Music That Makes You ANGRY!!!

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  • Don Petter

    Originally posted by StephenO View Post
    I've tried to think of music that makes me angry but all I can come up with is the piped rubbish you get in most supermarkets (with the honourable exception of Waitrose) and the thump-thump emanating from certain people's cars.
    The piped music in pubs and elsewhere is extremely annoying. Particularly when it is turned on after you have been there a little while. (If it had been on when we entered, we wouldn't have stayed!)

    An increasing frustration of late is that even in cafes and restaurants which purport to have no music, there is often a radio droning on from the kitchen area through a half open door.


    • Mahlerei

      Eek, Sal, do you really not care for the last movement of Beethoven's 9th? When it's done well I too find it inspiring.

      Now where did I put my tin hat?

      On topic: music doesn't make me angry, though Otello's treatment of Desdemona could be the exception.


      • Mandryka

        I think I can see what salymap means.....Beecham's comment about a 'Mr. Gladstone of music' always strikes me as being right on the money where the final movement is concerned.
        Last edited by Guest; 28-02-11, 19:32.


        • Serial_Apologist
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 38155

          Originally posted by Mahlerei View Post
          Eek, Sal, do you really not care for the last movement of Beethoven's 9th? When it's done well I too find it inspiring.

          Now where did I put my tin hat?
          Have to agree with sal on this one: that finale is an artistic mistake. The first two movements are also too long and too repetitive imv - a pov I also have towards the scherzo of the Seventh. Beethoven could be such an insistent boor at times; someone must have told him though, before he started work on his last quartets, thankfully!



          • Curalach

            I really cannot think of any music that actually makes me angry. The mis-use of music can certainly annoy. I have already cited Muzak (in all its forms) on another thread and poor performances or performance practices can also annoy. It's usually people that annoy, not the music, unless it's badly written.
            I recently heard Rachmaninov's Second Concerto in Glasgow performed by a young pianist, Alice Sara Ott, who was new to me. She plays well enough and in bare feet! The latter however caused her to stamp her heels on the platform every time she pedalled. It was like a percussion obbligato!
            In other words, she could play the piano but had not the first idea about how to perform in front of a paying public in a way that put the music, and her responsibility to the composer, first. That annoyed me.
            Anger suggests something more visceral than annoyance together with a lack of self control. I cannot imagine being angry at music itself


            • Bryn
              • Mar 2007
              • 24688

              It's the so-called slow movent of the Ninth which all too often makes me angry, but that's because, as with so many Beethoven 'slow' movements, it is most often played far, far slower than he clearly indicated he wanted it played, and as Ries attested, Beethoven got pretty angry himself with such dragging out of his tempi.


              • Roehre

                Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                Have to agree with sal on this one: that finale is an artistic mistake. The first two movements are also too long and too repetitive imv - a pov I also have towards the scherzo of the Seventh. Beethoven could be such an insistent boor at times; someone must have told him though, before he started work on his last quartets, thankfully!
                Re the finale I immediately agree.
                As far as the 1st mvt is concerned: on the contrary, here I'm afraid I have to disagree, as IMO it's the most powerful orchestal piece/mvt of Beethoven's.
                The scherzo can be very boring indeed if not played well, i.e. creating the contrasts which the score bears in it, but which are not always straightforwardly clear (underplaying or even ignoring the ritmo di tre batutte as well as the ritmo di quattre batutte makes it a kind of finale of Mendelssohn's Italian symphony, e.g.).


                • Roehre

                  Originally posted by Curalach View Post
                  I really cannot think of any music that actually makes me angry. The mis-use of music can certainly annoy. I have already cited Muzak (in all its forms) on another thread and poor performances or performance practices can also annoy. It's usually people that annoy
                  The same applies to me.
                  Muzak, thump-thump-thump, and arrangements like Andre Rieu's are the most likely candidates to increase my blood pressure and/or to make me angry. I recently walked out of an in terms of quality of food excellent restaurant where the muzak was Mozart's Requiem accompanied by a drum base thump-thump-thump

                  (PS: I am NOT the Queen's Master of Musick )


                  • salymap
                    Late member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 5969

                    I must admit,as Mario will know, that I was influenced by Hornspieler on the old MBs about the last movement of the Choral, but I found that I agreed with HS , who put the argument against it far better than I can.


                    • Auferstehen2

                      Salymap, the less I say about THAT "Beethoven is dead" thread, the better, I feel!

                      PS (And I STILL think Hornspieler is wrong about the "bombastic" finale!)

                      Best wishes,



                      • Bryn
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 24688

                        Be fair, it can sound pretty bombastic if played badly. Perhaps that's what HS was used to.


                        • Auferstehen2



                          • Cellini

                            Originally posted by Bryn View Post
                            Be fair, it can sound pretty bombastic if played badly. Perhaps that's what HS was used to.
                            Well, he is a horn player ...


                            • Auferstehen2

                              Hey Cellini, do professionals gang up on each other like this?



                              • Bryn
                                • Mar 2007
                                • 24688

                                Originally posted by Auferstehen2 View Post
                                ... do professionals gang up on each other like this?

                                Only in every profession.

