Originally posted by Daniel
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David Matthews SYMPHONY NO. 8 First Performance 17/04/15
Richard Barrett
Originally posted by Daniel View Postit's not just about the creator.
Something that sums up my feelings about this, much better than I could, is this lecture by Alain Badiou (this is especially for you, S_A, I hope you can take the time to watch it and/or read the transcript). I find it highly inspiring as well as enlightening.
Originally posted by Richard Barrett View PostIt's not even about the creator in fact. All the protestations that David Matthews or whoever can "write what he likes" are beside the point. Of course a creative musician can write what he/she likes. Not that this should be taken for granted of course. And it's maybe worth remarking that the kind of retrospective style David Matthews is working in is actually rather comparable to the kinds of artistic styles enforced on artists by the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century. Might that not be a reason to think twice about what one's own music might be a symptom of - that is to say, about the fact that it's the kind of thing that used in Cold War days to be pejoratively described as "officially sanctioned music" if it had emerged from the USSR? The question of reception is, as you say, at least as important - the question of what art should be in society (including when the listener is solitary, as in Jayne's "one-to-one confrontation").
Something that sums up my feelings about this, much better than I could, is this lecture by Alain Badiou (this is especially for you, S_A, I hope you can take the time to watch it and/or read the transcript). I find it highly inspiring as well as enlightening.
There seem to be a few of them, RB.
Richard Barrett
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post?
There seem to be a few of them, RB.
Originally posted by Richard Barrett View PostOops, in my excitement I forgot the link http://www.lacan.com/thesymptom/?page_id=1580
Originally posted by Richard Barrett View PostOops, in my excitement I forgot the link http://www.lacan.com/thesymptom/?page_id=1580
....Gosh, what some people get up to during their weekends....bong ching
Originally posted by Richard Barrett View PostIt's not even about the creator in fact. All the protestations that David Matthews or whoever can "write what he likes" are beside the point. Of course a creative musician can write what he/she likes. Not that this should be taken for granted of course. And it's maybe worth remarking that the kind of retrospective style David Matthews is working in is actually rather comparable to the kinds of artistic styles enforced on artists by the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century.
DM8 is in no sense a product of such totalitarianism, real or imagined - unless you have a credible argument to demonstrate that it is so...
Originally posted by Richard Barrett View PostOops, in my excitement I forgot the link http://www.lacan.com/thesymptom/?page_id=1580
Originally posted by Daniel View Post
However, when artistic impulse or expression is stifled by external influence such as corporate control, and one observes a cultural stagnation that for example suits business rather than culture, I think it is even more important that there is music that pushes against this. Much as I'm glad that David Matthews wrote his 8th Symphony, clearly it is not such a piece of music (and I don't think it needs to be).
The corporation doing the controlling here is the BBC (as is nearly always the case regarding new orchestral music in the UK) It might well be that this symphony falls quite neatly within the boundaries of what is currently acceptable to the BBC commissioners, and, as a consequence DM is vulnerable to accusations of acquiescing to corporate control. But putting aside the question to what extent that has always been the case for David Matthews, the problem is that any music that pushes against those corporate boundaries, in any direction, or even lie entirely outside those boundaries, is going to find it much harder to gain a hearing.
However, what has changed over the years is the sort of new music acceptable to the BBC. When I started listening to R3 in the late 60s commissions were, on average, significantly more atonal/modern than they are now. Not exclusively, to be sure (although the more tonal offerings tended to be from older more established figures that couldnโt necessarily be ignored as much as I suspected the [would-be] opinion formers would have liked). At that time there was huge resistance from the listening public towards this new music, but the BBC was still in a place where it commanded huge respect from a significantly more deferential public. Consequently arguments such as โthis is great music, donโt worry dear audience, we know what weโre doing and you will soon come to see that we are rightโ were taken at face value. Over the years, however, a less deferential public and the realization that, in the main, audiences were not learning to love this modern music, made the BBC arguments much less credible and very gradually the shape of commissioning has changed - if only in an attempt to meet the public half-way.
I interpret this development as a (very powerful) corporation relinquishing power - not retaining or enhancing power as would suit the empire-builders within the corporation.
Richard Barrett
Originally posted by Ian View PostOver the years, however, a less deferential public and the realization that, in the main, audiences were not learning to love this modern music, made the BBC arguments much less credible
I think Ian oversimplifies the BBC by conceiving of it as some kind of monolith.
Think Open University. Anomalous though the institution always was in seeking to inculcate Enlightenment values in the masses, and notwithstanding its partialness, during its pre-audience figures comparison days it did offer space for presenting the modern arts and supporting genuinely new music. It was in that period that a consensus became possible between old-time conservative insisters on maintaining "standards" and those of liberal or left persuasion wanting education in such standards and their underpinning knowledge spread beyond the privileged to the working population as a whole, in the belief that Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson's "white heat of technological change" coupled to a continuing mixed economy would gradualistically bring in shortened working hours and a concomitant leisure culture.
Given the Transatlantic alliance, I believe the thrust for this probably followed in delayed as well as diluted form America's post-war championing of the New to show the Ruskies that freedom really meant Freedom. This was naive thinking, maybe, but for a time it pre-empted the commercial imperative held back until Radio 1 was established in 1967, effectively before commercialism's hegemonic hold on taste-formation had yet become total. But this was not to be: the mixed economy would come to be judged counterproductive to Britain amid the globalised competition stakes, and the Heseltineian wing of the ruling class deemed commercial desiderata would have to take a far greater determining role in working class cultural shaping than had once been considered appropriate.
Hence we now find ourselves at a stage in its ideological transformation where the BBC doesn't know where or even if its remaining Reithian values retain any validity in terms of success now measured by different criteria, paced by the commercial sector, from those once permeating university education values, once the privilege of the few. Meanwhle from opposite premises, right and left find ourselves sometimes united on this forum against "dumbing down" on Radio 3 and in culture in general.
PS: Richard has I see reached similar conclusions in #490Last edited by Serial_Apologist; 17-05-15, 19:27.
Originally posted by Richard Barrett View PostThat's a very common opinion but I don't think it's the whole story by any means. Since the 1980s in particular, as I've said before, the whole of culture has shifted from an emphasis on innovation and exploration to an emphasis on retrenchment, retrospection and homogeneity - not only in the BBC's commissioning policy and its relation to what audiences are presumed to want, not even only in the area of contemporary concert music, but also for example in pop music; and this phenomenon of course runs in parallel with the resurgence of the right, globalisation, the neoliberal "consensus" and so on. Nowadays commercial success, "bums on seats" so to speak, is regarded as a measure of artistic excellence in a way that it never was in the 1960s and 70s; not only that but this is widely viewed as a positive development which in my view it most certainly isn't.Last edited by ahinton; 17-05-15, 20:27.
Originally posted by ahinton View PostOK - and, in principle, I'm not about to doubt it any more than I am to applaud it - but do you really believe that David Matthews writes as he does (and indeed since he has done from a little before 1970, for that matter) purely because he's found it somehow convenient to buy into this hook, line and s(t)inker? Anyway, as far as the "bums on seats" aspect of this is concerned, you have yourself correctly identified occasions on which music that certainly falls outwith this kind of thing has still managed to attract plenty of bums on plenty of seats, so I'm not even sure in any case that this agenda, insofar as it might be promoted by whomsoever, can actually be guaranteed always to work in its own favour and against the kind of music that clearly falls outside it.
RB: "It's not that easy, hinty"
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Postahinton: "I even edited it for you at 21:27, please reply"
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View PostRB: "It's not that easy, hinty"
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Post
So many questions - so little time...