Originally posted by Roehre
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The unexpected has always been important for me in appreciating pieces, and I have yet to fail to appreciate Stravinsky's extraordinary orchestration in the effects he gets, nor yet to predict correctly where every accent will fall in the more rhythmically fragmented of its passages, which are what keeps it fresh and thrilling for me.
Having heard The Rite, nothing subsequent quite lived up to it for me in this composer's oeuvre because he mostly eschewed that energy and those colours (apart from in The Song of the Nightingale and Les Noces) and after leaving Russia behind increasingly went for emotionally remoter territory - the Symphony in Three Movements being the one exception in terms of rhythmic and harmonic energy. It's always struck me that it was composers other than Stravinsky who followed up on what he achieved in The Rite: Milhaud, Bartok, Honegger, Cowell, Messiaen, Varese, Henze, Boulez.