Stunning Sibelius Violin Concerto

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  • Ariosto

    Thanks for those comments and the concert at 1.00pm.

    I just knew, just knew I would spell the name incorrectly!! I should know better as I have some of Grigory's wonderful recordings here.


    • salymap
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 5969

      According to the RT more on Thursday, same artists, same time, Prokofiev and Beethoven.


      • Ariosto

        Originally posted by salymap View Post
        According to the RT more on Thursday, same artists, same time, Prokofiev and Beethoven.
        (I don't think he can be related to Grigory Sokolov).

        Thanks again saly. I will try and listen on Thursday - as the Prokofiev might be good. (I see its No 1 Op 80 in F minor - a great work).

        I haven't liked his French (Debussy/Ravel) - today's programme much. Obviously a good player but sound and style wrong for me personally in these sonatas. Too romanticised and pulled around too much which often happens with Russian musicians when playing French music. The jazzy bit in the Ravel were too straight too. (He flies around the notes in too much of an insignificant way for me personally - maybe he has too much technique ... unlike Menuhin playing Paganini this morning where he had too little!!)

        However at 2.00pm on TV the Sibelius might be a more suitable vehicle for him. I'm looking forward to it.


        • Northender

          Originally posted by Richard Tarleton View Post
          As have I. In fact I'm stockpiling all sorts of things to listen to and watch during the Olympics
          Me too, including the 4 Shakespeare histories.


          • Ariosto

            It looks rather as if no one else has listened to and watched this concert on Sky Arts 2.

            I was rather hoping other people would have come onto the forum and made some constructive comments.

            I did hear and watch some of the concert. I was quite impressed by VA's conducting at least in the first piece, and the orchestra was OK - sometimes some good playing, and sometimes not so good.

            I should of course accept what our resident expert on violin playing and the Sibelius concerto has already said about this performance given by Valeri Sokalov.

            I was surprised a few months ago when a close friend of mine (who was on R3 only today talking about Paganini) said to me that he had heard Sokolov and considered his playing no better than an average student. Not having heard Sokolov at that point in time I had no reference.

            I was however very dissapointed to find today that he may well be right, although I would put the playing a notch or two above student level. However, listening to the Sibelius, I felt that musically and from an exciting sound point of view this performance fell very short of the many performances I've heard. Dare I mention in the same paragraph (1) Ida Haendel (2) Ginette Neveau (3) Heifetz. And there are others too. (This is not in any order, but just those performance I remember with some passion).

            Of course we can have different opinions about performances, and it is an objective thing. But, at the same time, I am not de-crying the Sokolov performance, and he has a certain facility, but his performance has been trumpeted rather strongly in a very authoritive manner. I also heard this violinist earlier on R3 playing Debussy and Ravel sonatas and was similarily disappointed.

            Anyone else have any opinions? I think we need more than two opinions about this concert. By the way, HS - I also thought the female leader of the orchestra rather attractive too, but I'm sure she is far too young for we oldies to be in with any sort of chance ...


            • Ariosto

              San Francisco Symphony Concert

              There really was a very wonderful concert on SKY Arts 2 tonight - in my opinion that is.

              Stravisnsky Rite played by the San Francisco Symphony with Tilson Thomas - fantastic playing. And I saw Gerry Mather playing viola - so this must have been at least 7 or 8 years ago - possibly longer, as she is now the viola in the Takacs Quartet. (I missed the Copeland in the early part of the concert).

              Do catch it if it is repeated.


              • Tony Halstead
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 1717

                Gerry Mather
                is that the married name of GERALDINE WALTHER - former principal viola of the SFSO, who made probably the 'finest ever' recordings of Hindemith's two solo (with orchestra) viola works,'Trauermusik' and 'Der Schwanendreher'?
                Last edited by Tony Halstead; 03-07-12, 22:07.


                • Hornspieler

                  Originally posted by Ariosto View Post
                  It looks rather as if no one else has listened to and watched this concert on Sky Arts 2.

                  I was rather hoping other people would have come onto the forum and made some constructive comments.

                  I did hear and watch some of the concert. I was quite impressed by VA's conducting at least in the first piece, and the orchestra was OK - sometimes some good playing, and sometimes not so good.

                  I should of course accept what our resident expert on violin playing and the Sibelius concerto has already said about this performance given by Valeri Sokalov.

                  I was however very dissapointed to find today that he may well be right, although I would put the playing a notch or two above student level. However, listening to the Sibelius, I felt that musically and from an exciting sound point of view this performance fell very short of the many performances I've heard. Dare I mention in the same paragraph (1) Ida Haendel (2) Ginette Neveau (3) Heifetz. And there are others too. (This is not in any order, but just those performance I remember with some passion).
                  Ariosto: I started this thread to draw people's attention to what I considered to be a very fine concert.

                  To quote from that message:
                  I have just finished watching (and recording) the best performance of this taxing work since Ida Haendel played it with Paavo Berglund and the Bournemouth Orchestra
                  ..... so Heifetz, Neveau, Milstein, Accardo or anyone else who might have done better are not a part of this discussion

                  Of course we can have different opinions about performances, and it is an objective thing. But, at the same time, I am not de-crying the Sokolov performance, and he has a certain facility, but his performance has been trumpeted rather strongly in a very authoritive manner. I also heard this violinist earlier on R3 playing Debussy and Ravel sonatas and was similarily disappointed.

                  Anyone else have any opinions?
                  I was not expecting anyone's opinions - I was merely seeking to inform.

                  As far as I am concerned, this thread has achieved what I intended and I have no further interest in it. You are welcome to go as far off post as you wish.

                  HS (R.E.V.P)


                  • amateur51

                    Originally posted by Hornspieler View Post
                    Ariosto: I started this thread to draw people's attention to what I considered to be a very fine concert.

                    To quote from that message:

                    ..... so Heifetz, Neveau, Milstein, Accardo or anyone else who might have done better are not a part of this discussion

                    I was not expecting anyone's opinions - I was merely seeking to inform.

                    As far as I am concerned, this thread has achieved what I intended and I have no further interest in it. You are welcome to go as far off post as you wish.

                    HS (R.E.V.P)
                    And there was me thinking that this board was about members exchanging views, informing each other, maybe even changing their minds


                    • Dave2002
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 18095

                      Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                      And there was me thinking that this board was about members exchanging views, informing each other, maybe even changing their minds
                      Sidestepping any squabbles over violinists, Ashkenazy as a conductor has also recorded Beethoven symphonies (OK), and Rachmaninov symphonies (very good). There are other conductors who are good in Rachmaninov, but I'd put Ashkenazy at or near the top of the pile. I'm not sure of anything else he's tried his hand at.


                      • Ariosto

                        Originally posted by Hornspieler View Post
                        Ariosto: I started this thread to draw people's attention to what I considered to be a very fine concert.

                        To quote from that message:

                        ..... so Heifetz, Neveau, Milstein, Accardo or anyone else who might have done better are not a part of this discussion

                        I was not expecting anyone's opinions - I was merely seeking to inform.

                        As far as I am concerned, this thread has achieved what I intended and I have no further interest in it. You are welcome to go as far off post as you wish.

                        HS (R.E.V.P)
                        No more interest from HS - that will be the day!!! Retreat in the face of adversity?

                        What you seem to forget HS is that you were giving this performance your blessing - seemingly standing as the elder member of the music profession on the forum - and endorsing it as the most wonderful concert. So it is no surprise that we are watching/listening to the concert with some interest and care, and when someone disagrees with your assessment, then you resort to withdrawal, as I've noticed in the past. A difference of opinion can surely be tolerated, even by such and old and venerable participant as you?

                        But, you say you were not expecting anyone else to have opinions, after you have nailed your colours to the masthead? Why? Is that not somewhat arrogant?

                        Perhaps you think there is only one opinion, and it should be yours and yours only? And your definition of going off post is really rather defensive. Perhaps you are saying this because your opinion is being challenged?

                        Please come back and make some sort of defence!!


                        • Hornspieler

                          Originally posted by Ariosto View Post
                          I should of course accept what our resident expert on violin playing and the Sibelius concerto has already said about this performance given by Valeri Sokalov
                          No more interest from HS - that will be the day!!! Retreat in the face of adversity?

                          What you seem to forget HS is that you were giving this performance your blessing - seemingly standing as the elder member of the music profession on the forum - and endorsing it as the most wonderful concert. So it is no surprise that we are watching/listening to the concert with some interest and care, and when someone disagrees with your assessment, then you resort to withdrawal, as I've noticed in the past. A difference of opinion can surely be tolerated, even by such and old and venerable participant as you?

                          But, you say you were not expecting anyone else to have opinions, after you have nailed your colours to the masthead? Why? Is that not somewhat arrogant?

                          Perhaps you think there is only one opinion, and it should be yours and yours only? And your definition of going off post is really rather defensive. Perhaps you are saying this because your opinion is being challenged?

                          Please come back and make some sort of defence!!
                          I can only repeat that in my opening post, I was drawing the attention of message boarders to what I considered to be an excellent concert; in view of the fact that it would not have been listed on our BBC Radio and TV schedules. As I have already said, I did not seek the reactions of other message boarders, but naturally one would expect them and I was as surprised as you were that yours were the only comments to appear following that TV transmission. Having already given my own opinion of the concert, I saw no need to contribute further to the thread which I had started. I did, however feel the need to point out that the subject of this thread had absolutely no connection with the maiden name of a violist playing with an American orchestra and that was definitely taking the discussion off thread.

                          It is said that "sarcasm is the lowest form of wit" I agree entirely. As far as I am concerned, anyone who resorts to that form of attack has already lost the argument.



                          • Ariosto

                            Originally posted by Hornspieler View Post
                            It is said that "sarcasm is the lowest form of wit" I agree entirely. As far as I am concerned, anyone who resorts to that form of attack has already lost the argument.
                            So your comment about Ms Benedetti on another thread was not sarcasm?

                            BTW Will Nicola Benedetti be appearing during this Prom season?

                            As one of the world's leading violinists ...

                            I think you may have fallen short of your own quote at the top of this page!!
                            Last edited by Guest; 05-07-12, 07:45.


                            • salymap
                              Late member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 5969

                              As we don't speak now, would someone tell HS to get his health checked out.....he is obviously far from well and happy these days.

                              Meant seriously and with no other reason than stated.


                              • Ariosto

                                Originally posted by waldhorn View Post
                                is that the married name of GERALDINE WALTHER - former principal viola of the SFSO, who made probably the 'finest ever' recordings of Hindemith's two solo (with orchestra) viola works,'Trauermusik' and 'Der Schwanendreher'?
                                Sorry waldhorn, I meant to reply to this post yesterday but too many things intervened some of which were out of my control.

                                I think I must have had a senior moment as Geraldine WALTHER is her married name!! I always think of her as Gerry as that's how I was first introduced. Incidentally, I agree totally about her playing - wonderful violist - and a lovely person. She often tells me off for being too complimentary, but her sound in the Takacs Quartet is in my opinion nothing short of fabulous. She now plays on a Guadanini viola which I saw long before her, as it originally belonged to the person I studied with at the RAM - Watson Forbes. In fact all the upper strings play on Guadaninis - and make wonderful sounds.

                                With appologies to Hornspieler for going off topic again ... I hope he's not mad at me ...

