A teeny tad too early (1691) but is the duet 'Round thy Coasts, Fair Nymph of Britain' from Purcell's King Arthur any use?
Or the following 'Harvest Home' chorus, which has the verse replete with typical native understatement "We'll toss off our Ale till we canno' stand,/ And Heigh for the Honour of Old England'

And with a huge false stress on the last word EngLAND
- Purcell the exemplary setter of the English language Mr Britten??
Or the following 'Harvest Home' chorus, which has the verse replete with typical native understatement "We'll toss off our Ale till we canno' stand,/ And Heigh for the Honour of Old England'

And with a huge false stress on the last word EngLAND
