Afternoon on 3 Scott concerto mix-up?

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  • Serial_Apologist
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 38192

    Afternoon on 3 Scott concerto mix-up?

    Our Penny has just announced the Cyril Scott cello concerto performance as that of the one Scott composed in 1937, yet it is publicised as the Op. 19, composed in 1902, in Radio Times.

    Shurely shome mishtake! - are there any CS experts who can confirm either way?

    From the sound of it, it's more likely to be the publicised one - very post-Wagnerian in language: an interesting period piece, competent if nothing more.
  • Roehre

    This is the recording taken from Dutton CDLX 7302, where it is named as the Concerto for cello & orchestra Op.19, completed and revised by Martin Yates.

    Unless this information is incorrect, I am afraid there ish shurely shome mishtake indeed.

    For the work itself: nice to hear it once, but for all its lush music, it doesn't stick or urges for another hearing, I'm afraid.


    • Serial_Apologist
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 38192

      Yes I think you're right, Roehr.

      The rather slight music from two of Scott's American contemporaries is also pleasant enough: I doubt we'd come across them were this broadcast not culled from concerts by the BBCCO on tour in the States.

