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  • Cornucopia

    Originally posted by Mahlerei View Post

    I merely intended to be robust, not rude, so i apologise. Besides, I don't think Cornucopia was being too civil to those of us who don't listen to 'live' concerts every night. Also, the mention of Bournemouth and a familiar tone suggest he isn't a new member; his moniker contains a clue.
    Cornucopia is an ancient Greek word depicting an animal horn, overflowing with fruit and vegetables. I chose the name to represent an abundance of interest, not knowledge.

    Anyway, I thank you for your apology and also for correcting my spelling of Bournemouth (I didn't know there was an 'e' in the middle)

    You will recall, I'm sure, that I also mentioned The Halle orchestra, the RPO, the LPO, the BBC Scottish and the BBC Symphony orchestras in the few messages that I have so far written and, talking of which, what did you think of last night's violin concerto?
    Also, am I right in thinking that the conductor lost control of the orchestra in the Dvorak overture, which to my ears became a bit of a scramble?


    PS What makes you assume that I am a 'he'? Women also listen to music and some of them even play in orchestras.


    • salymap
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 5969

      Welcome Mr, Ms, Mrs or Miss Cornucopia.

      It would be interesting to learn what instrument you play, if you are in an orchestra? I congratulate you on the speed with which you have picked up the intricicies of these boards.

      We have all but lost the orchestral members and I hope the numbers will continue to grow.


      • Cornucopia

        Originally posted by salymap View Post
        Welcome Mr, Ms, Mrs or Miss Cornucopia.

        It would be interesting to learn what instrument you play, if you are in an orchestra? I congratulate you on the speed with which you have picked up the intricicies of these boards.

        We have all but lost the orchestral members and I hope the numbers will continue to grow.
        Dear Salymap,

        Thank you for your welcoming remarks. I have been following the message boards ever since the 2011 promenade season, so I have a good idea of how this forum works.
        I enjoyed reading the comments, for and against, every day after those live broadcasts and so I was delighted to see that the BBC had introduced a special series of live concerts but interest, and mine, tailed off as the Christmas season took over and the choice seemed to be only Carols and oratorios.
        So 2012 came with a renewed (in every sense) choice of live performances to listen to, with some quite stunning performances, but nobody seemed to be listening to them; they were all talking about their own record collections.
        Yes, there is a place for all discussions, but why ignore something which is alive and vibrant (with all its surprises and sometimes mistakes) when discourse about a CD collection can take place at any time of the day?
        So I decided to sign up and try to stir up a bit of interest in what is happening now, with British orchestras instead of how the San Francisco Symphony orchestra played a Russian symphony under Michael Tilson Thomas.

        I don't play in an orchestra and I have no vested interests, but I do think that the standard of playing amongst all of the British orchestras is as high as anywhere in the world at this time and I really fear that we shall lose them if we don't give evidence of our interest and support.

        You say that we (the message boarders) have all but lost the orchestral members. Let us ensure that we do not lose the orchestras.



        • ferneyhoughgeliebte
          Gone fishin'
          • Sep 2011
          • 30163

          Originally posted by Cornucopia View Post
          Yes, there is a place for all discussions, but why ignore something which is alive and vibrant (with all its surprises and sometimes mistakes) when discourse about a CD collection can take place at any time of the day?
          Caliban has started a Thread on "memorable concerts you've attended", and I haven't contributed because I can't narrow my selection down to the required six. (Not that that's stopped other contributers!) To attend a concert can be "alive and vibrant", with a great sense of shared participation in a unique event; but I don't often get the same experience from a broadcast concert. Partly because the "whoompf" of sound is lost on speakers (with the low sound levels the Beeb uses) and because audience noise is more obtrusive listening at home than it is in a concert hall.

          Last night's concert, for example: a perfectly decent performance of Tchaik#5, more lyrical than hysterical, but with so much detail competing with the - ahem - phlegmatic audience. The opening of the Slow Movement (which the performers had so carefully balanced into a barely audible pianissimo) had so much extra bronchial percussion they might as well have played the 1812 Overture. (was even worse in the hushed beauties of the Saunders Violin Concerto.) Now, had I been at the concert, I'm sure these noises off wouldn't've distracted me nearly so much.

          The wrong sort of "alive and vibrant" for me.
          [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


          • cloughie
            Full Member
            • Dec 2011
            • 22263

            Originally posted by Cornucopia View Post
            Cornucopia is an ancient Greek word depicting an animal horn, overflowing with fruit and vegetables. I chose the name to represent an abundance of interest, not knowledge.

            Anyway, I thank you for your apology and also for correcting my spelling of Bournemouth (I didn't know there was an 'e' in the middle)

            You will recall, I'm sure, that I also mentioned The Halle orchestra, the RPO, the LPO, the BBC Scottish and the BBC Symphony orchestras in the few messages that I have so far written and, talking of which, what did you think of last night's violin concerto?
            Also, am I right in thinking that the conductor lost control of the orchestra in the Dvorak overture, which to my ears became a bit of a scramble?


            PS What makes you assume that I am a 'he'? Women also listen to music and some of them even play in orchestras.
            Must be female otherwise you'd be Cornucopius


            • vinteuil
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 13185

              ... ahem. Cornucopia, from Latin cornu, cornus, [but cornum, corni (Ovid)], noun; a horn. Literally, the horn of animals: of the bull, ram, goat, stag, etc. [Lucretius, Cicero, Horace, Virgil] - esp. Cornu Copiae (cornucopia), the horn of the goat Amalthea, the sign of plenty [Horace].

              Cornucopia is of course Latin. The Greek is κέρας Ἀμαλθείας - keras Amaltheias
              Last edited by vinteuil; 11-02-12, 16:32. Reason: correcting a metathesis


              • Alison
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 6503

                I wanted to post views on the Halle concert on Thursday.

                With no obvious thread and not wanting to hijack What are you listening to now ?
                I didn't bother.

                Think I am agreeing therefore with the original poster ? !

                Maybe like me others don't always want to start a thread on just one particular concert
                even if it works for the Proms.


                • Eric

                  Originally posted by Bryn View Post
                  What "innovation"? Wright got rid of live concert broadcasts a few years ago, then reintroduced them last year with the specious claim that this was an innovation. The irony is that the most reliable way of getting to hear them in high quality sound is after the event, via the iPlayer's excellent on demand HD Sound Listen Again facility.
                  Bryn, would you mind telling me what equipment you use to get good sound out of the iplayer. I have tried connecting my computer to the HiFi and the sound is not as good as FM - but I do have a rooftop ariel and an analogue HiFi Tuner.




                  • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                    Gone fishin'
                    • Sep 2011
                    • 30163

                    Originally posted by Alison View Post
                    I wanted to post views on the Halle concert on Thursday.

                    With no obvious thread and not wanting to hijack What are you listening to now ?
                    I didn't bother.
                    I don't think anyone would think you were "hijacking" a "What are you listening to now?" Thread by commenting on what you were listening to, Alison: many contributors mention the evening concert.

                    But there is certainly room for a separate "This Evening's Performance" Thread in which everyone can comment on what they've heard, either Live or via "Listen Again": why not start one? Please "bother": otherwise these MBs can be taken over by the same old regulars ... erm ... like me!

                    Best Wishes.
                    [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                    • Petrushka
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 12430

                      Originally posted by Mahlerei View Post
                      ... the mention of Bournemouth and a familiar tone suggest he isn't a new member; his moniker contains a clue.
                      The tone and content are indeed highly familiar to me too and were so from the very first message. I'm not complaining as it's good to have this particular member on board, just not keen on the pretence that's all.
                      "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


                      • salymap
                        Late member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 5969

                        Originally posted by Petrushka View Post
                        The tone and content are indeed highly familiar to me too and were so from the very first message. I'm not complaining as it's good to have this particular member on board, just not keen on the pretence that's all.
                        I have confronted the person you are thinking of and he more or less denies it and I'm no further forward It would be better for us all if he came clean, I miss his posts

                        On the other topic, what about a weekly thread, started on Monday, say, for This Week's Live Concerts ?


                        • Cornucopia

                          ... ahem. Cornucopia, from Latin cornu, cornus, [but cornum, corni (Ovid)], noun; a horn. Literally, the horn of animals: of the bull, ram, goat, stag, etc. [Lucretius, Cicero, Horace, Virgil] - esp. Cornu Copiae (cornucopia), the horn of the goat Amalthea, the sign of plenty [Horace]
                          Thank you for that correction. Yes indeed, a Latin word, but based on the Ancient Greek Myth "...the goat that suckled Zeus", denoting a great abundance - of wealth, of pleasure, of knowledge? Who knows?

                          Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View Post
                          I don't think anyone would think you were "hijacking" a "What are you listening to now?" Thread by commenting on what you were listening to, Alison: many contributors mention the evening concert.

                          But there is certainly room for a separate "This Evening's Performance" Thread in which everyone can comment on what they've heard, either Live or via "Listen Again": why not start one? Please "bother": otherwise these MBs can be taken over by the same old regulars ... erm ... like me!

                          Best Wishes.
                          Well, that was the reason that I had the temerity to start my new Thread, but I would have no reason to object to a change of title, as you suggest. I simply thought that "What are you listening to now?" could embrace anything from a boxing match to a mother-in-law. (don't worry, I've never seen fit to listen to either!

                          So why don't you, as a well established message boarder start the thread and I will happily bow out?



                          • Bryn
                            • Mar 2007
                            • 24688

                            Originally posted by Eric View Post
                            Bryn, would you mind telling me what equipment you use to get good sound out of the iplayer. I have tried connecting my computer to the HiFi and the sound is not as good as FM - but I do have a rooftop ariel and an analogue HiFi Tuner.


                            I will PM you latter, Eric. Using a pub's wifi and little tablet at the moment. Not the best conditions for a detailed reply.


                            • french frank
                              • Feb 2007
                              • 30787

                              Originally posted by Alison View Post
                              I wanted to post views on the Halle concert on Thursday.

                              With no obvious thread and not wanting to hijack What are you listening to now ?
                              I didn't bother.
                              Something's amiss then. The whole board 'Performance' was intended primarily for people to post about performances on Radio 3, lunchtime, Ao3 or Live In Concert. Should someone start a 'Live In Concert' thread specifically for evening concerts?
                              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                              • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                                Gone fishin'
                                • Sep 2011
                                • 30163

                                A potential problem that occurs to me is one of overlap: I can imagine three or four different concerts being discussed individually but simultaneously on the same Thread. With the Proms, each concert has its own Thread under an overall heading. If no one else has a better idea, I'll start a new Thread tomorrow (or even two threads; one for Evening concerts, the other for Afternoon events).
                                [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]

