The eminent and highly-respected British composer Hubert Bath, a Barnstaple man, was born to-day in eighteen eighty-three, the son of C. J. Bath; and his mother's maiden name, Howell, might be noted.
His early education took naturally enough place at his father's school in Barnstaple! As an enthusiastic youth of sixteen he was prepared for the musical profession by Mrs. Leonard Sly of Salisbury and Dr. H. J. Edwards.
Bath subsequently entered the Royal Academy of Music, gaining the Goring Thomas composition scholarship, and there studying beneath Oscar Beringer (piano-forte), Reg. Steggall (organ) and F. Corder (composition). His first public performance as composer (and tympanist) took place at an R.A.M. students' concert in the Queen's Hall.
The compositions of Bath include:
Orchestral Variations, Queen's Hall (1905);
Incidental Music to "Hannele," His Majesty's Theatre (1908);
"The Wedding of Shon Maclean," Leeds Festival (1910);
"The Legend of Nerbudda,"
"Look at the Clock,"
"The Jackdaw of Rheims,"
"Two Sea Pictures," Queen's Hall Proms. (1909).
He also wrote some four hundred songs, numerous experiments in drama with spoken words to music, piano-forte pieces, as well as a string quartette, piano trios, etc.
Club: German Athenaeum.
Residence: North Walk, Barnstaple, North Devon.