A Voice Crying in the Wilderness ....

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  • Hornspieler
    Late Member
    • Sep 2012
    • 1847

    A Voice Crying in the Wilderness ....

    .... and nobody bothered to listen!

    Following last year's season of Promenade concerts, the BBC announced the introduction of a new series of programmes - "Live on 3". Had someone there actually taken notice of what Radio 3 listeners were requesting?

    Yes, music broadcast as it was actually being performed! No editing, no retakes, no cleaning up - music as the live audience in the concert hall heard it.

    But nobody seemed interested, if the lack of comment on the "Performance" forum was any indication. So in December, I introduced a new thread "Coming Up Live This Week" to draw attention to forthcoming performances which seemed to be of special interest* and inviting others to highlight there own choices from the music on offer on the BBC Schedule.

    Looking now at the "Performance" Forum, I see that the last entry is days old, the number of comments upon the merits of those highlighted concerts averages about 3½ and it would appear that the sooner some members take the subject completely off post the better as far as the majority are concerned.

    Ye reap what ye sow.


    * The BBC Schedule for the next seven days is to be found on the left hand column of the main forum page. Try looking for yourselves some time.
  • doversoul1
    Ex Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 7132

    Surely there is no need to equate the number of posts with the interest to the programme? If that were the case, Early Music Show would be in a dire state.

    Your posts are very much appreciated as has been said more than once. Now and then a post hits something that brings out the members' comments. That’s how things work. So, keep on posting (if you like, that is).


    • Mr Pee
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 3285

      Originally posted by doversoul View Post
      Surely there is no need to equate the number of posts with the interest to the programme? If that were the case, Early Music Show would be in a dire state.

      Your posts are very much appreciated as has been said more than once. Now and then a post hits something that brings out the members' comments. That’s how things work. So, keep on posting (if you like, that is).
      Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

      Mark Twain.


      • Estelle
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 112

        As an interested reader of these Performance posts, may I suggest that individual posts with the date of the broadcast and a listing of the concert program are more likely to elicit more comments than a generic heading such as "Live in Concert This Week?" In the latter case, members have to take an extra step to find out which specific program has been selected for comment. (Not that I have been deterred from reading your series, but some members may not have taken the time to go to the latest page and scroll down.) I for one thank you for your posts.


        • Dave2002
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 18095

          Not a live performance, but the Afternoon on 3 today with the BBC Philharmonic under Noseda playing Rachmaninov Symphony 1 was pretty good. The Beethoven Violin concerto with a soloist I 'd never heard of was good too.

          OTOH maybe I was just in a good mood! I think these are worth listening to again - iPlayer!

          Unique performances with BBC Orchestras, Choirs and other great orchestras


          • BBMmk2
            Late Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 20908

            I think, yes, as far as board members are concerned, that if they take the trouble to read a thread, then they are obviously interested in that.

            HS, I always take oin baord on what you post. The trouble is, at times, being at work, etc, time is not on my side.
            Don’t cry for me
            I go where music was born

            J S Bach 1685-1750


            • salymap
              Late member
              • Nov 2010
              • 5969

              I often listen to the first work or two in a Live concert, sometimes catching the remainder on iPlayer next day. I heard a very nice performance of my favourite Bach Suite, no 2, recently. I thought the orchestra would have been much smaller when first played but certainly wasn't up to posting a review of it.

              I agree with Doversoul. Many appreciate HS's reviews without commenting on them or feeling that they are up to a review themselves.

              The proms are rushing towards us and let's hope more will join in with their comments.

              And keep the occasional stories coming HS - you are needed here


              • Hornspieler
                Late Member
                • Sep 2012
                • 1847

                Originally posted by Estelle View Post
                As an interested reader of these Performance posts, may I suggest that individual posts with the date of the broadcast and a listing of the concert program are more likely to elicit more comments than a generic heading such as "Live in Concert This Week?" In the latter case, members have to take an extra step to find out which specific program has been selected for comment. (Not that I have been deterred from reading your series, but some members may not have taken the time to go to the latest page and scroll down.) I for one thank you for your posts.
                Estelle: your message No 3:

                You make a very good point here. I'm sure that our genial hosts would encourage us all to quote the message number and name of the poster whether replying with or without quote. Such a simple procedure would go a long way towards reducing misunderstandings (and possible confrontation) between members. A reply without quote does not neccesarily apply to the previous post. Yes, I'm as guilty as anyone.

                The purpose of "coming up live ..." was to generate interest which might lead to the start of a new thread simply devoted to a particular concert, but it has not always worked out that way.

                Although I personally tend to pick out orchestral concerts, it is not my thread and I would hope that anyone who spots a programme which is of particular interest to them would draw it to our attention, whether it be recital, choral, chamber music or even a live discussion.

                The essential criteriion is that it has to be a live broadcast. Of course we are not always free to listen to the programme at the time of transmission, but that is what the iPlayer is all about - you can still listen to what was broadcast live for the next seven days.

                Last edited by Hornspieler; 18-05-13, 08:48. Reason: typo


                • jayne lee wilson
                  • Jul 2011
                  • 10711

                  The main reason I've highlighted or commented upon fewer live relays recently is simply "the deficit effect" - dearth of interest in the evening orchestral concerts. Far fewer of them, and often very - repeatedly - mainstream repertoire. The Tippett concerts from the Barbican were good, but very distant from each other and there wasn't much sign of any related events. But yes, health, time and energy do play a part - and Mum's needed a lot more TLC recently. I forgot about Friday's Tippett concert, planned to home in on the symphony itself, then found it was going to start too late to fit it in...

                  So being busy and expecting less from the programming, I forget to check and then lose touch with what's on (despite still taking Radio Times). Then if I have time to listen - usually late at night - I'll tend to choose from my own CDs and downloads.

                  I do get a bit disappointed at the lack of other comments when I've reported on concerts-of-interest - but we've had fairly lively (!) debates after some Proms, so maybe we can look forward to that again, when the density-of-events is greater.


                  • EdgeleyRob
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 12180

                    Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
                    HS, I always take oin baord on what you post. The trouble is, at times, being at work, etc, time is not on my side.
                    I fall into this category.

                    Originally posted by salymap View Post
                    Many appreciate HS's reviews without commenting on them or feeling that they are up to a review themselves.
                    And this one.

                    Originally posted by Estelle View Post
                    As an interested reader of these Performance posts........... I for one thank you for your posts.
                    And this one.

                    Many thanks.


                    • Estelle
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 112

                      Hello, Herr Hornspieler--Thanks for your reply. I was apparently not very clear in how I worded my message #3: what I meant to say is that a thread opener which names a particular concert and its broadcast date will draw more comments than a generic thread opener such as your original "Coming up live this week" which requires the reader to click to the latest post to see which concert is being discussed. And, in a way, a thread does belong to the originator, doesn't it?

                      You certainly make a good point about quoting or mentioning the number of a post when commenting upon it. I have often been puzzled by the antecedent to certain comments!


                      • Dave2002
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 18095

                        Originally posted by Hornspieler View Post
                        The essential criteriion is that it has to be a live broadcast. Of course we are not always free to listen to the programme at the time of transmission, but that is what the iPlayer is all about - you can still listen to what was broadcast live for the next seven days.

                        Do you mean live as in "not a studio recording" or as in synchronised as well as technology can permit with a concert going on "now"?


                        • Hornspieler
                          Late Member
                          • Sep 2012
                          • 1847

                          Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                          Do you mean live as in "not a studio recording" or as in synchronised as well as technology can permit with a concert going on "now"?
                          Dave2002: Message #12

                          Yes. A performance before an audience with no stopping for retakes, re-mixes or any other interference with the flow of the music.

                          So an "invited audience" in Maida Vale Studios, for instance may be regarded as live, provided that there is no tinkering with the performance during transmission.

                          In other words, "This performance is happening now"

                          Estelle: Message #11

                          Hello, Herr Hornspieler--Thanks for your reply. I was apparently not very clear in how I worded my message #3: what I meant to say is that a thread opener which names a particular concert and its broadcast date will draw more comments than a generic thread opener such as your original "Coming up live this week" which requires the reader to click to the latest post to see which concert is being discussed. And, in a way, a thread does belong to the originator, doesn't it?
                          Not neccesarily the latest post, but the few most recent (this has become a large thread since its launch)

                          The (generic) thread is intended to draw attention to a forthcoming live event. So then any listener is able to open a thread devoted to the actual transmitted performance; after it has taken place. (This would, of course, attract comments also from actual members who were there in the Hall) This has been the case in many flagged up performances up to now.

                          I don't believe that the OP owns a thread. He/she merely launches a topic for future discussion by other forum members.



                          • Dave2002
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 18095

                            Originally posted by Hornspieler View Post
                            Dave2002: Message #12

                            Yes. A performance before an audience with no stopping for retakes, re-mixes or any other interference with the flow of the music.

                            So an "invited audience" in Maida Vale Studios, for instance may be regarded as live, provided that there is no tinkering with the performance during transmission.

                            In other words, "This performance is happening now"
                            There are several other aspects of "live" broadcasts.

                            1. Listener synchronicity.
                            2. Like sports events one does not know the outcome. Performances may be brilliant or just "dogs". Comments by listeners afterwards may be unaffected by critics elsewhere e.g Telegraph, Guardian.

                            and perhaps a few more.

                            I was just wondering whether the emphasis on "live" was because of a belief that live in recordings is always better. Unfortunately I think that can depend on multiple factors. On the other hand, the interest in live performances may be to provide more "buzz" to particular concert events, and to get listeners more involved, and provide perhaps more unbiased and genuine commentary.

                            I assume that slightly delayed performances are still effectively live, provided we believe that the BBC doesn't tweak problems in the 30 or so minutes between recording and broadcast. Repeats, such as the Wigmore Lunchtime concerts - often on Saturday - do they count as live?


                            • Quarky
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 2681

                              Originally posted by Hornspieler View Post
                              .... and nobody bothered to listen!

                              Following last year's season of Promenade concerts, the BBC announced the introduction of a new series of programmes - "Live on 3". Had someone there actually taken notice of what Radio 3 listeners were requesting?

                              Yes, music broadcast as it was actually being performed! No editing, no retakes, no cleaning up - music as the live audience in the concert hall heard it.

                              But nobody seemed interested, if the lack of comment on the "Performance" forum was any indication. So in December, I introduced a new thread "Coming Up Live This Week" to draw attention to forthcoming performances which seemed to be of special interest* and inviting others to highlight there own choices from the music on offer on the BBC Schedule.

                              Looking now at the "Performance" Forum, I see that the last entry is days old, the number of comments upon the merits of those highlighted concerts averages about 3½ and it would appear that the sooner some members take the subject completely off post the better as far as the majority are concerned.

                              Ye reap what ye sow.


                              * The BBC Schedule for the next seven days is to be found on the left hand column of the main forum page. Try looking for yourselves some time.
                              I have sympathy with this point of view, but I feel the fault is with the messageboarders than the BBC output. The lack of comment on these boards is not confined to live broadcasts, but to a high proportion of other programmes. A pity as far as I am concerned, since my main reason for participating on these boards is to get some intelligent comment on a programme I might have found interesting.

                              The most we can hope for is for some bright boarder such as your goodself, Calum de Jazbo, to highlight forthcoming programmes of interest. Then we have to assume that everyone with an interest will listen, but as regards informed comment, people are more likely to post about stormy weather.
                              Last edited by Quarky; 19-05-13, 10:24.

