Kent Nagano conducts Bruckner 8 on Skyarts 2 today

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  • teamsaint
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 25288


    Missed it. misread the thread title and went looking for Bruckner 2 on Skyarts 8.

    And after 2 hours searching , there it was, gone in the blink on an eye.
    I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

    I am not a number, I am a free man.


    • VodkaDilc

      Originally posted by teamsaint View Post

      Missed it. misread the thread title and went looking for Bruckner 2 on Skyarts 8.

      And after 2 hours searching , there it was, gone in the blink on an eye.
      EIGHT Sky Arts channels really would be a luxury.


      • teamsaint
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 25288

        Right . Regarding Sky ownership.

        Sky has been allowed to create near monopolies. This has vastly increased the cost of sports, (for instance) to the paying public.

        There is little in the way of a real market (the C21 god , or so we are told).
        In fact it is a sorry tale of the way that modern businesses get big authorities in their pocket, and use their position to take our cash.

        If you want to watch football in the country now, you pay treble the historic cost to see it live, or pay £40 a month to watch it on the telly.
        An awful lot of people are excluded because of this.

        It doesn't have to be like this. Actually, I don't think it will stay like this despite , for instance, the BBC joining in a fight to stop unauthorised streams of content that isn't even theirs.
        I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

        I am not a number, I am a free man.


        • pastoralguy
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 7910

          When HMV introduced their budget priced "Music for Pleasure" LPs, it generated interest in their "Classics for Pleasure" same price selections which included many fine performances.
          We tend to mock Classic FM - but it's a start for people to become more interested in hearing complete performances of wider ranging classical music on Radio 3.


          Well said, HS. I've been going through some of my late Father's effects and found an old CfP tape of John Pritchard and Peter Katin playing the Grieg concerto coupled with 'Peer Gynt'. (Released 1971). It brought back so many memories of my introduction to classical music when I played it into extinction. In fact, as I upgraded my hi-fi equipment the Grieg tape was usually the first one played. Later on, I bought many CfP tapes, records and CDs.


          • Hornspieler
            Late Member
            • Sep 2012
            • 1847

            Originally posted by VodkaDilc View Post
            I'm another in agreement with Mr Pee. Just over £1 a day is a real bargain. (I pay a bit more, but I like films, so I add the Movies option.) No-one's mentioned the sheer convenience and efficiency of satellite television, complete with Sky+. (I know other satellite options are available.) As for criticising Sky because of its ownership, this must be on the same level as the salesmen who accost people about their power suppliers. "Do you know that np***r is a foreign-owned firm", I have been asked. "Do you want to get your electricity from a foreign company?" My stock reply is "I don't care who owns the companies I use, as long as the product and service are good. Now excuse me, because my Volkswagen is parked in a limited-stay car-park."

            At last! A realistic approach!



            • amateur51

              Originally posted by VodkaDilc View Post
              I'm another in agreement with Mr Pee. Just over £1 a day is a real bargain. (I pay a bit more, but I like films, so I add the Movies option.) No-one's mentioned the sheer convenience and efficiency of satellite television, complete with Sky+. (I know other satellite options are available.) As for criticising Sky because of its ownership, this must be on the same level as the salesmen who accost people about their power suppliers. "Do you know that np***r is a foreign-owned firm", I have been asked. "Do you want to get your electricity from a foreign company?" My stock reply is "I don't care who owns the companies I use, as long as the product and service are good. Now excuse me, because my Volkswagen is parked in a limited-stay car-park."
              Rupert Murdoch and Margaret Thatcher colluded to enable his bid to buy the Times to evade reference to the Monopolies & Mergers commission. In return his newspapers supported Thatcher's government. As has been referred to previously, Murdoch's monopolies has completely distorted the televising of football and Test cricket in this country and with that the financing of both. His newspapers' activities has been shown to be thoroughly corrupt and corrupting at the Leveson Inquiry and soon his friend and former employee Rebekah Wade will come before the courts and further light may be shed on his activities.

              Murdoch père et fils have launched overt and covert attacks on the BBC. If they had their way, the BBC as we know it would cease to exist. Their influence has, in my view, distorted the BBC into the playing catch-up craven mess that it is today.

              To adopt such an "I'm Alright Jack" and laissez-faire approach to such a power-greedy, corrupt and corrupting cultural terrorist is lazy and self-centred, in my opinion.
              Last edited by Guest; 24-06-13, 10:01. Reason: trypos


              • Richard Tarleton

                Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                Rupert Murdoch and Margaret Thatcher colluded to enable his bid to buy the Times to evade reference to the Monopolies & Mergers commission. In return his newspapers supported Thatcher's government. As has been referred to previously,
                To adopt such an "I'm Alright Jack" and laissez-faire approach to such a power-greedy, corrupt and corrupting cultural terrorist is lazy and self-centred, in my opinion.
                Ams, all this is getting a long way from Bruckner 8, but if we're going back to the 1980s I'd say Murdoch did the nation, and the newspaper industry, a favour by helping to break the appalling print unions.

                And, while I'd guess Murdoch's personal involvement with the content of Sky Arts is fairly minimal, the term "cultural terrorist" does seem a little counter-intuitive when applied even indirectly to the organisation responsible for the two TV channels with extensive arts coverage, an area BBC TV vacated long ago. Not to mention some of the outstanding TV on Sky and Sky Atlantic. But I daresay we're not going to agree.

                By the way, to throw more fuel on the fire, you can watch the ENO's Death in Venice in its entirety on Sky Arts 2 tonight

                Better check nobody's been recommending books published by Harper Collins over on What are you reading now

                Can't comment on sport as I never watch it, apart from Wimbledon. My Sky package reflects this.


                • amateur51

                  Originally posted by Richard Tarleton View Post
                  Ams, all this is getting a long way from Bruckner 8, but if we're going back to the 1980s I'd say Murdoch did the nation, and the newspaper industry, a favour by helping to break the appalling print unions.

                  And, while I'd guess Murdoch's personal involvement with the content of Sky Arts is fairly minimal, the term "cultural terrorist" does seem a little counter-intuitive when applied even indirectly to the organisation responsible for the two TV channels with extensive arts coverage, an area BBC TV vacated long ago. Not to mention some of the outstanding TV on Sky and Sky Atlantic. But I daresay we're not going to agree.

                  By the way, to throw more fuel on the fire, you can watch the ENO's Death in Venice in its entirety on Sky Arts 2 tonight

                  Better check nobody's been recommending books published by Harper Collins over on What are you reading now

                  Can't comment on sport as I never watch it, apart from Wimbledon. My Sky package reflects this.
                  My sole reason for writing like this, RT, is that I'm fed up with people who believe that choosing to subscribe to Sky is an apolitical choice "oh why do you have to bring politics into Bruckner 8?" To which my reply is: by all means enjoy Bruckner 8 on Sky but please stop advertising it on a Board designed to promote critical involvement in the BBC, with particular reference to Radio 3.

                  As to the benefits of Thatcher's police forces enabling TNT at Murdoch's behest to break the print strikes, well we'll have to disagree. I for one do not want to read my favourite daily paper by squinting at a tiny 8" max screen at a cost which will unsurprisingly be ramped up once the paper copy has gone.

                  Your comment re Harper Collins is well made and reflects the extent to which the ambitions of the Murdoch dynasty has 'gone viral' in the world.You may say that I'm fighting a losing battle (I might say the same myself!) but I do object to the Murdochs' receiving unsolicited hymns of praise on this Board.

                  Re Death in Venice, I watched it at the Coliseum the other day for £2.50, but that's another story


                  • Mr Pee
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 3285

                    Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                    By all means enjoy Bruckner 8 on Sky but please stop advertising it on a Board designed to promote critical involvement in the BBC, with particular reference to Radio 3.

                    We are all more than familiar with your views on Murdoch, and you're entitled to them, just as I am to mine. We will never agree. Murdoch is clearly your favoured bogeyman du jour and that's up to you. However, to suggest that the rest of us should not discuss the output of Sky Arts on these boards simply because the subject offends your sensibilities is ridiculous. You choose to call such discussion "advertising", which is nonsensical. You might as well say that the thread on the Longborough Ring is an advertisement for that production..

                    If you are so affronted by any discussion of music and arts programming provided by Sky, then why not simply ignore it, rather than pitching in and attempting to derail every such thread with your anti-Murdoch diatribes.

                    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to watch Death in Venice on Sky Arts 2.

                    Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                    Mark Twain.


                    • amateur51

                      Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
                      We are all more than familiar with your views on Murdoch, and you're entitled to them, just as I am to mine. We will never agree. Murdoch is clearly your favoured bogeyman du jour and that's up to you. However, to suggest that the rest of us should not discuss the output of Sky Arts on these boards simply because the subject offends your sensibilities is ridiculous. You choose to call such discussion "advertising", which is nonsensical. You might as well say that the thread on the Longborough Ring is an advertisement for that production..

                      If you are so affronted by any discussion of music and arts programming provided by Sky, then why not simply ignore it, rather than pitching in and attempting to derail every such thread with your anti-Murdoch diatribes.

                      Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to watch Death in Venice on Sky Arts 2.

                      I don't need a 'favoured bogeyman du jour' Mr Pee - I despise Murdoch and his gang because of what they have done and want to do to this country and its culture. That you can't/won't see that is your problem.

                      All I ask is that you & other Skysters go over to SkyArts' website and have a back-slapping Murdoch hoe-down there.

                      As for Longborough's Ring, what has that got to do with the price of fish? It is not in competition with BBC is it?

                      As for Death in Venice, I've already seen it
                      Last edited by Guest; 24-06-13, 19:07. Reason: SkyArts twitter


                      • Hornspieler
                        Late Member
                        • Sep 2012
                        • 1847

                        Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                        I don't need a 'favoured bogeyman du jour' Mr Pee - I despise Murdoch and his gang because of what they have done and want to do to this country and its culture. That you can't/won't see that is your problem.

                        All I ask is that you & other Skysters go over to SkyArts' website and have a back-slapping Murdoch hoe-down there.

                        As for Longborough's Ring, what has that got to do with the price of fish? It is not in competition with BBC is it?

                        As for Death in Venice, I've already seen it
                        Can somebody PLEASE return this thread to its original purpose - to discuss Kent Nagano's analysis and performance of Bruckner's 8th Symphony?

                        There is a Thread for Politics available on the Forum "Menu" for members to discuss, promote or rubbish their fellow members political views.

                        I am reminded of the words of the old 4th horn from the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra in 1965 when I invited their entire horn section to my house for lunch: (The Berlin Wall had still not fallen)

                        He said to me: "I like so much your country. Keine politik, Keine politik."



                        • Alison
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 6502

                          The striking thing about this oft repeated Bruckner 8 is the look of sheer miserableness of the orchestral players. I find it difficult to stick with on that basis alone.


                          • Mr Pee
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 3285

                            Originally posted by Alison View Post
                            The striking thing about this oft repeated Bruckner 8 is the look of sheer miserableness of the orchestral players. I find it difficult to stick with on that basis alone.
                            Well, it is Bruckner 8. Not exactly a barrel of laughs at the best of times.....
                            Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                            Mark Twain.


                            • scottycelt

                              Originally posted by Alison View Post
                              The striking thing about this oft repeated Bruckner 8 is the look of sheer miserableness of the orchestral players. I find it difficult to stick with on that basis alone.
                              I haven't seen this particular performance because I don't subscribe to Sky Arts (for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with silly, petty politics!).

                              However, exactly the same thing occurred to me during the recent Rattle/Berlin Phil performance of the Seventh. I thought it was a marvellous account yet many of the players looked so unhappy and one or two even seemed to give the conductor unmistakeable looks of disdain whilst he was receiving his well-deserved applause at the end. Surely as professional performers it is part of their job to at least pretend to enjoy what they are doing?

                              The great thing about going to see youth orchestras like the European or Gustav Mahler is that the enthusiasm of the young players is so infectious!


                              • scottycelt

                                Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
                                Well, it is Bruckner 8. Not exactly a barrel of laughs at the best of times.....
                                No, he reserved the fun for No 9 ...

                                Actually, there's a lot more humour in Bruckner's music than is generally recognised, imho.

