LIVE on 3 Any views?

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  • Cornucopia
    • Mar 2025

    LIVE on 3 Any views?

    Suffolk Coastal makes a fair point in reply to my accusations on the "What are you listening to now" thread; but would not "Building a Library" or "CD revue" not be a better topic (do I mean "Thread"?) for discussion on the merits, availabilty and preferences of CDs and other recorded media?

    Anyway, In the last ten days, we have had live performances of Chamber groups, Recitals, and Orchestral Concerts by the Bournmouth, Royal Philharmonic, London Philharmonic, BBC Scottish and Halle Orchestras and tonight will be the BBC Symphony Orchestra.

    Perhaps those who listen live, or on "Listen again" will give their reactions to this innovation by BBC Radio 3 to offer us live performances whilst we await the next season of live Promenade Concerts?

  • Bryn
    • Mar 2007
    • 24688

    What "innovation"? Wright got rid of live concert broadcasts a few years ago, then reintroduced them last year with the specious claim that this was an innovation. The irony is that the most reliable way of getting to hear them in high quality sound is after the event, via the iPlayer's excellent on demand HD Sound Listen Again facility.
    Last edited by Bryn; 10-02-12, 23:21. Reason: typos


    • Chris Newman
      Late Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 2100

      Calling them "live concerts" is playing with words. A high proportion of the concerts are recordings of live concerts. Even concerts by the BBCSO often get broadcast a few days after the actual live performance.


      • Sapere Aude

        Originally posted by Bryn View Post
        What "innovation"? Wright got rid of live concert broaadcasts a few yeaars ago, then reintroduced them last year with the specious claim that this waas aan innovation. The irony is that the most reliaable way of getting to hear them in high quality sound is after the event, via the iPlayer's excellent on demand HDSound Listen Again facility.
        How do you get HD sound after the event? Every broadcast I try via the iPlayer seems to be streamed at max 128kbps. For example last night's concert...


        • Panjandrum

          Originally posted by Sapere Aude View Post
          How do you get HD sound after the event? Every broadcast I try via the iPlayer seems to be streamed at max 128kbps. For example last night's concert...
          You've probably got yours on the low bandwidth setting. Open up the pop-up iplayer and click on "Normal Bandwidth". You should then get it at 320kbps.


          • Bryn
            • Mar 2007
            • 24688

            Originally posted by Sapere Aude View Post
            How do you get HD sound after the event? Every broadcast I try via the iPlayer seems to be streamed at max 128kbps. For example last night's concert...
            Trust your ears, not the iPlayer's mislabelling. There is no 128kbps stream. You get 320kbps (wrongly labelled as 128kbps) or 56kbps. The HD Sound stream has had the wrong data rate label for over a year now.


            • french frank
              • Feb 2007
              • 30812

              On a bit of a negative note, but perhaps simply a matter of the effect of cuts which will be noticed increasingly: the broadcast of Pappano's Barbican concert on 15 February, which was highlighted on the FoR3 website on the basis of an early press release and which looked quite a treat, has been replaced by a chamber concert. Of course, the R3 schedule could have got it wrong ...

              The upside is that the replacement is Tharaud playing Scarlatti ...
              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


              • Cornucopia

                BBC Symphony Orchestra tonight "Live on 3"

                To me that means a broadcast of an actual performance, whether at the time of actual performance, or recorded for subsequent transmission - as opposed to a studio record of the same work or work;, made over the space of three or four 3 hour recording sessions; with the conductor diving in and out of the production suite to listen to the latest "take".

                In other words, what is happening (or happened) during the actual public performance.

                I believe that is what the term "live" means - the actual straight through perfomance; squawks and fluffs and all.

                Does that make sense as an answer to message #3?

                Dvorak Carnival Overture
                A new Violin Concerto by Rebecca Saunders
                Tchaikovsky 5th Symphony in the second part.

                An interesting concert. Would anyone care to join me?



                • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                  Gone fishin'
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 30163

                  I shall certainly make a point of listening to the Saunders Concerto: I adore her work. But probably on the i-Player: the alteration to the "Live" broadcasting a few years ago got me in the habit of picking and choosing items from concerts at my own convenience in preference to listening "Live", and I've not got back in the habit.

                  A pity there wasn't an introductory Discovering Music on Saunders to help ease the unwary Dvorak/Tchaikovsky afficionado into her very different but very beautiful sound world.
                  Last edited by ferneyhoughgeliebte; 10-02-12, 22:02.
                  [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                  • Mahlerei


                    What's your beef? If MBers want to listen to CDs rather than Radio 3 that's their prerogative.

                    Besides, a fair number of modern recordings are taped 'live' in concert halls and opera houses.

                    You can listen to whatever you like whenever you like - I couldn't care less; please accord us the same right.


                    • Flosshilde
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 7988

                      Originally posted by Chris Newman View Post
                      Calling them "live concerts" is playing with words. A high proportion of the concerts are recordings of live concerts. Even concerts by the BBCSO often get broadcast a few days after the actual live performance.

                      Which ones haven't been broadcast as they are happening? (remember that it's the evening concerts that we are talking about).


                      • french frank
                        • Feb 2007
                        • 30812

                        Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
                        Which ones haven't been broadcast as they are happening? (remember that it's the evening concerts that we are talking about).
                        Yes, the recorded/deferred transmissions in the evening are rare exceptions now.

                        (Sorry, Cornucopia: as you'll see from another thread, I was attending a live live recital this evening.)
                        It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                        • kernelbogey
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 5881

                          Originally posted by Mahlerei View Post

                          What's your beef? If MBers want to listen to CDs rather than Radio 3 that's their prerogative.

                          Besides, a fair number of modern recordings are taped 'live' in concert halls and opera houses.

                          You can listen to whatever you like whenever you like - I couldn't care less; please accord us the same right.
                          I wonder what virtue regulars on these boards find in being rude to new members?


                          • Mahlerei


                            I merely intended to be robust, not rude, so i apologise. Besides, I don't think Cornucopia was being too civil to those of us who don't listen to 'live' concerts every night. Also, the mention of Bournemouth and a familiar tone suggest he isn't a new member; his moniker contains a clue.
                            Last edited by Guest; 11-02-12, 00:45.


                            • kernelbogey
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 5881

                              Originally posted by Mahlerei View Post

                              I merely intended to be robust, not rude, so i apologise.

                              Originally posted by Mahlerei View Post
                              Also, the mention of Bournemouth and a familiar tone suggest he isn't a new member; his moniker contains a clue.
                              I was reminded of a similar discussion on the 'Two Mahlers' thread of the welcome (or not) offered to new members: these boards can appear quite cliquey, from where I sit. But in this case I bow to your superior knowledge....

