What did Members think of the Mozart quartette and quintette yesterday evening?
The young persons played molto espressivo - as I am certain Mozart himself always did - but they were satisfactorily aware of what the others were doing: good ensemble work I suppose I mean to say. And they brought all his half-diminished sevenths properly out (one great difference between M and his contemporaries of course, those). Can any one say why Mozart in the minor is so much superior even to Mozart in the major?
Of course like so much else in life one's very first hearing of any work of Mozart's cannot but be the never-to-be-repeated and deepest-seated experience: it will be all down hill thereafter - revelation is in the past!
The B.B.C. writes of the quartette's "unsual slow introduction" - could that be a Freudian note?
The young persons played molto espressivo - as I am certain Mozart himself always did - but they were satisfactorily aware of what the others were doing: good ensemble work I suppose I mean to say. And they brought all his half-diminished sevenths properly out (one great difference between M and his contemporaries of course, those). Can any one say why Mozart in the minor is so much superior even to Mozart in the major?
Of course like so much else in life one's very first hearing of any work of Mozart's cannot but be the never-to-be-repeated and deepest-seated experience: it will be all down hill thereafter - revelation is in the past!
The B.B.C. writes of the quartette's "unsual slow introduction" - could that be a Freudian note?