A stimulating Wigmore Hall concert to start the week; Beethoven-String Quartet in B flat, with Grosse Fuge, Op 130, in a fine performance by the Signum Quartet. (repeated at 13.00hrs on Sunday, 8 March). A welcome addition to my collection from the Busch Qt to the Belcea more recently. Sean Rafferty provided a succinct intro, mercifully free of his ho-ho cheesy jollity! 
These concerts at 'The Wiggie' are always timely reminders of several decades as a regular attender. In my living room, to my left, is a quite large framed rectangular print of the Hall interior with its platform copula and mahogany French polished doors on either side; it only needs a glance to make me feel that I'm halfway there and completely rejuvenated.
A telling silence at the conclusion, followed by a deserved ovation after 51 mins 37 secs, viz my MD recorder, of music making. My spirits indeed renewed.

These concerts at 'The Wiggie' are always timely reminders of several decades as a regular attender. In my living room, to my left, is a quite large framed rectangular print of the Hall interior with its platform copula and mahogany French polished doors on either side; it only needs a glance to make me feel that I'm halfway there and completely rejuvenated.
A telling silence at the conclusion, followed by a deserved ovation after 51 mins 37 secs, viz my MD recorder, of music making. My spirits indeed renewed.