Maurice André has died

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  • amateur51
    • Mar 2025

    Maurice André has died

    Maurice André the great trumpet player has died

  • Roehre

    By far the best part of my first LPs featuring trumpet-solo works were performances by Maurice André.
    I.a. cherished recordings of the Haydn and Hummel concertos and many baroque works.

    RIP Maurice André


    • ferneyhoughgeliebte
      Gone fishin'
      • Sep 2011
      • 30163

      Originally posted by Roehre View Post
      By far the best part of my first LPs featuring trumpet-solo works were performances by Maurice André.
      I.a. cherished recordings of the Haydn and Hummel concertos and many baroque works.

      RIP Maurice André
      [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


      • EdgeleyRob
        • Nov 2010
        • 12180

        Very sad news. RIP.


        • Petrushka
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 12436

          The only CD of Andre that I have is the celebrated concerto disc with Karajan and the BPO which was reissued in the 'Great Recordings of the Century' series on EMI.

          "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


          • doversoul1
            Ex Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 7132

            Maurice André was to me synonymous to classical trumpet music for a long time. It feels like an end of an era.



            • BBMmk2
              Late Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 20908

              Completely agree doversoul. he had such a lyrical tone, where others seem too brash and showed what the trumpet could do. RIP MA
              Don’t cry for me
              I go where music was born

              J S Bach 1685-1750


              • Colonel Danby
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 356

                With Philip Jones, Maurice Andre was among the best trumpeters of his generation: my favourite recording of his was the "Royal Music of King James I" on an old Decca Serenata label: Anthony Holborne, Giles Farnaby etc wonderful music.

                Sad news indeed. RIP Maurice


                • doversoul1
                  Ex Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 7132

                  The Guardian’s obituary. I wonder if he reads this forum.

                  Virtuoso French trumpeter who dominated the scene in the 1960s and 70s


                  • french frank
                    • Feb 2007
                    • 30812

                    Interesting it says: "Both soloist and orchestral accompaniments on many of André's recordings now sound inflexible, with dirge-like tempi for slow movements. But at the time, this style of playing was thrillingly new and original." It illustrates how our 'criticism' is influenced by times and tastes (tempora and mores!) and how 'now' is so often appreciated because it's now/new.

                    But would people agree that by contemporary standards 'many' (NB not all) of the recordings can sound 'inflexible' and 'dirge-like'? Or is that only in the mind of the obituarist?
                    It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                    • Rupert P Matley

                      Originally posted by french frank View Post
                      Interesting it says: "Both soloist and orchestral accompaniments on many of André's recordings now sound inflexible, with dirge-like tempi for slow movements. But at the time, this style of playing was thrillingly new and original." It illustrates how our 'criticism' is influenced by times and tastes (tempora and mores!) and how 'now' is so often appreciated because it's now/new.

                      But would people agree that by contemporary standards 'many' (NB not all) of the recordings can sound 'inflexible' and 'dirge-like'? Or is that only in the mind of the obituarist?
                      The obituarist in my view, clearly hasn't listened to that many Andre recordings, or if he has, not listened closely enough. Tempi is one thing (though they weren't all dirge-like in the slow movements of his recordings) but Millington also mentioned that nowadays there is more variety in phrasing and articulation. If he'd listened to enough Maurice Andre recordings he would have heard a master of his craft, perfectly capable of variety both phrasing and articulation to adapt to whatever the music required, far from being 'inflexible'. But he wasn't just a specialist in the baroque field. The obituary mentions the contemporary composers who wrote for him but he was perfectly at home playing jazz. And he also made a strong case, in my opinion, for his recordings of the Mozart and Haydn (attrib.) Oboe Concertos as making them sound convincing on the trumpet (despite a poor orchestra accompanying him).

