Here goes with the annual thread for the VPO's New Year's Day concert, 2022 version. First, standard links:
ORF (Part 1, didn't think to look up Part 2 [oops]):
BBC R3 (but this page erroneously reprints the info from last year's concert with Muti, corrections hopefully to arrive later):
The VPO's page shows a very recent, clearly omicron-related development and update on the allowed audience from the last time that I'd looked at the page:
Pretty tough conditions for entry, but in all honesty, good on the VPO for taking a tough line, to ensure that live concerts with an audience can still go on. Now, the question is whether the string players, percussionists, harpist, and conductor will all wear masks (uh, yeah, sure - probably not, but they should).
Here's the program(me), minus the one unknown & two standard encores, with (*) to mark works getting their first airings at the New Year's Concert, at least AFAICT:
Josef Strauß: Phönix-Marsch, op. 105 (*)
Johann Strauß II: Phönix-Schwingen. Walzer, op. 125
Josef Strauß: Die Sirene. Polka mazur, op. 248 (*)
Josef Hellmesberger (Sohn): Kleiner Anzeiger, Galop op. 4 (*)
Johann Strauß II: Morgenblätter. Walzer, op. 279
Eduard Strauß: Kleine Chronik. Polka schnell, op. 128 (*)
Johann Strauß II: Ouvertüre zur Operette "Die Fledermaus"
Johann Strauß II: Champagner-Polka. Musikalischer Scherz, op. 211
Carl Michael Ziehrer: Nachtschwärmer. Walzer, op. 466 (*)
Johann Strauß II: Persischer Marsch, op. 289
Johann Strauß II: Tausend und eine Nacht. Walzer, op. 346
Eduard Strauß: Gruß an Prag. Polka française, op. 144
Josef Hellmesberger (Sohn): Heinzelmännchen (*)
Josef Strauß: Nymphen-Polka, op. 50 (*)
Josef Strauß: Sphärenklänge (Music of the Spheres). Walzer, op. 235
Erroneous BBC reprints aside, it is very probably still correct that Petroc will present for R3. I'd incorrectly guessed that he'd travel to Vienna last year, and given the current situation with omicron, my guess is that this time, he'll stay in the UK and do remote commentary as presenter.
ORF (Part 1, didn't think to look up Part 2 [oops]):
BBC R3 (but this page erroneously reprints the info from last year's concert with Muti, corrections hopefully to arrive later):
The VPO's page shows a very recent, clearly omicron-related development and update on the allowed audience from the last time that I'd looked at the page:
"Due to necessary preventive measures which have been adopted on short notice, the Vienna Philharmonic finds itself obligated to reduce the number of persons in attendance at the New Year's Concerts 2021/22 to a maximum of 1000 per concert. This reduction and implementation of the 2G+ rule will enable guests who are vaccinated or recovered, and, in addition, produce a PCR test (valid up to 48 hours from sample extraction) and wear a FFP2 mask, to attend the concert.
According to Daniel Froschauer, Chairman of the Vienna Philharmonic, "Even though these measures create an exceptional logistical challenge and necessitate a high degree of understanding and willingness to adapt, we are glad that this year the New Year's Concerts can once again take place with an audience in attendance. For all those concert visitors who due to this reduction cannot be present in the concert hall, seats for next year's concerts will be reserved."
According to Daniel Froschauer, Chairman of the Vienna Philharmonic, "Even though these measures create an exceptional logistical challenge and necessitate a high degree of understanding and willingness to adapt, we are glad that this year the New Year's Concerts can once again take place with an audience in attendance. For all those concert visitors who due to this reduction cannot be present in the concert hall, seats for next year's concerts will be reserved."
Here's the program(me), minus the one unknown & two standard encores, with (*) to mark works getting their first airings at the New Year's Concert, at least AFAICT:
Josef Strauß: Phönix-Marsch, op. 105 (*)
Johann Strauß II: Phönix-Schwingen. Walzer, op. 125
Josef Strauß: Die Sirene. Polka mazur, op. 248 (*)
Josef Hellmesberger (Sohn): Kleiner Anzeiger, Galop op. 4 (*)
Johann Strauß II: Morgenblätter. Walzer, op. 279
Eduard Strauß: Kleine Chronik. Polka schnell, op. 128 (*)
Johann Strauß II: Ouvertüre zur Operette "Die Fledermaus"
Johann Strauß II: Champagner-Polka. Musikalischer Scherz, op. 211
Carl Michael Ziehrer: Nachtschwärmer. Walzer, op. 466 (*)
Johann Strauß II: Persischer Marsch, op. 289
Johann Strauß II: Tausend und eine Nacht. Walzer, op. 346
Eduard Strauß: Gruß an Prag. Polka française, op. 144
Josef Hellmesberger (Sohn): Heinzelmännchen (*)
Josef Strauß: Nymphen-Polka, op. 50 (*)
Josef Strauß: Sphärenklänge (Music of the Spheres). Walzer, op. 235
Erroneous BBC reprints aside, it is very probably still correct that Petroc will present for R3. I'd incorrectly guessed that he'd travel to Vienna last year, and given the current situation with omicron, my guess is that this time, he'll stay in the UK and do remote commentary as presenter.