In "Who's Who in Music" we find the following information and orthography: "Wassili Sapellnikoff, born 21 October, 1872, at Odessa."
Whereas jolly old Percy Scholes has "Vassily Sapelnikof, born Odessa 1868" (he does not give the day).
A web-site entitled "Tchaikovsky Research" uses the spelling "Vasilii Sapel'nikov" - I do not know what the inverted comma is intended to signify - and gives his date of birth as "21 October/2 November 1868."
And the Wiki-pedia thing uses "Wassily Sapellnikoff" and states that he was born on 2 November [Old Style 21 October] 1867!!!
Mr. Holden, in his interesting biography "Tchaikovsky" spells the name "Vasily Sapelnikov."
And as usual Grove's Dictionary, edited by professors with some kind of biassed modernistic agenda, omits his name entirely!!!!!!
So: three different birth-years, five different transliterations. One wonders whether people who adopt a new scheme of transliteration ever truly understand what damage they do. Here is his name in the Russian alphabet, which is perhaps less subject to variation: Василий Львович Сапельников.
What we can say is that Sapellnikoff was a homo-sexualist - always a plus in a pianistic performer is it not.
In this regard the Wiki-pedia is quite interesting: "He was one of Tchaikovsky's lovers, having gone with the composer on a tour to Germany, France and England. At his debut in Hamburg in 1888, he played Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor with the composer conducting. This concert was a great success and a catalyst for his budding career as a concert pianist in Western Europe.
"Sapellnikoff first appeared in England in 1889 playing the Tchaikovsky concerto at a Royal Philharmonic concert, under the composer's baton [its first performance in England]. He became a favourite at Philharmonic concerts, and created a furore in 1892 by his performance of Liszt's E flat concerto, accepting a second engagement for the same season. In 1902 he delivered the first performance in England of Rachmaninoff's 2nd piano concerto."
He was educated at the Imperial Academy of Music, by Brassin (piano), Liadoff and Tizck (composition); studied both the violin and piano-forte as a boy, but on the advice of Rubinstein concentrated his talents on the latter instrument. He first appeared under Tchaikovsky, with whom he travelled around Europe and performed at leading concerts in every European capital.
Tchaikovsky wrote to his brother: "After three weeks we have become inseparable; I have grown so fond of him, and he has become so close to me, that he now seems like part of the family. Not since Kotek have I loved any one as much. You cannot imagine a more attractive, gentle, sweet, delicate and noble individual. I absolutely adore him!"
Throughout the subsequent decade the pair continued to travel together, share their days of relaxation, and "concertize."
M. Sapellnikoff played for the Philharmonic Society some thirteen times, and became an honorary member, a rare distinction.
He composed a quantity of piano-forte music, including "Valse Caprice," "Gavotte," "Étude," "Elfentanz," etc., etc.
He soon acquired residences in Berlin, Munich, and Florence; and expired in 1941 at San Remo.
The Wiki-pedia lists a number of recordings he made.