EMS: Dowland and his travels across Europe

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  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    EMS: Dowland and his travels across Europe

    Dowland's Grand Tour: Saturday 3rd August 2013

    As part of the celebrations of the 450th anniversary of the birth of John Dowland, Catherine Bott talks to American lutenist Paul O'Dette about Dowland's travels around Europe, and the lutenist-composers he met en route, such as Melchior Neusidler, Simone Molinari and Gregorio Huwet.

    The music comes from O'Dette's late night solo recital at the National Centre for Early Music, as part of the York Early Music Festival.

    [ This is the first part of the weekend's Dowland programmes on EMS. The second programme is on Sunday 4th Aug. ]
  • Black Swan

    I was at the concert at the York EMF. This was a fantastic concert and well worth hearing again.


    • Richard Tarleton

      Paul O'Dette's wise words on technique and practice are expanded upon at great length in his talk reproduced in no 106 of "Lute News", the Lute Society's "Dowland 450th Anniversary Bumper Issue", full of stuff about Dowland but you have to subscribe. A lovely conversation with Catherine. I liked the story of how his recital came about - the missed message, Jakob Lindberg sitting at his computer when the call came. Happily these lutenists are all good friends. I have a great CD of lute duets by O'Dette and Lindberg from 1986, BIS CD - 267.

      Likewise Lucie's with Emma Kirkby and Jacob Heringman. I knew Lucie was a fine singer and fiddle player, but am even more impressed following her letting slip that she studied lute with Diana Poulton at the RCM.


      • doversoul1
        Ex Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 7132

        I thought a Dowland EMS might entice you back. Welcome back.

        Yes, both programmes and the way in which they were presented were most interesting to a non-musician like me, too. Although I must have read or heard it somewhere, it came as a surprise to me that Dowland travelled so widely. Robin Blaze and, Elizabeth Kenny’s In darkness let me dwell was exquisite (as always).


        • Richard Tarleton

          Originally posted by doversoul View Post
          I thought a Dowland EMS might entice you back. Welcome back.

          Yes, both programmes and the way in which they were presented were most interesting to a non-musician like me, too. Although I must have read or heard it somewhere, it came as a surprise to me that Dowland travelled so widely. Robin Blaze and, Elizabeth Kenny’s In darkness let me dwell was exquisite (as always).
          Thanks dover! Yes R Blaze gorgeous voice.

          Rose Tremain's "Music and Silence" about a fictional English lutenist at the court of the King of Denmark (supposedly Dowland's successor) is a good read. It was while he was in Rome that he accidentally fell in with some Catholic plotters, and had to write his famous grovelly letter to Cecil - this escapade probably cost him the top job at Elizabeth's court. O'Dette also reminded us about Dowland's admiration for Marenzio.


          • BBMmk2
            Late Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 20908

            Now this is one programme I will have to catch up on! Thanks Doversoul!
            Don’t cry for me
            I go where music was born

            J S Bach 1685-1750


            • doversoul1
              Ex Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 7132

              I’m sorry, but this is the programmes from the previous week.

              Re: ‘Music and Silence’. Wasn’t this book mentioned, I think, during the Baroque Spring season, with a secret staircase, or was it a different book? I remember checking it but it seemed to be a collector’s item then (from the price). I checked it again and here it is. £6.74 New.

              The order has been placed. Thank you for your recommendation.


              • Kyle
                Full Member
                • May 2019
                • 1

                How do I listen to this interview? What link might I need. I am new here, but would very much like to hear this interview.


                • Richard Tarleton

                  Originally posted by Kyle View Post
                  How do I listen to this interview? What link might I need. I am new here, but would very much like to hear this interview.
                  Welcome, Kyle!

                  I found it on the Radio 3 homepage, but sadly it looks as if the programme is no longer available - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b037t48y

                  There have been other Dowland threads recently - http://www.for3.org/forums/showthrea...owland-records,



                  • AuntDaisy
                    • Jun 2018
                    • 1913

                    Hi Kyle. I've sent you a PM.

                    A podcast of the second EMS programme is available on the BBC website (for UK listeners); sadly it's been cut to 30 minutes.


                    • Richard Tarleton

                      Thanks AuntDaisy.

                      An account of Dowland's travels across Europe is of course to be found in Diana Poulton's "John Dowland", though locating a copy these days may prove difficult - 2 "new" copies of the 1982 edn going for £1,162 on Amazon , paperback from £57. I got lucky a few years ago.

