LSO/Rattle Messiaen & Bruckner

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  • 3rd Viennese School

    This was a very good opportunity to hear Bruckner symphony no.9.
    Mvt 1 mostly good but some of it unrecognisable.

    Mvt 2 very good and powerful! Bruckner invented Headbanging music!

    Mvt 3 good to start with but then got all lost. The big climax near the end (and the most scary sounding of all the slow mvt climaxes) seemed to not have enough power at first then added it in later on.

    Anyway, still good to hear. You readers may remember my analysis on the scherzos of Bruckner symphonies a while back.



    • johnb
      Full Member
      • Mar 2007
      • 2903

      Yesterday I listened to Bruno Walter's recording of Bruckner's 9th with the Columbia Symphony Orchestra (care of Spotify).

      What a difference! From the very opening notes there was a feeling of tension, purpose and direction, sections flowed into each other and made sense whereas for much of Rattle's performance there was a feeling of stasis, an empty feeling as though he didn't know what to do with the music.


      • Alison
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 6509

        Originally posted by johnb View Post
        Yesterday I listened to Bruno Walter's recording of Bruckner's 9th with the Columbia Symphony Orchestra (care of Spotify).

        ....for much of Rattle's performance there was a feeling of stasis, an empty feeling as though he didn't know what to do with the music.
        I completely agree with you John. Very good playing for the most part but, yes, curiously empty.

