Prokofiev Symphony Nº 5 - Karabits and the Bournemouth Orchestra

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  • Ventilhorn
    • Mar 2025

    Prokofiev Symphony Nº 5 - Karabits and the Bournemouth Orchestra

    Tonight at 7.30, Karabits returns to the airwaves with a performance of one of Prokofiev's most exacting works.

    An easy warm-up with Berlioz and Mendelssohn, but the real test is to come in the second part of the concert.

    Should be worth hearing.

  • salymap
    Late member
    • Nov 2010
    • 5969

    I got up, after going to bed early, only caught ten minutes of the symphony although I thought it would be on until 10pm.

    I hope it was to your liking VH


    • Ventilhorn

      Originally posted by salymap View Post
      I got up, after going to bed early, only caught ten minutes of the symphony although I thought it would be on until 10pm.

      I hope it was to your liking VH
      "To my liking" is putting it mildly, Salymap.

      This, I thought was the perfect concert for an autumn evening.
      Disregarding the Berlioz, which was played probably as well as that particular overture could be (I much prefer Les Francs Juges) I was quite overwhelmed by some superb violin playing in the concerto. Secure technique, most musical phrasing ─ even going along at quite a lip, I felt that this was true Mendelssohn. My late dear friend, Alfredo Campoli, could not have played it better IMO and I always regarded him as the benchmark against which I set all other violinists in the performance of this concerto.

      I mentioned in my OP the fact that the symphony is a lot more difficult to play than one might think. Prokofiev's writing has always lain more awkwardly under the fingers than DSCH (ask Ariosto if you don't believe me) but the Bournemouth players gave a truly wonderful performance.

      Kyril Karabits has arrived! I admit to my doubts about him in the past, but I willingly eat my words. His direction was all that the orchestra needed to sound like one of the best in the country.

      If you missed this broadcast, listening to your CD collection, do try to catch it on "Listen Again" You will not be disappointed



      • 3rd Viennese School

        Prokofiev 5.
        1st 2 mvts too fast! That next to last chromatic chord of mvt 1 should have been emphasised more- its proof that there's more to this symphony than being nicely humanistic and being un-attached to the events!

        The geezer talking just before hand. "Theres no conflict in Prokofiev. I've heard all the symphonies you know."

        Er... are you sure?


        P.P.S. Not only does Prokofiev obviously play the 2nd subject of mvt 1 in the finales of no.3, 6 and 7 but also in no.5! That silly really fast thing in the finale is the 2nd subject of mvt 1 speeded up! (source- The Book. The Symphony Volume 2)
        Also in symphony no.2 mvt 2 last variations we get the 2nd subject of mvt 1.

        So I’m off to investigate the finales of no.1 and 4.



        • Ventilhorn

          Originally posted by 3rd Viennese School View Post
          Prokofiev 5.
          1st 2 mvts too fast! That next to last chromatic chord of mvt 1 should have been emphasised more- its proof that there's more to this symphony than being nicely humanistic and being un-attached to the events!

          The geezer talking just before hand. "Theres no conflict in Prokofiev. I've heard all the symphonies you know."

          Er... are you sure?


          P.P.S. Not only does Prokofiev obviously play the 2nd subject of mvt 1 in the finales of no.3, 6 and 7 but also in no.5! That silly really fast thing in the finale is the 2nd subject of mvt 1 speeded up! (source- The Book. The Symphony Volume 2)
          Also in symphony no.2 mvt 2 last variations we get the 2nd subject of mvt 1.

          So I’m off to investigate the finales of no.1 and 4.

          I'm so glad you told me all this. Perhaps I didn't enjoy the concert after all.

          Silly me! I must have cloth ears!


          PS: I've only played in this symphony about 6 times. Have you ever played it ─ or just read about it?


          • 3rd Viennese School

            I always enjoy this symphony anyway as I did last night- just pointing out bits where I felt disapointed.

            And no, I havent played in this symphony yet- I think the orchestra would throw me out!



            • Ventilhorn

              Originally posted by Ventilhorn View Post
              "To my liking" is putting it mildly, Salymap.

              This, I thought was the perfect concert for an autumn evening.
              If you missed this broadcast, listening to your CD collection, do try to catch it on "Listen Again" You will not be disappointed
              So it would appear from the pathetic level of response to this thread and to the thread regarding the CBSO concert recently, that practically none of the "music lovers" in our membership bother to listen to Radio 3 live concerts at night and prefer to listen to their collection of CDs by obscure composers; most of whose obscurity is explained by their musical ouvre ─ unless it is an orchestra imported at great expense from overseas, of course**

              Compare this thread with the evening posts for the last few days on the "What are you listening to now?" thread.

              No wonder the BBC states that it is examining the possibility of reducing the cost of its house orchestras!

              May I indulge in one of my own favourite platitudes:- "Ye reap what ye sow"


              ** Definition of an expert: "An average guy who's been brought in from outside."


              • antongould
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 8868

                On your recommendation dear sir I am looking forward to a wonderful night with the iplayer - first chance I've had sadly.


                • Il Grande Inquisitor
                  Full Member
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 961

                  Originally posted by Ventilhorn View Post
                  If you missed this broadcast, listening to your CD collection, do try to catch it on "Listen Again" You will not be disappointed

                  Neil Fisher of The Times raved about the Prokofiev. I shall certainly catch it via iPlayer, VH. Now that he's settled in, I think Karabits will be very good for the Bournemouth SO.
                  Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency....


                  • John Skelton

                    Originally posted by Ventilhorn View Post
                    So it would appear from the pathetic level of response to this thread and to the thread regarding the CBSO concert recently, that practically none of the "music lovers" in our membership bother to listen to Radio 3 live concerts at night and prefer to listen to their collection of CDs by obscure composers; most of whose obscurity is explained by their musical ouvre ─ unless it is an orchestra imported at great expense from overseas, of course**

                    Compare this thread with the evening posts for the last few days on the "What are you listening to now?" thread.

                    No wonder the BBC states that it is examining the possibility of reducing the cost of its house orchestras!

                    May I indulge in one of my own favourite platitudes:- "Ye reap what ye sow"


                    ** Definition of an expert: "An average guy who's been brought in from outside."
                    But dear Ventilhorn . You have already (post 5) disallowed any response to the concert from anyone who hasn't played Prokofiev's 5th symphony as an orchestral musician.

                    Originally posted by Ventilhorn View Post

                    I'm so glad you told me all this. Perhaps I didn't enjoy the concert after all.

                    Silly me! I must have cloth ears!


                    PS: I've only played in this symphony about 6 times. Have you ever played it ─ or just read about it?
                    As Wittgenstein famously wrote: "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent."


                    • amateur51

                      Oh dear, all these toys all over the floor!!


                      • 3rd Viennese School

                        Quote. "So it would appear from the pathetic level of response to this thread and to the thread regarding the CBSO concert recently, that practically none of the "music lovers" in our membership bother to listen to Radio 3 live concerts at night and prefer to listen to their collection of CDs by obscure composers; most of whose obscurity is explained by their musical ouvre ─ unless it is an orchestra imported at great expense from overseas, of course"

                        Er.. I listened to it! I responded to this thread! I even posted some positive comments about the symphony!
                        I do apologise for not hearing your part being played in this symhpony Ventilhorn. I will listen out for you in the future.



                        • Ventilhorn

                          Originally posted by 3rd Viennese School View Post
                          Quote. "So it would appear from the pathetic level of response to this thread and to the thread regarding the CBSO concert recently, that practically none of the "music lovers" in our membership bother to listen to Radio 3 live concerts at night and prefer to listen to their collection of CDs by obscure composers; most of whose obscurity is explained by their musical ouvre ─ unless it is an orchestra imported at great expense from overseas, of course"

                          Er.. I listened to it! I responded to this thread! I even posted some positive comments about the symphony!
                          I do apologise for not hearing your part being played in this symhpony Ventilhorn. I will listen out for you in the future.


                          Yes. Thank you for that and please accept my apologies for not acknowledging your previous reply.

                          However, I stand by the first part of the above quotation. To date, only Salymap and yourself have replied saying that they listened to this concert. The posts regarding the recent CBSO concert were almost as sparse.

                          BTW: I do enjoy a little sarcasm and I certainly deserved it.



                          • salymap
                            Late member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 5969

                            Afternoon VH, the posts on the thread I attempted to start on the CBSO were even sparser, err. I think I mean more sparse. Two I believe.


                            • Mahlerei

                              Have heard Karabits/BSO in Khachaturian. A good partnership in the making.

