Violinist's response to mobile phone interruption
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Norfolk Born
Originally posted by rubbernecker View PostThis doesn't appear to have been posted here before:
Lukas Kmit (pictured) improvised a rendition of the Nokia ringtone that had gone off during his performance at a synagogue in Slovakia.
It's unclear whether this is in fact a clever viral campaign by Nokia.
The original ringtone was apparently taken from a piece by Tarrega, of Recuerdos fame.
Originally posted by rubbernecker View PostThis doesn't appear to have been posted here before:
Lukas Kmit (pictured) improvised a rendition of the Nokia ringtone that had gone off during his performance at a synagogue in Slovakia.
It's unclear whether this is in fact a clever viral campaign by Nokia.
The original ringtone was apparently taken from a piece by Tarrega, of Recuerdos fame.- but watch out rubbers - the name is Tárrega and there are people on here who'll give you a hard time for not being acute enough to know the difference
Originally posted by amateur51 View PostNice post rubbers - well done that violinist, I say- but watch out rubbers - the name is Tárrega and there are people on here who'll give you a hard time for not being acute enough to know the difference
Richard Tarleton
Originally posted by amateur51 View PostNice post rubbers - well done that violinist, I say- but watch out rubbers - the name is Tárrega and there are people on here who'll give you a hard time for not being acute enough to know the difference
Ams it's my life's work.
There's a horrible version of Recuerdos for violin which RC has been known to play - sounds like an attack of hiccups
I'm also surprised I haven't been picked up on the fact that it's a violist rather than a violinist
Originally posted by subcontrabass View PostOn Radio 4 Six O'Clock News tonight the first syllable of "viola" was pronounced to rhyme with "eye".
Originally posted by rubbernecker View Post
would Nokia really have expected them to endure 45 seconds of classical solo violin playing before getting to the punchline? They would also have opted for a more 'photogenic' soloist ...take a look at Nokia's ads.