I wonder what we all make of this latest bit of puffery from Charles Hazelwood, particularly any contributors who live in the West Country?:-
Apart from pretty comprehensively slagging off the classical music scene anywhere West of Bournemouth, as well as Bristol City Council, CH seems to be doing a pretty good job of self-promotion here, as well as his usual routine of condemning modern orchestral concerts as dull and boring.
Do we really need cloud projections to liven up a concert at St.George's in Bristol? And what about the idea of contemporary music played on "authentic" instruments? Being neither a fan of contemporary music, or the whole HIP movement, I have to say that to me this sounds like a marriage made in hell!
Apart from pretty comprehensively slagging off the classical music scene anywhere West of Bournemouth, as well as Bristol City Council, CH seems to be doing a pretty good job of self-promotion here, as well as his usual routine of condemning modern orchestral concerts as dull and boring.
Do we really need cloud projections to liven up a concert at St.George's in Bristol? And what about the idea of contemporary music played on "authentic" instruments? Being neither a fan of contemporary music, or the whole HIP movement, I have to say that to me this sounds like a marriage made in hell!
