...Do Bing & Ella belong on Radio Three?

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  • Freddie Campbell
    • Mar 2025

    ...Do Bing & Ella belong on Radio Three?

    ...I don't think so,no.Those of us who turn on R3 have made a conscious
    descision as to the quality of Music to which we would like to listen-
    There's nothing wrong with Ella Fitzgerald or Bing Crosby-excepting they
    are not my choice and are available in many other Radio Stations & mediums...
  • Mr Pee
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 3285

    I agree. I love Ella Fitzgerald at the right time and in the right place, but I don't believe that Breakfast is that time or place. Rob also played some Sinatra the other morning- again, wonderful stuff, but it's not why I listen to Radio3, unless it's a specifically jazz oriented programme. At the time of writing, Radio 3 is still a predominantly classical station, although that may have changed by the time I've finished my cup of tea.
    Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

    Mark Twain.


    • Norfolk Born

      Originally posted by Freddie Campbell View Post
      There's nothing wrong with Ella Fitzgerald or Bing Crosby-excepting they
      are not my choice...
      'Nuff said, I think.


      • Eudaimonia

        Radio 3 was playing jazz when it was the Third Programme in 1964. Are you seriously suggesting it become a "classical only" station? That's never been what R3 was about.

        That said, what could possibly be wrong with doing a survey to find out what percentage of potential listeners switch off because they can't stand a mixed-genre morning show? If they're alienating more people than they're attracting, it's counterproductive. Who are your core listeners, and how can you give them what they want within the framework of your organizational mission? Personally, I'm not seeing why they should have a mixed-genre morning show, but I'm assuming somebody somewhere originally had a good reason and didn't just pull it out of his hat.

        Should it be re-examined? It couldn't hurt. Is it a big deal in the overall scheme of things? Not specifically--but if they're losing enough of their core audience over it, it's definitely a problem. Nobody will ever know any of this stuff without good metrics.

        Originally Posted by Freddie Campbell
        There's nothing wrong with Ella Fitzgerald or Bing Crosby-excepting they
        are not my choice...
        'Nuff said, I think.
        No, it's not enough at all. Why? Because you can't program a publicly-funded radio station based on personal preferences alone. Personally, I'd keep them both off the breakfast show, give Ella her own 15 minutes as a short, late-night programme-between-programmes and never play Bing at all. But that doesn't matter.
        Last edited by Guest; 16-12-10, 18:06.


        • aka Calum Da Jazbo
          Late member
          • Nov 2010
          • 9173

          well Alyn did a library on Bing and a huge debate ensued, eventually i succumbed! Bing did come from the world as well as the age of jazz ... and so did Ms Fitzgerald...

          that said, there can be a world of difference between their recordings, they both recorded plenty of Hollywood schmaltz .... and imv this morning's Ella was in that category ....

          whereas ....

          Ella Fitzgerald with Oscar Peterson in 1980 in all their musicality and expression.One of the most beautiful jazz standards written by Vincent Youmans, Billy...

          is rather more engaging eh?

          Rob does slip in the odd bit of jazz, and needs encouraging to select the real thing, he can fall prey to rather easy listening choices ...

          it is a matter of concern to the jazz fraternity that R3 never plays jazz at the right time!
          According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


          • Mr Pee
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 3285

            Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View Post
            it is a matter of concern to the jazz fraternity that R3 never plays jazz at the right time!
            And it is a matter of concern to the classical fraternity that they all too often play Jazz at the WRONG time!!
            Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

            Mark Twain.


            • Globaltruth
              • Nov 2010
              • 4325

              Ever listened to Words + Music?
              latest playlist here... on a regular basis quite likely to find Ella, Bing, Christopher Logue, Bob Dylan, Cole Porter et al...


              • Freddie Campbell

                ...Sure,wonderful! I have to say though,that at least Classic FM does NOT have an identity
                Chrisis! And since it's inception R3 has developed one,IMV. But my problem is more with lack
                of coherance at times- trying (like Tony Blair) to be "All Things to All People"(& not succeeding!)


                • french frank
                  • Feb 2007
                  • 30786

                  Originally posted by Eudaimonia View Post
                  That said, what could possibly be wrong with doing a survey to find out what percentage of potential listeners switch off because they can't stand a mixed-genre morning show? If they're alienating more people than they're attracting, it's counterproductive. Who are your core listeners, and how can you give them what they want within the framework of your organizational mission? Personally, I'm not seeing why they should have a mixed-genre morning show, but I'm assuming somebody somewhere originally had a good reason and didn't just pull it out of his hat.
                  I did answer your more general point about surveys in a post which is now somewhat buried.

                  As for Breakfast, we do know (because quarterly listening figures are published) that the programme hasn't yet reached the listening levels of its predecessor, Morning on 3, and that of those who do listen many are discontented. And of those who quite like the programme, many/most will agree that they also dislike specific aspects which the 'whingers' whinge about.

                  That said, Bing on Jazz Library pleased the jazz fans, I think, but would they want to listen to 'I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas' on Breakfast?
                  It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                  • amateur51

                    Originally posted by Freddie Campbell View Post
                    ...But my problem is more with lack
                    of coherance at times
                    Don't be too hard on yourself, Fred


                    • Norfolk Born

                      Message #3 was meant to be ironic. I would never suggest that particular composers or performers be kept off Radio 3 simply because I don't like them or they don't appeal to me. But it appears that, to some people at least, personal preference may be a good enough reason to suggest such a drastic course of action!


                      • Frances_iom
                        Full Member
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 2432

                        Originally posted by Freddie Campbell View Post
                        .. "All Things to All People"(& not succeeding!)
                        I don't know - they have found a role for KD - a leader of the red nose Kazoo band at the Albert Hall - a mega investment by our own RW to drag in the crowds and raise the culture level to previously undreamt of heights


                        • John Wright
                          Full Member
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 705

                          I'm probably one of the bigger Bing and Ella fans on here. Being an Arts & Culture station they DO have a place on Radio 3, but I don't think Breakfast is one of those places.

                          Problem is: Bing and Ella hardly get a look in over at Radio 2. The odd track maybe on R2 Breakfast but always the very 'commercial' tracks, and more possible inclusion, only, on Friday Night and Sunday Night programmes.
                          - - -

                          John W


                          • Freddie Campbell

                            ...Try not to be Amateur! But you see my point-just as TB offered "sound bites" instead of
                            genuine policy,so R3 similarly tries Listeners out with the odd misplaced Lyric by EF or BC...


                            • Peter Katin
                              Late member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 90

                              Originally posted by John Wright View Post
                              I'm probably one of the bigger Bing and Ella fans on here.
                              Does it help if I say that Ella was a great love of classical music?

