of La Clemenza this evening, 15 Feb ?
Thanks - just downloaded it - seems it was over by 8.20pm which was about the time I switched on the radio - mainly to get a feel as to whether to down load it later but all I heard was the fill in music - since I had been up at 5.30am to return from IoM and having spent 6hrs getting back by rail from Liverpool thanks to a signal failure in the Rugby area I posted the query and went for an early bed.
The Radio 3 Saturday operas now standardly start at 6 pm, which leaves me rushing in from gardening (when it's light enough) and then with an empty space later in the evening if the opera isn't very long. They are also now rarely live, and the interviews/talks/synopses that come between the acts tend not to be as long as the interval would be in a live performance (although I could have done without the one in the middle of Act 2 of Traviata a week ago), so the overall time is shorter.