Your Least Favourite Mahler Symphony?

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  • Mandryka
    • Mar 2025

    Your Least Favourite Mahler Symphony?

    Generally, I like Mahler, especially 1-5, 7, 9 and Das Lied...

    The 8th I blow hot and cold over - sometimes I'm in the mood for it, more often I'm not.

    But 6, no matter who's conducting or playing, never does it for me. I can't shake the feeling that Mahler set out to write a self-conciously 'tragic' work and the drama (from the trudgy, over-emphatic 'march' at the beginning) to the notorious 'three hammer blows of fate' at the end always strikes me as being too thickly laid on. The effect is a bit like being cornered by some teenager in a Goth outfit, anxious to show you his self-inflicted scars and bend your ear about how grim life is.

    In actual fact, of course, the impulse for the symphony came from genuinely tragic events in Mahler's own life - but I think these find far more moving (and restrained) expression in the Kindertotenlieder (and, for that matter, Das Lied).

    So, it would be fair to say, I'm no fan of the 6th (is it significant that it seems to be programmed significantly less than GM's other works? It has a reputation for being 'difficult' to interpret), though the slow movement is pleasant.
  • Eine Alpensinfonie
    • Nov 2010
    • 20585

    Number 11


    • Mr Pee
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 3285

      No. 6 is probably my favourite, and can be shatteringly powerful in a good performance.

      I won't pick a least favourite. Seems rather a pointless exercise.
      Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

      Mark Twain.


      • moeranbiogman

        No.3 - everything rather pompous except for the final adagio.


        • Serial_Apologist
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 38155

          That's a difficult question to answer. I've just spent ten minutes, walking aeround the block, trying to work out how to give my answer.

          I think it has to be any Mahler, except for the Fourth, which I can listen to at any time. Why? Because there are times when Mahler perfectly matches my mood - now shaKing his fist fatalistically at tragedies he foresaw, whether of his own or "fate's" making; now at peace and harmony with the natural order; now at war with his own inner disorder - but there are other times (like now) when I just can't face his music. A ahame, really, as I should be listening to the Sixth, which is on right now, probably. I nearly wrote "face the music" - because Mahler is a bit like that, wouldn't one say? Perhaps it's because he reflects back complex, contradictory old me only too well: round and round on the karmic wheel of birth-and-death, maybe only reconciled at the very end: by which time, how many have been on the receiving end? I have a theory that Mahler frequently didn't like Mahler very much.



          • barber olly

            1 to 5 I feel I know and love but there's always something more to hear in each, however I feel I've been trying to get to know 6 to 9 for the last 30 years, one day (week, fortnight, month) I'll sit down and take them in! No10 I do not take seriously, other than the Adagio, for the same reasons as Payne's Symphony on a few ideas of Elgar!


            • Suffolkcoastal
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 3299

              All of them, except 6 & 9. If I had to pick the worst one it would be a toss up between 3 & 8.


              • Mandryka

                A lot of people (including a fair few conductors) seem to have an aversion to the 8th, I believe. Wonder why that is? Excessive rehearsal time, perhaps?


                • Ferretfancy
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 3487

                  The first 4 are OK, after that the neurosis, bombast and breast beating takes over. I think on the whole I prefer the song cycles, but Mahler's world will never be really mine.


                  • LeMartinPecheur
                    Full Member
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 4717

                    Originally posted by barber olly View Post
                    No10 I do not take seriously, other than the Adagio, for the same reasons as Payne's Symphony on a few ideas of Elgar!
                    Do you take the same view of Mozart's Requiem? The reviewer in the recent-ish Mahler 10 BaL pointed out that there's vastly more Mahler in the 10th than there is Mozart in the Requiem.

                    There is a complete Mahler 'line' all through reconstructions of the 10th. As I understand it, the issues are then orchestration, and a certain (fairly small) amount of infilling of inner parts. At least in the Cooke version - there are other, more speculative and heavily orchestrated completions. Even so, in these there's still vastly less actual composition than in Elgar/Payne 3, though that for me is still a startlingly good work.
                    I keep hitting the Escape key, but I'm still here!


                    • Norfolk Born

                      Originally posted by Mandryka View Post
                      A lot of people (including a fair few conductors) seem to have an aversion to the 8th, I believe. Wonder why that is? Excessive rehearsal time, perhaps?
                      In my case, it's simply because there's so much going on and I can't get my head round it. My favourite is the 6th.


                      • Serial_Apologist
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 38155

                        Originally posted by Ofcachap View Post
                        In my case, it's simply because there's so much going on and I can't get my head round it. My favourite is the 6th.
                        Gustav Mahler: harbinger of the New Complexity.


                        • Nick Armstrong
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 26617

                          "...the isle is full of noises,
                          Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                          Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                          Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                          • Petrushka
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 12428

                            Originally posted by Mandryka View Post
                            In actual fact, of course, the impulse for the symphony came from genuinely tragic events in Mahler's own life
                            Not so. The composition of the 6th predates the 'tragic events' by three years.

                            By the way, the notion of a least favourite Mahler symphony is absurd in my case.
                            "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


                            • Stan Drews
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 79

                              Oh, Jeez. Please get a life. This is about as pointless as discussing the merits of Mozart's symphonies 1 - 20
                              (or thereby). Fact is that Mahler affects us all in different ways at different times.

