Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro
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I'll admit that I could have done without JW taking a cheap jibe at William Glock in his comments to Jamie MacDougall in the 2nd half, which was his opinionated and unintended response to BBM's question about why programs like this aren't done more often. Ideally, of course, British works should be represented in British orchestral program(me)s in such a way that it's no big deal, just as when there's Beethoven, Brahms, or Tchaikovsky on a concert program, it's no big deal. I wish that this could be the case with American orchestral music too. But I digress, and that aside, again, a nicely enterprising program, particularly with the relatively rare treat of hearing the Finzi live. It'd be nice if cellists here would take it up as well, as a viable alternative to Dvorak, or even Elgar.