I assume that the RSAMD performances are part of the students' 'exams' - so I wonder how they are assessed? During a public performance, or dress rehearsals, or what? I would have thought that the RSAMD theatre would be a much more congenial place to be assessed in.
Three of last year's graduates have become part of the ScotOp Emerging Artist programme and two were singing on Friday (Fox and Vixen).
It was good to see also the co-operation with Scottish Ballet and the students from the new Dance course participating in the production.
In fact, all departments including Technical, Make-up, Costumes and Orchestra benefit from working with and being mentored by the SO professionals.
There was some press speculation that this would be the last of these RSAMD/SO collaborations but this was firmly squashed on Friday by both John Wallace and Alex Reedijk. I don't know yet what is being planned for next year.
The next in-house production is Albert Herring and in February the Academy Symphony Orchestra is performing Mahler 6 with David Danzmayr.
It's a busy place the RSAMD.