R3 Lunchtime Concert, 2 March '15

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  • Stanley Stewart
    Late Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 1071

    R3 Lunchtime Concert, 2 March '15

    A stimulating Wigmore Hall concert to start the week; Beethoven-String Quartet in B flat, with Grosse Fuge, Op 130, in a fine performance by the Signum Quartet. (repeated at 13.00hrs on Sunday, 8 March). A welcome addition to my collection from the Busch Qt to the Belcea more recently. Sean Rafferty provided a succinct intro, mercifully free of his ho-ho cheesy jollity!

    These concerts at 'The Wiggie' are always timely reminders of several decades as a regular attender. In my living room, to my left, is a quite large framed rectangular print of the Hall interior with its platform copula and mahogany French polished doors on either side; it only needs a glance to make me feel that I'm halfway there and completely rejuvenated.

    A telling silence at the conclusion, followed by a deserved ovation after 51 mins 37 secs, viz my MD recorder, of music making. My spirits indeed renewed.
  • Lento
    Full Member
    • Jan 2014
    • 646

    I'm afraid I am allergic to the Grosse Fuge. which rather coloured things for me: it makes me wonder if certain composers should sometimes have kept their "titanic struggles" to themselves a bit more. Enough to put some people off Beethoven, violins and chamber music in one go, I imagine. It would be great to hear from somebody defending the Fuge, as I expect many people find it a powerful piece (in a good way).

    Mind you, after Saturday night's concert, listening to this was a walk in the park!


    • Don Petter

      Originally posted by Stanley Stewart View Post
      A stimulating Wigmore Hall concert to start the week; Beethoven-String Quartet in B flat, with Grosse Fuge, Op 130, in a fine performance by the Signum Quartet. (repeated at 13.00hrs on Sunday, 8 March). A welcome addition to my collection from the Busch Qt to the Belcea more recently. Sean Rafferty provided a succinct intro, mercifully free of his ho-ho cheesy jollity!
      Though at the end he did say 'Well it's impossible to say anything after that, so I'll tell you about some forthcoming programmes'.


      • Richard Tarleton

        Don I have to say I prefer that to SMP's lengthy and gushing encomiums (encomia?) eg for Louis Schwizgebel last week - which may be spontaneous but sound rather over-worked. The GF can sound as if they need machetes rather than bows but this a creditable effort.


        • gradus
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 5665

          I heard only 20 mins of this in the car but it made me want to catch the repeat. The Belceas played it at Snape in 2013 as part of their complete cycle and I think it is their live performance there that made it to CD and it is quite something.

