Not wishing to spoil the effect of Mr. Maréchal's learned and informative post at the end of the Holbrooke thread, here we start a new one arising from something in the notice reproduced there of the first performance of Holbrooke's Illuminated Symphony "Apollo and the Seaman" at a concert given before Royalty at the Queen's Hall on the twentieth of January 1908. It is there stated that as prelude to the concert the orchestra performed a Symphonic Poem "The Shepherd," written by W. H. Bell and, like the Symphony, inspired by a work of that notable Cork poet Herbert Trench.
Now - perhaps it is a defect of our education - we have never before heard of W. H. Bell! So we quickly looked him up and discovered him to have been a St. Albans man, who over the period from 1899 to 1941 wrote five grand symphonies (the First is named "Walter Whitman" after a Northern American who - not very successfully - tried his hand at poetry!) and at least a dozen Symphonic Poems and Symphonic Fantasies. There is also the Viola Concerto ("Rosa Mystica"), a Piano-forte Quintette, several String Quartettes and Sonatas, a great many works for chorus and orchestra, plenty of songs, and last but certainly not least six and a half music dramas. See here.
Why then is it we wonder that his many no doubt attractive productions are so seldom performed and broadcast to-day? Probably because like Tristram Cary and the always absorbing Roger Smalley he at some mid-life crisis made the mistake of going off to live in one of the Colonies. People in Britain to-day no longer like to think of the colonies do they.