Brahms: Symphony no. 3; CSO/Edo De Waart

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  • Pulcinella
    • Feb 2014
    • 11354

    Are you sure you are holding the alt and shift down together as you hit the 8?
    Works on my keyboard.

    Here's a link to other symbols you can get.

    Good luck.

    PS: The link applies to the US keyboard, I suspect, which is why for them opt and 3 gives the pound sign (which for us is shift and 3).
    Last edited by Pulcinella; 31-03-15, 08:36. Reason: PS added.


    • teamsaint
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 25288

      Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View Post
      I think the word I'm looking for is "SNAP!"
      quite why a radio station dedicated almost entirely to music, can't find the time or resource for Discovering Music, is beyond understanding, and one of the most disappointing aspects of the current R3 operation.
      DM should be a strong thread/sub brand running through the entire output IMO,covering short and long format, various levels of understanding, etc etc etc.

      Perhaps Stephen Johnson is just very , very expensive to hire . But I doubt it.
      I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

      I am not a number, I am a free man.


      • ferneyhoughgeliebte
        Gone fishin'
        • Sep 2011
        • 30163

        Originally posted by Pulcinella View Post
        Are you sure you are holding the alt and shift down together as you hit the 8?
        Works on my keyboard.

        Here's a link to other symbols you can get.

        Good luck.

        PS: The link applies to the US keyboard, I suspect, which is why for them opt and 3 gives the pound sign (which for us is shift and 3).
        35 - and that's all with Shift + Alt (both held down as I type) the 8 key on the RH number pad.

        35◘ - if I have the Number Lock on. 53○ if (number lock) + Shift + Alt + 9 (closer, but still not quite - it'll do).
        [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


        • ferneyhoughgeliebte
          Gone fishin'
          • Sep 2011
          • 30163

          35° - wayhey! (Alt + 248 with number lock on.)
          [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


          • Pulcinella
            • Feb 2014
            • 11354

            Use the numbers at the TOP of the keyboard, NOT the RH number pad!

            PS: I think! My keyboard does not have a number pad, but I know that they count as different keys. So try the numbers in the top row and see what you get!
            Last edited by Pulcinella; 31-03-15, 12:24. Reason: PS added.


            • ferneyhoughgeliebte
              Gone fishin'
              • Sep 2011
              • 30163


              ... that's Shift + Alt + 8 on the top line numers.


              ... that's Shift + Alt + F8.

              I'll stick with Alt + 248 (with Number Lock).
              [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


              • Pulcinella
                • Feb 2014
                • 11354

                I blame your keyboard, then!


                • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                  Gone fishin'
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 30163

                  Originally posted by Pulcinella View Post
                  I blame your keyboard, then!

                  Join the queue
                  [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                  • Estelle
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 112

                    Hello, FerneyHGL. I read many threads on this forum every day, but rarely have anything worthwhile to add. However, I can help with the degree symbol if you have an Apple computer. On my American version, the symbol is option zero (held down together). º Much easier than alt 248!! Hopefully it's the same on the U.K. version. Also, the hashtag is standard on Macs here (and on American pcs as well) as shift 3. To make the £ symbol I use option 3. (It sounds like the two symbols are reversed on your keyboards, and sensibly so.) Along the control bar at the top of my screen there is a little square which brings up a keyboard viewer when clicked. One can then depress the option or the option shift keys to see the hidden symbols available. (This feature may vary with the operating system installed on your computer.)
                    Last edited by Estelle; 05-04-15, 00:08.


                    • Pulcinella
                      • Feb 2014
                      • 11354

                      Originally posted by Estelle View Post
                      Hello, FerneyHGL. I read many threads on this forum every day, but rarely have anything worthwhile to add. However, I can help with the degree symbol if you have an Apple computer. On my American version, the symbol is option zero (held down together). º Much easier than alt 248!! Hopefully it's the same on the U.K. version. Also, the hashtag is standard on Macs here (and on American pcs as well) as shift 3. To make the £ symbol I use option 3. (It sounds like the two symbols are reversed on your keyboards, and sensibly so.) Along the control bar at the top of my screen there is a little square which brings up a keyboard viewer when clicked. One can then depress the option or the option shift keys to see the hidden symbols available. (This feature may vary with the operating system installed on your computer.)
                      Option and zero works to give the degree symbol for me, so thanks, Estelle. But fhg and I must have different keyboards, as mine does not have a right-hand number pad; let's hope it works for that one too. I knew about the keyboard viewer but have never used it!

                      PS: Just looked at the chart in the link I gave in post #16 above (that hash is easy to do on my iPad!) and the symbols it gives for option zero and option shift 8 seem to be different sizes. Not noticeable to me in the font I was using when I had a play on my Mac keyboard a moment ago.
                      Last edited by Pulcinella; 05-04-15, 08:02. Reason: PS added.


                      • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                        Gone fishin'
                        • Sep 2011
                        • 30163

                        Originally posted by Estelle View Post
                        Hello, FerneyHGL. I read many threads on this forum every day, but rarely have anything worthwhile to add. However, I can help with the degree symbol if you have an Apple computer. On my American version, the symbol is option zero (held down together). º Much easier than alt 248!! Hopefully it's the same on the U.K. version. Also, the hashtag is standard on Macs here (and on American pcs as well) as shift 3. To make the £ symbol I use option 3. (It sounds like the two symbols are reversed on your keyboards, and sensibly so.) Along the control bar at the top of my screen there is a little square which brings up a keyboard viewer when clicked. One can then depress the option or the option shift keys to see the hidden symbols available. (This feature may vary with the operating system installed on your computer.)
                        Thank you, Estelle - I think Pulcinella must be right about my (non-Apple, alas) keyboard; 34 + Alt + 0 adds nothing. All other regular English-language symbols have their own key (so I can type in £s or $s instantly - but not Euros) but although I can type ~ ~ ~ to my heart's content, the ° requires a little more effort. I just wondered why microsoft (for it is they!) thought the ~ would be more useful - is it a symbol used frequently by computer people?
                        [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                        • Pulcinella
                          • Feb 2014
                          • 11354

                          Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View Post
                          I just wondered why microsoft (for it is they!) thought the ~ would be more useful - is it a symbol used frequently by computer people?
                          I don't know about `used frequently by computer people', but in the typesetting packages I use (TeX and LaTeX) the ~ (called a tie) is used to join words together (i.e., not allow a line break); so I quite often have `see e.g.~Jones and Smith (1987)' in the stuff I edit (though `Jones and Smith (1987)' will usually be produced by another clever bit of coding, such as `see e.g.~\cite{js87}') if no break is wanted (a full stop at the end of a line can look bad), but I often change this to `see, e.g., Jones and Smith (1987)' as a line break at a comma is OK!
                          But the hash sign also has a special purpose in TeX/LateX!
                          Best not to worry your pretty little head about it, fhg!


                          • Estelle
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 112

                            Hello, Pulcinella, and thanks for your interesting comments RE symbols on keyboards. An infinite variety of possibilities! I just wanted to mention that the symbol you first refer to (~) is known to me as a tilde, which is not only a Spanish accent mark but something to show negation or an approximate value.


                            • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                              Gone fishin'
                              • Sep 2011
                              • 30163

                              Originally posted by Pulcinella View Post
                              But the hash sign also has a special purpose in TeX/LateX!
                              Best not to worry your pretty little head about it, fhg!

                              Not even my pretty little head in LateX?
                              [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                              • Pulcinella
                                • Feb 2014
                                • 11354

                                Originally posted by Estelle View Post
                                Hello, Pulcinella, and thanks for your interesting comments RE symbols on keyboards. An infinite variety of possibilities! I just wanted to mention that the symbol you first refer to (~) is known to me as a tilde, which is not only a Spanish accent mark but something to show negation or an approximate value.

                                Yes, known as a tilde here too, but in the context used in TeX etc it's called a tie because it ties the words together!

