Cardiff Singer 2013

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  • DublinJimbo
    Full Member
    • Nov 2011
    • 1222

    Originally posted by Lancashire Lass View Post
    Never mind Daniele de Niese, why do they have to do this banal interviews anyway
    They are distressingly irritating, as is the overall TV format. The constant "next-up's" with their associated video intros really grated on the nerves, as did the pre-result summary with its whooshing noises. And was it on Friday night that we were inflicted with a Eurovision-style list of phone numbers for viewers to use when voting for the 'audience prize'? Even the stage décor was tacky, I thought (is it really necessary to include a big screen on-stage?).

    I'd go with Jamie Barton for the main prize, though I have to agree with others here who felt her operatic approach undeserving of the Song Prize. I'd also be more than happy if Daniela Mack were to win.
    Last edited by DublinJimbo; 23-06-13, 11:25.


    • Nick Armstrong
      • Nov 2010
      • 26617

      Now caught up with this and am rather surprised at my reactions. Normally, I have big problems with the "operatic" approach to singing; and having read the above expected fully to agree with the preference for Ben Johnson over the eventual winner.

      But I didn't. I felt that Johnson, though technically very good, was relatively uncommunicative. The Britten setting can - should - be lacerating... I got nothing from his performance. In contrast, I felt that Jamie the American lady really did communicate powerfully (plus stunning accompaniment from Williams). I imagine this was even more telling in the hall (witness the comparative enthusiasm of Bernada Fink after the respective performances).

      Where I do agree with the comments in this thread is in relation to the presentation. Thanks heavens for the ability to watch after the event, and deploy the 'fast forward' button. The only aspect of the presentation that wasn't awful was the contribution of Bernada Fink, dignified and authoritative. I thought Trelawney's introduction of the two commentators was shocking: gushing over Ms Tynan ("absolutely wonderful to have you back, Ailish") and almost dismissive of Ms Fink. (Reminded me of the tendency of R3 presenters to gush over the performances of lady singers from the UK and Ireland irrespective of their quality...)

      Last edited by Nick Armstrong; 23-06-13, 12:01.
      "...the isle is full of noises,
      Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
      Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
      Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


      • Mary Chambers
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 1963

        Originally posted by Caliban View Post

        The Britten setting can - should - be lacerating... I got nothing from his performance.

        I admit that is rather true, though I wouldn't say I got nothing. Just not lacerating enough. However, to me his programme was superior overall, or perhaps I just prefer his style.

        Agree the interviews are unnecessary and somewhat ridiculous.


        • pastoralguy
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 7910

          Originally posted by Mary Chambers View Post

          Agree the interviews are unnecessary and somewhat ridiculous.
          I remember reading in Ida Haendel's autobiography that she disapproved of concert halls where the artist had to walk on to the stage at audience level as she felt this detracted from the performers 'mystique'. Today there is no mystery about performers.

          As Addison de Witt says in 'All about Eve' " people want to know where she goes, where's she's been, what she sees and who she's seen with", implying that the mystery is eliminated. Music is now only a part of the cult of personality.

          I hate seeing a performer being interviewed once they have just come off stage. For me, it cheapens the whole thing. (So, Jascha, tells us about how YOU felt the Beethoven concerto went. )

          Oh dear.
          Last edited by pastoralguy; 23-06-13, 13:55.


          • LeMartinPecheur
            Full Member
            • Apr 2007
            • 4717

            Originally posted by Caliban View Post
            Now caught up with this and am rather surprised at my reactions. Normally, I have big problems with the "operatic" approach to singing; and having read the above expected fully to agree with the preference for Ben Johnson over the eventual winner.

            But I didn't. I felt that Johnson, though technically very good, was relatively uncommunicative. The Britten setting can - should - be lacerating... I got nothing from his performance. In contrast, I felt that Jamie the American lady really did communicate powerfully (plus stunning accompaniment from Williams). I imagine this was even more telling in the hall (witness the comparative enthusiasm of Bernada Fink after the respective performances).
            Agree with Cali on this. Difficult to judge when relying on BBC microphones but I did feel Johnson was what Anna Russell might have called a 'recitalist's recitalist'. Very subtle, very well-produced, very poetic but was he really reaching those in the back rows? I was far from sure.

            It's another difficult thing to judge when we only saw 3/5 of his recital, but should he have done a bit more to wow the audience, and the judges? Sung one really well-known song (Strauss, Schubert, Tchaik or whatever) to really sock it to them in the cheap seats? Great singers do this without lowering artistic standards. And concert agents and promoters surely aren't going to get madly excited about a singer who can only do very high class arty song recitals to 500-seat halls. (I make no judgment whether Mr Johnson falls into this category, but feel he should have done more to show that he doesn't!)

            There wasn't much doubt that Ms Barton could fill a hall in the volume sense, and I think this power and projection (and considerable subtlety too) is the sort that makes a career whatever she does in the opera final, and I think it will be a lot. And all this without very much of the glamour to fill the hall either! She grabbed the audience - note the way they applauded after the very first song - and I think their reaction should be trusted.
            I keep hitting the Escape key, but I'm still here!


            • Rolmill
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 637

              Originally posted by LeMartinPecheur View Post
              Agree with Cali on this.
              Me too - as you say, listening on television (and to only part of the full recital) makes it hard to be confident in one's opinions, but I found Ben Johnson a little monochrome in comparison with Jaime Barton, who I thought was a worthy winner. I don't understand the remark above about her flexibility with regard to the spirit of lieder competition rules, what point am I missing?


              • Mary Chambers
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 1963

                Originally posted by LeMartinPecheur View Post
                Agree with Cali on this. Difficult to judge when relying on BBC microphones but I did feel Johnson was what Anna Russell might have called a 'recitalist's recitalist'. Very subtle, very well-produced, very poetic but was he really reaching those in the back rows? I was far from sure.
                It would depend who was sitting in the back rows.


                • Michael C
                  Full Member
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 7

                  Why, O why, can't Petroc stop cutting in (telling us stuff we already know) the moment the audience applause begins? Or at least wait until the performer, having acknowledged their reception, has left the stage - what's the hurry?


                  • verismissimo
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 2957

                    Audience got it right, Cali!


                    • LeMartinPecheur
                      Full Member
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 4717

                      Originally posted by Mary Chambers View Post
                      It would depend who was sitting in the back rows.
                      Perhaps I should have said: Was the voice really reaching those in the back rows?

                      Sometimes the artistry can reach, even though the voice barely does. I heard Deller in a smallish school hall exemplify this just weeks before his death. Indeed, he may have sung more quietly than he needed to simply to make us listen harder! But I don't think a young singer like Johnson should be doing this trick just yet.
                      I keep hitting the Escape key, but I'm still here!


                      • Barbirollians
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 11967

                        I am entirely with LMP and Caliban on this - Ben Johnson showed a great deal of artistry but all a bit understated - and if personal comments are permitted as it seems they are on grounds of weight I am afraid his facial hair and crimson trousers added a bit too much to the impression that he was another of of the wet ,lacking in personality slightly nasal English tenor school .

                        Jaime Barton - plump she may be - but she sang beautifully and presented a varied programme and her Berlioz was the highlight of the night for me , I liked the Ukrainian especially her Jewel Song - the bass baritone too. The argentinian was too controlled and a bit cold but very employable and personable . How the Italian soprano made the final beats me - didn't like her tone at all .


                        • Bert Coules
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 763

                          I didn't care for the way the fixed-camera head shot (for the big screen) necessitated the competitors being pretty much rooted to one spot. An operatic performance, even in the context of a concert, surely benefits from a bit of movement, the freedom to use the space, even to interact with the others on the stage. It was a lovely moment when the girl who sang Musetta's aria actually used a prop and suddenly started playing to the conductor: I would have welcomed a lot more of that.

                          For me, the really outstanding performances came from Marko Mimica the bass baritone, but he then lost points for striding off the stage without thanking or acknowledging the orchestra. So well done to Jaime Barton for a double triumph and politeness too.


                          • aka Calum Da Jazbo
                            Late member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 9173

                            well at least Ben Johnson won the audience prize, with a snide comment by the Jury Chair that it was 'surprising' that he had done so ... since i voted for him it was not in the least surprising to me, and a deserved recognition!

                            Jamie Barton's singing was awesome in the final ....
                            According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


                            • Mary Chambers
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 1963

                              I voted for Ben Johnson, too, the first time I have over voted in anything of this sort.


                              • David-G
                                Full Member
                                • Mar 2012
                                • 1216

                                Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View Post
                                well at least Ben Johnson won the audience prize, with a snide comment by the Jury Chair that it was 'surprising' that he had done so ... since i voted for him it was not in the least surprising to me, and a deserved recognition!

                                Jamie Barton's singing was awesome in the final ....
                                I thought that the snide comment was surprising, and very much out of order. The audience in the hall thought the same, judging by the sharp intake of breath.

