Comments on 'why are there no comments' !

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  • 3rd Viennese School

    Yes, I often look for the Performance on 3 comments but there aint any. Maybe I should start some. They should all be under this Performance section, of course!


    • Cellini

      Originally posted by Petrushka View Post
      I've yet to listen to the LSO/Gergiev but I agree with what you say here.

      There could also be that problem of people being a wee bit afraid to post an opinion on a concert in case they get called names for thinking it good/bad/indifferent by those who think the opposite. I'd certainly think twice about posting when you know you have ex-players on the premises!

      On the old boards I recall raving about a very fine Mahler 6 from the BBC NOW under Jac van Steen which I thought was one of the best I'd heard but there was very little response.

      By the way, this is a good week on Po3 so let's have those comments!
      With all due respect Petrushka (and I have a LOT of respect for you) - you can't go around blaming us poor brain damaged players, because our opinion is as valid/invalid as everyone elses opinion.

      You may think I go over the top a bit, but you must make allowances for the fact that I've had a poor upbringing, being as I've had so much indecent exposure to stick waving brutes ...

      We then tend to get a bit hairy over some things which in all decency on a nice messageboard like this, I can't bring myself to mention, especially in such decent company. Far from me to attempt shout down the wise opinions of people such as yourself!! Of course when HS was around and other past professionals - then there are no holds barred and we would go straight for the jugular ...

      So keep them comments coming even if they are a load of ... Oh dear, there I go again - perhaps I haven't taken my pills today.


      • Il Grande Inquisitor
        Full Member
        • Mar 2007
        • 961

        Originally posted by Alison View Post
        Thinking about it, I can imagine that many boarders record evening concerts and listen to them in their own time.
        I think there's much validity in this reasoning. I don't often have the time, early evening, to listen properly to the radio, so tend to catch up later... sometimes much later.
        Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency....


        • Petrushka
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 12436

          Originally posted by Cellini View Post
          With all due respect Petrushka (and I have a LOT of respect for you) - you can't go around blaming us poor brain damaged players, because our opinion is as valid/invalid as everyone elses opinion.

          You may think I go over the top a bit, but you must make allowances for the fact that I've had a poor upbringing, being as I've had so much indecent exposure to stick waving brutes ...

          We then tend to get a bit hairy over some things which in all decency on a nice messageboard like this, I can't bring myself to mention, especially in such decent company. Far from me to attempt shout down the wise opinions of people such as yourself!! Of course when HS was around and other past professionals - then there are no holds barred and we would go straight for the jugular ...

          So keep them comments coming even if they are a load of ... Oh dear, there I go again - perhaps I haven't taken my pills today.
          Thanks for the comments, Cellini. In common with others on here I cannot play any musical instrument, just appreciate the talents of those who can. For this reason, I would feel faintly fraudulent in criticising, say, the violin playing in a Beethoven symphony when I cannot possibly understand the complexities involved.

          On the other hand, in listening to classical music for some 40 years now, I do have some slight knowledge of whether a performance is good or not but I couldn't tell you how.
          "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


          • Cellini

            Originally posted by Petrushka View Post
            Thanks for the comments, Cellini. In common with others on here I cannot play any musical instrument, just appreciate the talents of those who can. For this reason, I would feel faintly fraudulent in criticising, say, the violin playing in a Beethoven symphony when I cannot possibly understand the complexities involved.

            On the other hand, in listening to classical music for some 40 years now, I do have some slight knowledge of whether a performance is good or not but I couldn't tell you how.
            Personally, Petrushka, I think you should feel free to comment on violin playing, or any instrument for that matter, because in the end what matters is the musical outcome, and its up to players to sort out the technical problems and provide a musically compelling performance.

            This reminds me of of the film industry, where a company makes a film at great expense, shows it privately to a few chosen people, to only find that the cleaning staff, who have seen the film also, give it a strong thumbs down, which is then echoed by the public who consider it a load of codswallop.

            So yes, all criticism is valid, but where it should end is at the point where non experts are suggesting remedies. For example, it is fine to say the first fiddles sounded harsh, but to go on and say they need to play nearer the bridge would in fact be the opposite of maybe what they should be doing. If you get my dift!!

            In fact there are many "teachers" out in the big world who give their opinions in forums, and on youtube backed up by demonstation, that make my jaw drop in disbelief. There is a guy (American) who claims to be an ex orchestral leader, who demonstates Irish, Hip Hop, Bluegrass, you name it, with such a big vibrato that the whole instrument shakes ... You can guess what he sounds like ... and he's only one of hundreds ...


            • antongould
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 8872

              I also tend to refrain from commenting as I have no musical training of any sort and to be honest feel a little intimidated - why I'm not even a singer - so I am even further down the food chain than Sean Rafferty!! But we do have views...................................
              Last edited by antongould; 01-02-11, 08:37. Reason: a little


              • Cellini

                You can always start by saying it's only your opinion and you don't claim to be an expert, which none of us are in everything anyway. Then you can let rip.

                Not even being a singer could be a good qualification too!!!


                • antongould
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 8872

                  I'll give it a try ........................ possibly!


                  • Cellini


                    Come on, you know it makes sense!!


                    • doversoul1
                      Ex Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 7132

                      Well, I shut my eyes and jumped…..

                      [ed] Perhaps I should have left out ‘erudite’, but I doubt if it would have made very much difference.
                      Last edited by doversoul1; 01-02-11, 09:15.


                      • salymap
                        Late member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 5969

                        I used to play the piano [badly] and worked in music, but it's only since being on these boards [old and new], and talking to ex professional musicians that I realise how little I know about the problems of chamber music and orchestral playing. I know the music I enjoy and have favourite recordings, but am hesitant to air my views. I know a lot of us feel the same. Perhaps we should have a 'Muppets' Thread.' But then we would never learn.


                        • Cellini

                          Originally posted by salymap View Post
                          I used to play the piano [badly] and worked in music, but it's only since being on these boards [old and new], and talking to ex professional musicians that I realise how little I know about the problems of chamber music and orchestral playing. I know the music I enjoy and have favourite recordings, but am hesitant to air my views. I know a lot of us feel the same. Perhaps we should have a 'Muppets' Thread.' But then we would never learn.
                          I think I am being sincere when I say that we ex-professional players are also learning a lot from posters on these boards who are not necessarily music professionals. I don't think people should worry that there are professionals around, they are only as good and as wise as their last concert which could have been a bummer! Which reminds me, I'm doing a concert in two weeks, so I'd better get down to learning the part, and with only two rehearsals I need to be aware of what I'm doing and how I'm going to do it.

                          As long as people are not dogmatic (like me ) then it can lead to interesting discussions. And we shouldn't be shy! Say what you think and be damned!!


                          • Quarky
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 2684

                            Originally posted by Daring Tripod View Post
                            I find it somewhat worrying that so few postings on this Messageboard refer to BBC transmissions of either afternoon or evening concerts.

                            Is it that none of the contributors to this messageboard listen to these almost daily concerts, which would defeat the whole object of this exercise, or that they just have no comments?
                            Yes Hornspieler was almost unique in commenting on most concerts, and although I frequently disagreed with his conclusions, he was always very entertaining and thought-provoking. Hornspieler certainly had a bee in his bonnet that very few people commented on the evening concerts.

                            Although a thread has been started on a recent concert, it seems to me the situation looks set to continue!


                            • Alison
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 6509

                              Interesting concert from the excellent Jurowski and the London Philharmonic tonight..

                              I hardly want to get stuck into Eotvos and Liszt it just after I get in (6.45). Recorded for

                              much later listening. I am sure BBC 1 TV has its main action on at 9.00 pm.


                              • Petrushka
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 12436

                                Originally posted by Alison View Post
                                Interesting concert from the excellent Jurowski and the London Philharmonic tonight..

                                I hardly want to get stuck into Eotvos and Liszt it just after I get in (6.45). Recorded for much later listening. I am sure BBC 1 TV has its main action on at 9.00 pm.
                                Eastenders and Holby City would no doubt constitute BBC1's main action this evening . One begins at 7:30, the other at 8:00 so that really is the time when R3 needs to have the evening concert. My usual time of arrival from work is 6:30 to 6:45 dependent on East Midlands Trains (after 7:00 tonight) and i really need my evening meal before music! There is too much dashing around in life as it is so I'd go for an 8:00 start.
                                Last edited by Petrushka; 01-02-11, 23:27. Reason: Messed up the quote
                                "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink

