Diaghilev at the V & A

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  • Ferretfancy
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 3487

    Diaghilev at the V & A

    I've just got back from the Diaghilev Exhibition at the V & A, bowled over by the genius of the man. It's a huge show with an enormous amount of original material including manuscript scores, correspondence, and a wonderful collection of costumes.
    The amazing stage cloths for the Firebird, and Picasso's design for Le Train Bleu are stunning, worth the cost of the visit alone. There is also an opportunity to see film of Karsavina and others, and there is lots of material on The Rite of Spring. This has got to be the most comprehensive view of Diaghilev since the famous exhibition curated by Richard Buckle back in the early 1960s.

    I couldn't help thinking how wonderful it would be to have a comprehensive recorded edition of all the music composed for the Ballets Russes, with an illustrated volume to go with it, not just the familiar Stravinsky scores, but all the other ballets. I've managed to collect quite a number of recordings, some only on LP, but if some enterprising company came up with such a project I would certainly invest in it.

    So, if you can visit, make this one a must, you will not be disappointed. It continues into January next year.
  • Eudaimonia

    Wonderful-- thank you so much for this! Yet another reason to look forward to coming back to London.

    If this isn't a thread for images, I don't know what is...here are the "Rite of Spring" costumes:


    • salymap
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 5969

      Ferret, I don't regret not visiting London much now but I would give a lot to see that exhibition.Will there be a TV programme aboutit, does anyone know.? Lucky you b ws salymap


      • Flosshilde
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 7988

        I absolutely agree - it's a fabulous exhibition, with remarkable material, including film clips of ballet & dance in Russia in the late 19th century. It's unbelievable that the V&A has such a rich collection relating to the ballets, including original costumes & set designs - the backcloth for the Firebird is mind-blowing; according to the caption it's the biggest single item in the museum's collection. I had about two hours for a visit - I felt that I needed longer.

        As Ferret says, a CD collection of all the music associated with the Ballet Russes would be good; however, the V&A has done a 3-CD compilation of extracts - http://www.vandashop.com/product.php...=130&navlock=1

        It's a great pity that the Theatre Museum (a branch of the V&A) was closed. The material relating to theatre is rarely displayed now.


        • makropulos
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 1688

          [QUOTE=Ferretfancy;11523I couldn't help thinking how wonderful it would be to have a comprehensive recorded edition of all the music composed for the Ballets Russes, with an illustrated volume to go with it, not just the familiar Stravinsky scores, but all the other ballets. I've managed to collect quite a number of recordings, some only on LP, but if some enterprising company came up with such a project I would certainly invest in it.

          So, if you can visit, make this one a must, you will not be disappointed. It continues into January next year.[/QUOTE]

          Having heard so many good reports, and reading the comments on this thread, I'm very glad to be going to see this next week. It sounds quite wonderful.

          Ferretfancy, you might like to invenstigate Hanssler's series of Ballets Russes discs. It's reached vol. 7 so far (Auric's Les facheux and La pastorale) and there are clearly more to come. Just put Ballets russes into the search box here: http://www.haenssler-classic.de/


          • Freddie Campbell

            ...Thanks for this,Ferrit! Must go when in London.Actually Sky Arts have a Ballet Russes show
            with many references to the great man- worth looking out for & interesting footage too...


            • marthe

              Won't be able to see this but would love to be able to send for an exhibition catalogue. Would it be possible to do this?



              • Eudaimonia

                Surely so...if not, I'd be glad pick one up for you and mail it to the address of your choice.
                How about these costumes for Daphnis and Chloé? Wonderful!


                • salymap
                  Late member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 5969

                  Years ago I saw the 'Col de Basil Russian Ballet' in London. They still had a few members from the Ballets Russes last days and gave terrific performances of Prince Igor, Firebird and, I think, Coq d'Or.

                  Does anyone remember a book I lent [never a lender, etc] to someone years ago and didn't see again; 'Balletomania' by Arnold Haskell? Wish i could get another copy.


                  • amateur51

                    Hello salymap! There are several paperback copies of Haskell's 'Balletomania' available on Amazon Uk for £2.76


                    • salymap
                      Late member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 5969

                      Hi Am51, haven't 'seen' you around recently. Thanks for that, I'll get someone to order it for me.

                      bws from salymap


                      • Mary Chambers
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 1963

                        I still have my mother's copy of Balletomania, very battered but beloved. I grew up with pictures of those legendary Russian dancers.

                        Richard Buckle, I believe, sprayed his exhibition with Diaghilev's favourite perfume, Mitsouko.


                        • Flosshilde
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 7988

                          Originally posted by marthe View Post
                          Won't be able to see this but would love to be able to send for an exhibition catalogue. Would it be possible to do this?

                          Marthe, if you click on the link http://www.vandashop.com/section.php?xSec=282&navlock=1 you will see the exhibition catalogue & another book about the Ballet Russes. If it isn't possible to order from the V&A for delivery to the USA you could probably get it through Amazon.

                          Yes - here it is on Amazon.com -
                          Last edited by Flosshilde; 10-12-10, 11:24.


                          • sigolene euphemia


                            I have a petite crystal bottle of Mitsouko by Guerlain aside me ! I am told that the Czar's perfumers went on to become the nose of Chanel and Guerlain.

                            Just a lovely note you wrote, thanks !



                            • Ferretfancy
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 3487


                              Thanks so much for the Hanssler link, I'll start ferreting straight away!

