Was this a repeat? It doesn't seem to have raised any interest here. I listened to it this morning, and got a lot out of hearing different approaches to this music, juxtaposed.
It reminded me of probably my first exposure to 'early music' performance, viz. Rameau's Gigue en Rondeau II from the E minor Suite (1724) played on harpsichord (I don't think my parents had any harpsichord recordings). The reason I knew it was the addition in 1973 of a splendidly funky item to Nottingham City Centre, and in retrospect, it was remarkably 'switched on' of the city fathers of Nottingham: the recording accompanied the chiming every quarter-hour of Roland
Emmett's Water Clock in the Victoria Centre there.
The clock now looks like a classic bit of 70s psychadelic whimsy - as does its official name, Emmett's Aqua Horological Tintinnabulator
But the Rameau was haunting. According to Wikipedia, there hasn't been any music since the 1990s
Here's a video of the "Horological Tintinnabulator" from 1993 where the Rameau can just be heard from around 1' 30"
I wonder who was performing the Rameau - there can't have been many performances on harpsichord around in 1973, I imagine....
It reminded me of probably my first exposure to 'early music' performance, viz. Rameau's Gigue en Rondeau II from the E minor Suite (1724) played on harpsichord (I don't think my parents had any harpsichord recordings). The reason I knew it was the addition in 1973 of a splendidly funky item to Nottingham City Centre, and in retrospect, it was remarkably 'switched on' of the city fathers of Nottingham: the recording accompanied the chiming every quarter-hour of Roland
Emmett's Water Clock in the Victoria Centre there.
The clock now looks like a classic bit of 70s psychadelic whimsy - as does its official name, Emmett's Aqua Horological Tintinnabulator

But the Rameau was haunting. According to Wikipedia, there hasn't been any music since the 1990s

I wonder who was performing the Rameau - there can't have been many performances on harpsichord around in 1973, I imagine....