Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte
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I really think you've missed Roehre's point here...(and why should music relate to its past in the same way as the Visual Arts? The way in which Art or Music is stored, carried and "consumed" is different, after all...we don't generally download paintings to an iPhone, or listen to Smooth Classic Poems FM with the washing-up).
Because I could ask you - just how old does a tradition have to be before you would accept an artist reaching back to it as some source, inspiration, or model for "new work"? Evidently you would rule out anything between, say, 50-100 years ago...? Is there a "60-year rule" operating here?
Penderecki, starting from Webern and Boulez, feeling that this tradition could no longer express what he needed, drawing on late-Romantic orchestral styles and imagery, using Silent Night in a piece called the Christmas Symphony...
Max Davies going back much further to plainchant, which led to his development of the "decorated cantus" of the leading symphonic line..
Giles Swayne, also fed up with his Webern-Boulez inheritance, turning to "Bach, Mozart, Fats Waller, Bob Marley, David Bowie..." Then chancing upon African Music and writing CRY...
Surely there's a danger that if you seek the "new" and the "original" so fiercely, chase them down to the ends of the earth, you end up in your senate of high hopes, like Cavafy in Waiting for the Barbarians...
If they never come, maybe you're looking in the wrong direction.
I think Roehre's point is not so much about a "supermarket", more that in 2015, all styles are eternally present, and a given artist may connect with a given musical style or phenomenon at any given time; or it may just erupt into her work. Perhaps more Chance than Necessity. The raw materials for an artwork lie about, instantly accessed & multiplicitous, waiting for that shaping spirit of imagination to find them, copy & paste, remake & remodel...
Or maybe just waiting for a commission, first off. Then a first performance. Then hawking around to find the cash for a recording...