ENO funding cuts

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  • amateur51

    Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
    If you're referring to my comment about the difficulties of touring productions designed for a large stage, I was supporting/reinforcing a comment up thread suggesting that a large part of ENO's difficulties in selling enough (full price) seats derived from them opting for a very large theatre. That decision seems to have created a number of problems, both financial and artistic.
    I couldn't agree more Flossie - in many ways it's a terrible building but it's there and it may even be listed


    • amateur51

      Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
      Rather fewer of the wealthier busineses who might want the publicity & 'feel-good factor' (and potential for corporate entertainment)are located outside London.

      Of course, I wouldn't expect anyone based in London to agree with the suggestion that London gets rather more than its fair share of the cake and icing than anywhere else.

      (on the general topic of opera, did anyone else see any irony in Saturday's discussion on whether opera is elitist or not coming from Glyndebourn?)
      When I was involved professionally in quango-based and independent grant-making I worked very hard to get funding to areas of unmet need, as many funders do (the majority of the larger independents and all the Lottery-funders do this, in response to a well-made case) so I am familiar with the issues that you mention and some of the approaches to tackling them.

      The fact that I choose to live in London speaks for itself


      • Honoured Guest

        As with the Radio 3 offer, the sane trick is to make the most of what's available. If you live on a hilltop in Snowdonia, don't wail that ENO doesn't bring you a Terry Gilliam production. But do attend, or participate in, The Gathering when National Theatre Wales and partners produce it locally. http://nationaltheatrewales.org/gathering-yr-helfa


        • Flosshilde
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 7988

          Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
          I couldn't agree more Flossie - in many ways it's a terrible building but it's there and it may even be listed
          It probably is, but just because it's there doesn't mean they had to occupy it. I'm sure AL-W could have made a going concern of it.


          • amateur51

            Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
            It probably is, but just because it's there doesn't mean they had to occupy it. I'm sure AL-W could have made a going concern of it.
            Don't encourage him

            Would you say the same if there was a Glaswegian building in need of an owner? Think on!!


            • Flosshilde
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 7988

              I'm sure I have! The key is to find an appropriate owner & use - one that's sustainable.


              • MrGongGong
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                • Nov 2010
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                Originally posted by mercia View Post
                And I appreciate its not the Arts Council's fault that there aren't as many arts organisations in the regions to give money to.
                Some of it is
                (but not all)

