Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte
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Opera North Gotterdammerung
Black Swan
Originally posted by kuligin View PostI see Dutchman is to be a concert performance too.
At least in Manchester I find this concert Ring is second best after the recent Halle concert performances, with magnificent brass playing as can be heard on the recording
Originally posted by Flay View Post[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Originally posted by Flay View Post
ON have said that the problem with the Grand is the size of the pit.
However it's probably best to avoid a full production anyway, remembering that when Scottish Opera did theirs, it overstretched them to the point where the company came close to financial destruction.
Also, I don't think the projections are all that great really. At best they're OK, but they can be at odds with what's actually happening in the music. At the start of Götterdämmerung we get a marvellous orchestral prelude setting the scene perfectly; nothing else is required; but whoever designed the projection seems to think there's nothing happening so let's recap the end of the previous part of the ring. Can't have the audience with nothing to watch. It was the same at the start of Siegfried last year. Some of the final projections about how - yes, everything's come full circle - were a bit patronising, especially as the Ring is about a good deal more than that. Before anyone tells me, yes, I know I can close my eyes.
Superb performance in Brum on Saturday.
I managed to switch seats to the front row from the second act onwards. Jo Pohlheim as Alberich has to be seen to be believed:it's a bravura performance. Those black gloves were a great touch.
If Pohlheim is doing Rheingold next year, I'll be there.
ON May have made a virtue of necessity with this concert production but it was a lot more dramatically satisfying than the last debacle at the Garden.
I went to yesterday's Salford perfomance. . The projections were tasteful andd enhanced the experience.. An excellent cast with Alwyn Mellor as a superb Brunnhilde, and Rhinemaidens to die for. The men's chorus processing off during Siegfried's Death Music was an inspired idea. And the Orchestra of Opera North (apart from a few lapses of concentration early in Act III) merely confirm my already high opinion of this band.
It's almost a crime that there are allegedly no suitable venues to stage The Ring. To me, this potentially great performance was a soggy compromise. There was a pretence at acting on the tiny strip at the front of the stage, but Brunnhilde had to pretend to hold a spear (ditto Hagen) and the dead Siegfried had to join the death procession on foot all the way home. Yet the Norns did have props.
On the way there, we stopped at a service station on the M62. I met a work colleague, who said he was on his way to the performance himself. I asked him where he was sitting. "With the off-stage horns" was his reply.