Violin Improvisation based on the Beethoven Concerto

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  • richardfinegold
    Full Member
    • Sep 2012
    • 7891

    Violin Improvisation based on the Beethoven Concerto

    Have you ever had a Concert Experience where your reaction was completely at odds with the rest of the attendees? I did last night.
    Ricardo Muti conducted and Leonidas Kavakos was the Violinist. The program was listed as

    Beethoven VC
    Bernard Rand. Dreams (World Premiere)
    Liszt Mazeppa

    Kavakos played many long cadenzas that were unfamiliar to me, several per movement. Apparently one that was used in I is
    the cadenza that LvB wrote when he made a Piano arrangement of the work, and features an extended duet with the tympani . It’s really long. The other multiple cadenzas appeared to be based on Greek Folk Songs as reinterpreted by the Backstreet Boys. Due to these interjections, and the fact that Ricardo chose a tempo for the slow movement that was more appropriate for the beginning of the Gorecki Third, the performance lasted almost an hour.
    The crowd went wild. I was in a foul mood to begin with, as I have a knee problem and was in significant pain by the time I got to my seat, but I actually felt obliged to boo, not that anyone except my wife could hear me. Kavakos encored with a Gigue from one of the Bach Sonatas, and he made quite a few audible slips, but at least afaik he didn’t add anything, so that
    was o.k.
    The Rand piece was like many other premieres, about 15 minutes, percussion laden, ambient music. Unexpectedly, by default, it was the highlight of the night.
    I haven’t heard Mazeppa in something like 40 years, and that wasn’t long enough. What a piece of trash! Under normal circumstances I would have considered it sacrilege to be closing a Concert featuring the Beethoven VC, but given the circumstances of the performance of the latter, why not?
  • pastoralguy
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 7910

    That's very disappointing to hear, Richard. To be sure, there has been a fashion to use the cadenza that Beethoven wrote for the piano arrangement that utilities the timpani. Iirc, it was first recorded by Wolfgang Schneiderham in his DG recording. I've never heard it live but it does occasionally crop up.

    However, I'm not sure where the other cadenzas occurred. There is scope for a small cadenza in the link between movements 2 & 3 but certainly no more.

    I once heard Anne-Sophie Mutter play the concerto with Kurt Masur and the LPO that lasted 55 minutes but she just about pulled it off! Back in March, I heard Vilde Frang play it with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra where her first movement was a shortened version of the Kreisler.

    I'm told Santa Claus has Kavakos' new recording of the Beethoven Concerto for me so I'll try to report back. He's a violinist I rate EXTREMELY highly so it's sad to hear he's playing fast and loose with the text.


    • Pulcinella
      • Feb 2014
      • 11350

      My partner was at school with Rands' son when he (Bernard) was at York University before emigrating to the US.
      He (my partner) heard 'Plink Plonk 1 (music for extractor fan and xylophone)' or some such; doesn't sound like things have improved much in the meantime, but Beethoven's clearly got worse!

