Any doubts about Petrenko's way with Elgar were quickly dispelled last night for me. As usual he gave his all and emphasised the sheer blazing energy of the Second Symphony, not, however, at the expense of the more reflective and poignant moments, those dying falls which are oh so Elgarian. On the basis of this performance I'd certainly confer honorary membership of the Elgar Society on him!

I'd not encountered Kirill Gerstein before. Apparently he has gained a reputation for his jazz pianism as well as classical performances and this came out in perhaps the most glitteringly virtuosic account of Rachmaninov's Paganini Rhapsody I've ever heard live, bringing out the jazzy syncopations of Rachmaninov's score to brilliant effect. The Russian ladies sitting next to me were in ecstasies.
The energy and commitment that characterised the whole concert were present from the start in Petrenko's conducting of Berlioz's Le Corsaire overture.
Any other members present?

I'd not encountered Kirill Gerstein before. Apparently he has gained a reputation for his jazz pianism as well as classical performances and this came out in perhaps the most glitteringly virtuosic account of Rachmaninov's Paganini Rhapsody I've ever heard live, bringing out the jazzy syncopations of Rachmaninov's score to brilliant effect. The Russian ladies sitting next to me were in ecstasies.
The energy and commitment that characterised the whole concert were present from the start in Petrenko's conducting of Berlioz's Le Corsaire overture.
Any other members present?