some reviews from Vienna
For Petrushka (M # 87), here are some reviews of the concert and the CD set that I can glean:
Wilhelm Sinkovicz, Die Presse:
Since I'm not a German speaker, I had to resort to Google Translator. On the whole, Sinkovicz's reviews seemed favorable.
From Der Standard:
(a) Christian Schwei has this review (353 comments from readers), generally nice, if finding FWM perhaps more in line with Josef's work in places rather than Johann II:
(b) Ljubisa Tosic has this review (99 comments), which was again generally kind, although saying that perhaps FWM didn't get into the humor of some moments:
Schwei also put the choice of the "Ritter Pasman" and Liszt "Mephisto Waltz" in the program in sociopolitical context, since Hungary assumes the EU presidency in 2011. I actually didn't have a problem with the inclusion of the "Mephisto Waltz" in the concert, even if it is sardonic, given the context of the Faust and Mephisto story. Plus, Johann II did write a waltz called "Mephistos Höllenrufe", so the inclusion of the Liszt wasn't that far off
I also enjoyed hearing the unfamiliar "novelties", as I generally have over the last few NJK's with the Vienna Phil, and I didn't really consider them second-rate.
Originally posted by Petrushka
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Wilhelm Sinkovicz, Die Presse:
Since I'm not a German speaker, I had to resort to Google Translator. On the whole, Sinkovicz's reviews seemed favorable.
From Der Standard:
(a) Christian Schwei has this review (353 comments from readers), generally nice, if finding FWM perhaps more in line with Josef's work in places rather than Johann II:
(b) Ljubisa Tosic has this review (99 comments), which was again generally kind, although saying that perhaps FWM didn't get into the humor of some moments:
Schwei also put the choice of the "Ritter Pasman" and Liszt "Mephisto Waltz" in the program in sociopolitical context, since Hungary assumes the EU presidency in 2011. I actually didn't have a problem with the inclusion of the "Mephisto Waltz" in the concert, even if it is sardonic, given the context of the Faust and Mephisto story. Plus, Johann II did write a waltz called "Mephistos Höllenrufe", so the inclusion of the Liszt wasn't that far off