Sorry to have missed the deleted messages which sounded unusually stimulating...
David Matthews SYMPHONY NO. 8 First Performance 17/04/15
Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View PostAnd thank you, Alistair, for the wonderful breadth and depth of your #37, which said so much - of real importance - that I was trying to figure out a way of saying...
I urge all the devoted listeners here to go back and read it.
Oh what the heck - here it is - we don't want it getting lost or forgotten again...Originally posted by ahinton View PostI cannot envisage RAH doing any music any real favours, actually.
Well, it's how you hear it, there's nothing to be said about that, really; you have to hear it the way you do, just as do others who hear it differently. It's good that you appreciate that David Matthews doesn't write as he does to court accessibility, popularity or anything else, but I cannot see how music written as, for example, he writes it can in and of itself be in a state of denial about the second half of the last century. What IS the second half of that century, anyway? It's Xenakis and Rubbra, Ferneyhough and McCabe, Sorabji and Arnold, Hespos and Stevenson and so on and so on; in other words, a far richer diversity of musics than was the case even a century ago and I'd have thought that this is something to be celebrated.
Take Ferneyhough and Matthews, for example, born in the same country within less than two months of one another yet their musics could hardly be more different. As far as I know, their paths crossed only once, when each was in his late 'teens at what would then have been a rare Prom (I think) performance of Rachmaninov's first symphony, which evidently impressed them both. Finnissy and Colin Matthews were likewise born in the same country barely more than a month apart, yet look again at how different their musics are.
Howells has been mentioned upthread (or perhaps in another thread); I well recall the late Derek Bell telling me that, when he studied with him, Howells was always going on to him about Boulez, Stockhausen and other Darmstadt oriented composers, which I have to say surprised me rather and Bell found this heavy going.
"In denial" suggests in practice either an ignorance or a wilful rejection, but do people who don't care for David Matthews' music really do so because they believe him to be ignorant of or wilfully to reject the work of, say, Stockhausen, Nono, Boulez or whoever? Were that to be the case and were it to be correct (which it most certainly isn't), one could only conclude that Matthews (and others) write as they do either as though such composers didn't exist or as some kind of reaction againt them and their work, which would be an unacceptable way for a composer to work. Matthews writes as he does because that's the way he feels that he wants to write; to do otherwise would be an act of creative dishonesty, much as it would be were you to compose tonal symphonies against your will or better judgement, if I may say so. Being aware (i.e. not in denial) of other musics isn't the same as identifying with them.
I'll say nothing about Matthews' 8th symphony yet because I want to listen to it again at least once before doing so ...
For anyone wanting to avail themselves of the Matthews, here's the link, for the next 27 days:
Unfamiliar with this composer I've found a range of echoes of past British symphonists I love here, especially Bax in terms of orchestral splendour, organic workout and overall "feel". A rich enjoyable experience, albeit not as dramatically involving for me at any rate as some of John McCabe's symphonies and other orchestral works, especially the latter's No. 3; but enough to motivate me to investigate other works.
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostFor anyone wanting to avail themselves of the Matthews, here's the link, for the next 27 days:
Unfamiliar with this composer I've found a range of echoes of past British symphonists I love here, especially Bax in terms of orchestral splendour, organic workout and overall "feel". A rich enjoyable experience, albeit not as dramatically involving for me at any rate as some of John McCabe's symphonies and other orchestral works, especially the latter's No. 3; but enough to motivate me to investigate other works.
A few links...
Probably best to start with 1,3 and 5, even though I feel 1 and 3 are less distinctive - the 5th is a high point!
But don't start with 2 and 6, the longest and most complex structures - (and completely different from 4, 5 or 7). They'll take longer to grasp & you don't want to put yourself off ...(though even the 5th took me 3 or 4 hearings before it clicked - now, I can't imagine why!).
And don't overlook the NMC of 4 - it's one of the best (with a cliffhanger ending...) , and a lovely anthology as well. I think you see where this is heading....
These all come with the composer's own detailed notes - I tend to plunge in (and get lost) before reading such things but they are very helpful as practical listening guides.
The Duttons have lovely cover art, especially the Scotrail Glencoe poster for 1/3/5.Last edited by jayne lee wilson; 20-04-15, 20:41.
I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
I am not a number, I am a free man.
Originally posted by teamsaint View PostThe second symphony can be heard in a performance conducted by Simon Rattle on Youtube
Richard Barrett
Originally posted by Barbirollians View Posthad one been told it was written in the 1950s one would not be surprised but this is not a work that sounds to me as if it looks back - it is Matthews way of looking forward just down a different path.
Originally posted by Richard Barrett View PostI'm not going to say any more about my reaction to the music, but I'm really intrigued as to what this might mean. That is to say, what is it about this "different path" of looking forward which is different from looking backward?Last edited by ahinton; 21-04-15, 09:14.
Barbirollians :
"had one been told it was written in the 1950s one would not be surprised but this is not a work that sounds to me as if it looks back - it is Matthews way of looking forward just down a different path."
Originally posted by Richard Barrett View PostI'm not going to say any more about my reaction to the music, but I'm really intrigued as to what this might mean. That is to say, what is it about this "different path" of looking forward which is different from looking backward?
Unfortunately I can’t find anything in this Symphony to savor. He works in a recognizable idiom so, accepting that, I think what I find least appealing is that he depends on melodic lines/phrases but these lines never, not even in the slow movement, manage to transcend the underlying harmony even once; always I hear them just delineating a chord structure and this irritates me to the extent that I would say it’s poor writing. If there was something more interesting going on in those chords or another parameter like use of instruments, rhythm, dynamics etc it wouldn’t grate, but there isn’t and it does.
This is of course, just an opinion, but one coming from an attempt to find out why it didn't appeal to me. JLW writes that the slow movement seems to be the heart of the piece. I agree with that, it's just that for me the themes there don't add up to much at allLast edited by Guest; 23-04-15, 05:53.
Originally posted by hedgehog View Posthe depends on melodic lines/phrases but these lines never, not even in the slow movement, manage to transcend the underlying harmony even once; always I hear them just delineating a chord structure and this irritates me to the extent that I would say it’s poor writing. If there was something more interesting going on in those chords or another parameter like use of instruments, rhythm, dynamics etc it wouldn’t grate, but there isn’t and it does.
Originally posted by ahinton View PostI'm not sure that I fully understand what you're getting at here; is it that you don't find the harmonies interesting enough and that, because you don't and in view of what you also find to be the lack of interest in instrumentation, rhythm, dynamics etc., the outcome has no appeal or is it because you find the melodic shapes too heavily dominated by the underlying harmony or both? Perhaps I'm being rather dense but I don't think that I fully understand what you mean by melodic lines not "managing to transcend" that underlying harmony.