YouTube Gerontius, 1968, Pears, Baker, JSQ, Boult.

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  • ferneyhoughgeliebte
    Gone fishin'
    • Sep 2011
    • 30163

    Originally posted by Pabmusic View Post
    Have you heard the various lengthy extracts from live performances at Hereford and the RAH, conducted by the old boy? (At least they provide proof that Britten was being wilful when he prolonged the bass drum rolls across the two silent bars in the prelude.)
    Yes - I used to have the OPAL CD, but it seems to have vanished from my collection. A replacement looks a bit expensive!

    [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


    • Pabmusic
      Full Member
      • May 2011
      • 5537

      Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View Post
      Yes - I used to have the OPAL CD, but it seems to have vanished from my collection. A replacement looks a bit expensive!

      But this is just 20 quid and has all his electrical recordings, including everything that was on the Opal:


      • ferneyhoughgeliebte
        Gone fishin'
        • Sep 2011
        • 30163

        Originally posted by Pabmusic View Post

        But this is just 20 quid and has all his electrical recordings, including everything that was on the Opal:
        Ooh; tempting. I had found another copy of the OPAL CD at around £11 - but this (most of which I already own in the NAXOS remasterings) isn't much more expensive - especially "pre-loved".
        [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


        • Eine Alpensinfonie
          • Nov 2010
          • 20590

          Originally posted by Pabmusic View Post
          It's a fine performance, and the one that inspired Britten to record it. But I do wish we were given more of the performers and (very many) less stained glass windows and gargoyles.
          Is this the version with the singing gargoyles? If so, I remember watching the broadcast, and my father commenting about how silly and distracting it was.


          • Mary Chambers
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 1963

            Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
            Is this the version with the singing gargoyles?
            It is! They aren't there for long, though, and it's worth it for the soloists. Not sure that the choir or the conducting are particularly wonderful.


            • Gordon
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 1425

              Originally posted by Gordon View Post
              I remember seeing this - my first experience of Gerontius. I made a recording from the inards of the TV of the sound track [black and white TV!!, colour has not got started yet in 1968] but it got lost in a house move somewhere. Would be good to hear it again. A bit reverberant IIRC.
              Wonder of wonders!! I had lost the 1/4" tape recording I made on my old Revox G series but I had forgotten that I'd made a cassette copy when I was thinking of thinning down the bulky collection of large spools. Technically not a good thing but I have found the cassette!! Now to find a machine to play it!!

              Being from TV it's mono of course - I doubt whether the BBC did stereo for TV in those days but maybe because it was captured on film it's stereo on the soundtrack. It'll almost certainly be 16mm film [much cheaper than 35mm] so even after a bit cleaning up will not be very sharp. If they ever do issue the DVD we'll find out.


              • ARBurton
                Full Member
                • May 2011
                • 333

                Originally posted by Gordon View Post
                Wonder of wonders!! I had lost the 1/4" tape recording I made on my old Revox G series but I had forgotten that I'd made a cassette copy when I was thinking of thinning down the bulky collection of large spools. Technically not a good thing but I have found the cassette!! Now to find a machine to play it!!

                Being from TV it's mono of course - I doubt whether the BBC did stereo for TV in those days but maybe because it was captured on film it's stereo on the soundtrack. It'll almost certainly be 16mm film [much cheaper than 35mm] so even after a bit cleaning up will not be very sharp. If they ever do issue the DVD we'll find out.
                If you need any help I can do that for you - Dolby B C or S or open reel or DAT or minidisc to cd...!


                • Gordon
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 1425

                  Originally posted by ARBurton View Post
                  If you need any help I can do that for you - Dolby B C or S or open reel or DAT or minidisc to cd...!
                  That was quick!! Many thanks ARB! I'd better have a quick listen to see if the sound quality is worth it. The AGFA 90min with Dolby B cassette is in good condition - it's not been played since God knows when. That YouTube dub is a bit variable with drop outs and it looks and sounds like an off-air from a domestic video cassette but they weren't around in 1968 [semi professional video recorders were but they were expensive] nor was there colour TV so where this dub in colour came from is a bit of a mystery. Perhaps the film was broadcast later in the colour era. It's mono sound too.


                  • Dave2002
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 18109

                    Originally posted by ARBurton View Post
                    If you need any help I can do that for you - Dolby B C or S or open reel or DAT or minidisc to cd...!
                    I can't do DAT or open reel, but all the rest ...

                    Don't even think of using a cheap deck, or one of those kind of things you see advertised in Radio Times or the Sunday papers. I hear that sometimes good quality decks turn up on eBay. Trouble is, that if it's a one off, unless you really want the challenge, or really want to hear that tape, that it's just "extra" work. I thought I might have spare time for "projects" like that as my age increases, but it's not happened yet. I've still not transcribed some LPs which I think could be worth the effort. Maybe next year!


                    • Gordon
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 1425

                      Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                      I can't do DAT or open reel, but all the rest ...

                      Don't even think of using a cheap deck, or one of those kind of things you see advertised in Radio Times or the Sunday papers. I hear that sometimes good quality decks turn up on eBay. Trouble is, that if it's a one off, unless you really want the challenge, or really want to hear that tape, that it's just "extra" work. I thought I might have spare time for "projects" like that as my age increases, but it's not happened yet. I've still not transcribed some LPs which I think could be worth the effort. Maybe next year!
                      Thanks. I know the feeling Dave all those project that somehow never happened. Anyway I do have a cassette deck by Toshiba, a very good one with all the knobs to tweak the right things and that wasn't used that much but it hasn't been connected into my main system since a while. It's in a cupboard in the parlour so when I get a moment I'll get it out and replumb it and run it for a while before trying this tape.

                      I should have said earlier that I had this machine!! I also have a Tascam digital recorder that will do 48/16 and 96/16 but it'll need a bit of faff plumbing as well if the tape is worth converting. Thanks for the offers, if it turns out worthwhile I'll let you know. I suppose it can't be any worse than the VCR sound on the YouTube file; VCRs were not reknowned for their sound quality - the tape speed was rather slow. I still can't believe I still had the tape!!


                      • ARBurton
                        Full Member
                        • May 2011
                        • 333

                        Many years ago, in my salad days, I used to use a 20-band Marantz graphic equalizer to tweak sound a bit.....but I was green in judgement then...

