BBCSO/ANDREW DAVIS/LIVE R3/FRIDAY 19:30hrs 12/04/13 - TIPPETT symphony no.4

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  • Sir Monty Golfear

    Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
    Sir Monty - I should have said I was listening via the HDs webfeed at 320 kbps AAC, so there should have been no dynamic range compression, or very little - in fact the dynamic range in the Brahms (orchestra and piano) as such, wasn't bad (and VERY impressive in the Tippett!) - it was the performance itself which seemed to me to lack the sharpness and drama that, perhaps, more rehearsal time would have encouraged.

    If I had to listen to FM I wouldn't listen much at all!
    Hi Jayne,

    I too listen via the HD Webfeed via PC then through to USB out to Burr Brown DAC through to HiFi.
    I have to concur with your assessment of the Brahms performance. If I remember correctly when Stephen Hough recorded the work with the same conductor 25 years ago it suffered the same fate. Hopefully the new recordings of the Brahms recordings will be very different when they are released.
    I guess I was being diplomatic about Stephen Houghs performance because I wasn't at the concert itself.

    Cheers Ian


    • Alison
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 6509

      Disappointing from Houghy, he never really asserted his authority on the piece.

      I can't help thinking that more than most Stephen has made his name in the recording studio rather than in the concert hall. Nothing wrong with that really. He is a most interesting speaker and he'd make an excellent dinner party guest.

      I guess it's precisely in this sort of repertoire that Sir Andrew fails to shine with his benign ill focused and ever so slightly slapdash approach.

      Wonderful Tippett though and still making my mind up on Old Racket.

      At least Sally Groves enjoyed the Brahms.


      • Sir Monty Golfear

        Originally posted by Alison View Post
        Disappointing from Houghy, he never really asserted his authority on the piece.

        I can't help thinking that more than most Stephen has made his name in the recording studio rather than in the concert hall. Nothing wrong with that really. He is a most interesting speaker and he'd make an excellent dinner party guest.

        I guess it's precisely in this sort of repertoire that Sir Andrew fails to shine with his benign ill focused and ever so slightly slapdash approach.

        Wonderful Tippett though and still making my mind up on Old Racket.

        At least Sally Groves enjoyed the Brahms.
        I agree with you about Stephen Houghs performance. It did didn't sound anything like the Hough I know through his live performances of Rachmaninov and Tchaikovsky. The last move,ent got off to a very scrappy start (in my opinion ) and to my ears sounded tentative in places.....anyway I don't want to sound like an armchair critic that would be wrong of me.


        • jayne lee wilson
          • Jul 2011
          • 10711

          Nothing wrong with being an armchair critic! Just listen, and report what you hear, as honestly as you can. It's all I ever do...


          • Sir Monty Golfear

            Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
            Nothing wrong with being an armchair critic! Just listen, and report what you hear, as honestly as you can. It's all I ever do...
            Thanks Jayne.....I would love to have the chance to play Brahms 1 in public.....I am sure I would have to accept lots of critism !.... cheers Ian


            • Hornspieler
              Late Member
              • Sep 2012
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              Originally posted by Thropplenoggin View Post
              I suspect Leon Fleisher's account with Szell/Cleveland Orchestra might convince you of its worth.
              Having played in performances of both works with Julius Katchen, I have no interest in hearing them played by anyone else - except that for nostalgic and sentimental reasons, Solomon's famous recording with the Philharmonia (with Dennis Brain playing the opening bars) will always have a place on my bookshelf.

              As for tonight's programme? (19/4/13) UGH!

              For me, this Friday Night is certainly NOT Music Night.



              • EnemyoftheStoat
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
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                I'd have loved to get to tonight's programme, as well as last Friday's, but a combination of family and rehearsal commitments means neither can do.

                I heard a BSO Tippett 4 in my student days at Southampton and haven't heard it since in concert, while as far as tonight is concerned, Martyn Brabbins is much under-rated in my books. And the change of soloist wouldn't have hurt.

                Still, I've worked out that I'm free for the Henze/Stravinsky/Tippett Prom.


                • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                  Gone fishin'
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 30163

                  Originally posted by EnemyoftheStoat View Post
                  I'd have loved to get to tonight's programme

                  as well as last Friday's

                  Martyn Brabbins is much under-rated in my books.
                  - we have a similar library!

                  Still, I've worked out that I'm free for the Henze/Stravinsky/Tippett Prom.
                  Oh, go on! You know it makes sense!
                  [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                  • EnemyoftheStoat
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 1144

                    Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View Post
                    Oh, go on! You know it makes sense!
                    Indeed I do - given that there are quite a few Proms that I will be unable to make on account of a pretty busy schedule, it will take a lot to stop me getting to this one. And there probably won't be much need to queue for very long either....

