BBC Young Musician 2024

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  • kernelbogey
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 5875

    The. 'background music' between performances, faded in the moment the competitor stop playing, is really irritating (and totally unnecessary).

    What a strange decision in a music programme by the producers.


    • Barbirollians
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 11967

      I am scandalised that those two robotic albeit technically sensational pianists were chosen over Jamaal the harpist . Dreadful decision .

      If musicality was the answer the Ukrainian violinist should be a shoo in for the final .


      • jonfan
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 1471

        If I heard right one of the three chosen kept saying to camera ‘I should be in the final, I hope the judges make the right decision.’ How mega pompous can you be. The three rejected would have been my choice for the final.


        • Barbirollians
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 11967

          Originally posted by jonfan View Post
          If I heard right one of the three chosen kept saying to camera ‘I should be in the final, I hope the judges make the right decision.’ How mega pompous can you be. The three rejected would have been my choice for the final.
          I like the Ukrainian violinist but would have had Jamaal and Hugo over the pianists any day of the week.


          • Ein Heldenleben
            Full Member
            • Apr 2014
            • 7249

            Originally posted by Barbirollians View Post
            I am scandalised that those two robotic albeit technically sensational pianists were chosen over Jamaal the harpist . Dreadful decision .

            If musicality was the answer the Ukrainian violinist should be a shoo in for the final .
            I could not agree more Barbs . His phrase shaping , agogics , rubato , everything : a complete musician . The pianists weren’t helped by a poor Steinway . He made the harp sing - no easy task.


            • jonfan
              Full Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 1471

              If the judges had heard what the Ukrainian had said to camera they might not have been pleased to discover what he is like as a person (a question they kept asking of all the performers).
              It’s become a youth piano competition, a disaster. Tempted to do a Nick and boycott the final!!


              • Barbirollians
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 11967

                A car crash


                • Nick Armstrong
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 26617

                  Originally posted by jonfan View Post
                  If I heard right one of the three chosen kept saying to camera ‘I should be in the final, I hope the judges make the right decision.’ How mega pompous can you be.
                  No, I think that’s slightly unfair jonfan. He said before the performance: “I’m just hoping the judges do the decision and let me go to the final round”… a pretty unexceptionable comment it seems to me.

                  Afterwards, he said “I’m pretty sure that I have done enough to impress them, so yeah hopefully they’re going to remember it and will/would make the right decision”

                  I don’t find that pompous, really - in context, they’re pretty understandable remarks from someone who’s naturally hoping to go forward (made in his second language by a mid-teenager, moreover)

                  "...the isle is full of noises,
                  Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                  Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                  Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                  • Dave2002
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 18095

                    Originally posted by Pulcinella View Post
                    Richard Morrison in today's Times (hopefully shareable):

                    Definitely an interesting article - which I was able to read.

                    I have very mixed feelings about competitions in many fields - who and what are they for?


                    • smittims
                      Full Member
                      • Aug 2022
                      • 4719

                      I agree with kernelbogey about 'background music': unnecessary, irritating and insensitive. But sadly that's the BBC today: we have , in R3 trailers, a few seconds of one classical piece jammed into another, and a third,etc. while the voice-over jabbers away about how wonderful it all is. An ignorant and philistine way to present music.

                      I agree also (for once) with Richard Morrison. I think compettiions encourage young people to believe they must be superstars or losers, when in reality most people are in the middle , just satisfactory, which is better for everyone's well-being. .


                      • kernelbogey
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 5875

                        I saw only part of it. It seemed an unhappy mix of showing real musicality with showbiz ('And the winner is... DRAMATIC PAUSE...).

                        Wrong producer, I'd say.


                        • jonfan
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 1471

                          Originally posted by Nick Armstrong View Post

                          No, I think that’s slightly unfair jonfan. He said before the performance: “I’m just hoping the judges do the decision and let me go to the final round”… a pretty unexceptionable comment it seems to me.

                          Afterwards, he said “I’m pretty sure that I have done enough to impress them, so yeah hopefully they’re going to remember it and will/would make the right decision”

                          I don’t find that pompous, really - in context, they’re pretty understandable remarks from someone who’s naturally hoping to go forward (made in his second language by a mid-teenager, moreover)
                          You’re right Nick, I was too harsh in reacting that way. I should have waited until I’d calmed down after the results were announced. The young competitors are usually self-effacing and have humility when surrounded by similarly talented musicians. I recall a few years ago a recorder player winning the woodwind final and breaking into tears saying ‘but everyone is so good!’ Those kind of musicians I’m willing to listen to before they’ve played a note!
                          Well, in the final we have two pianists out of the three and all male!!!
                          Bring back category heats next time and jury members who are expert in the technical aspects of what they’re listening to.


                          • kernelbogey
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 5875

                            Originally posted by jonfan View Post
                            ... I recall a few years ago a recorder player winning the woodwind final and breaking into tears saying ‘but everyone is so good!’....
                            They were so calm hearing the results my hunch was they'd already been told in order to avoid on-air histrionics.


                            • french frank
                              • Feb 2007
                              • 30786

                              Comments to Suzy Klein very welcome, I expect .
                              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                              • french frank
                                • Feb 2007
                                • 30786

                                Susan Tomes wrote a somewhat connected pieces about winners and 'losers'. In particular, she commented below:

                                "It’s interesting, isn’t it, that there is such a vogue for television programmes featuring amateurs ‘having a go’ at something complicated – eg Strictly Come Dancing, Maestro, Masterchef – where the ‘human interest’ factor is obviously thought to be greater if there’s a chance of someone failing, picking themselves up, trying again, ‘going on a journey’. Someone who’s already made that journey off-camera is not interesting.

                                "I felt sorry last week for young trainee opera conductors who have studied for years and now have to see the BBC devoting a whole series to ‘celebrities’ trying their hand at conducting opera. It does make you wonder what is the point of trying to be really good at something, when there’s such an appetite for watching non-experts ‘having a go’."
                                A very interesting discussion the other day at an event organised by the Worshipful Company of Musicians to find out whether young musicians feel they’re getting enough career advice. Many young musicians said sadly that in music the bar is set very high for ‘success’. In the world of performance, everyone thinks ‘success’ means international stardom; this is […]

                                It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.

