Angela Hewitt is one of my all-time favourite pianists. No-one comes near IMHO to her playing of Bach and Handel on the piano, and tonight's Performance on 3 was no exception. She went on to play the Brahms 'Handel' Variations, and explained she liked to play it more like Handel than Brahms. Miss Hewitt is a deeply thoughtful player and obviouisly had her reasons. To me it sounded like neither composer and inhabited an awkward hinterland. 20th century concepts of neo-classicism were not, I am sure, part of Brahms' conception of the piece, and making it sound like Brahms would seem sense to me.
I love AH's playing of 20th cent French piano repertrory...but this was sadly not on tonight's menu.
I love AH's playing of 20th cent French piano repertrory...but this was sadly not on tonight's menu.